I am not sure your intent on the post about the trees. The good and evil are the knowledge of God's word coupled with the worldly teachings of the occult. This is the sin of Babylon the Great. She has blended the word of God with the word of every religion on earth to came up with her own blend. This has taken the voice of God far from her. How can one hear from God when he drinks the water of the world.
It seams you would compare the study of prophecy and the teaching of the same to the bad fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If this is true then why is it the God has given us the word of prophecy? Why did Jesus teach so much prophecy? Why did Peter tell us to study it as light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arise in our hearts. Beware if this was your intent for it is against the word of Christ and that would make it anti-Christ.
Look at the sin of Jezebel. She destroyed the prophets of God. She wanted her will, not God's will. Is she not in the churches today trying to quench the spirit of prophecy? Is not the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy?
He says "Call on me and I will show you great and mighty things you know not of."
Jesus said, "Watch! and again I say Watch!"
Watch what. He said when you "see" the abomination. How are you going to see the abomination if you don't watch for it. When he said watch he was speaking about his coming back. We are to watch for it by watching the events in prophecy so we don't miss it. Those who are unsure that it is the Lord's coming where unsure because they don't know the prophecies. The go and buy the books on prophecy to do a quick study but they are like the 5 wicked virgins who are to late by the time they realize it is time.
This is not that hard to understand. Just open your heart to what the word says. Not one or 2 verses but the whole council of God.
I am not sure your intent on the post about the trees. The good and evil are the knowledge of God's word coupled with the worldly teachings of the occult. This is the sin of Babylon the Great. She has blended the word of God with the word of every religion on earth to came up with her own blend. This has taken the voice of God far from her. How can one hear from God when he drinks the water of the world.
It seams you would compare the study of prophecy and the teaching of the same to the bad fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If this is true then why is it the God has given us the word of prophecy? Why did Jesus teach so much prophecy? Why did Peter tell us to study it as light that shines in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star arise in our hearts. Beware if this was your intent for it is against the word of Christ and that would make it anti-Christ.
Look at the sin of Jezebel. She destroyed the prophets of God. She wanted her will, not God's will. Is she not in the churches today trying to quench the spirit of prophecy? Is not the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy?
He says "Call on me and I will show you great and mighty things you know not of."
Jesus said, "Watch! and again I say Watch!"
Watch what. He said when you "see" the abomination. How are you going to see the abomination if you don't watch for it. When he said watch he was speaking about his coming back. We are to watch for it by watching the events in prophecy so we don't miss it. Those who are unsure that it is the Lord's coming where unsure because they don't know the prophecies. The go and buy the books on prophecy to do a quick study but they are like the 5 wicked virgins who are to late by the time they realize it is time.
This is not that hard to understand. Just open your heart to what the word says. Not one or 2 verses but the whole council of God.