The "little Horn" does NOT lead the Beast my friend.
The "Little Horn" of Daniel IS the Beast of Rev. 13 and he is empowered by Satan. He will be a human being controlled by Satan himself. I believe we agree on that.
Please read Daniel 7 and 8 and Rev 13 again.
In comment #35 you said..........."I do not believe all prophecy of Daniel was fulfilled before 70 AD".
The key there is the word ALL correct??? That would then fall under the heading of "Partial Preterist".
Please read my reasons rather than try to label me. That word all does not imply I believe any of the prophecies of Daniel 7 or 8 refer to prior to 70 AD. I really don't care if any of them do. I know that the abomination Daniel talked about is not referring to Epephanes simply because Jesus said to watch for it in the future after Epephanes was dead.
I believe the word is God and became flesh and dwelt among us. He is God incarnate. His Father was the Holy Spirit. So if the word says it I believe it. Period. I am not a peterist or a calvinist or a pretripper or of any denomination. I am a brother and follower of Jesus Christ the righteous, the only begotten son of the living God. If you don't teach what his word says then I won't believe you. Case closed.
I am sorry Major if I sound offended half the time or 3/4 of the time. I have had these same arguments with so many people that I just want to scream sometimes. I can't help but wander what God thinks of all of the foolishness that is taught in his name as truth. I understand that we all must learn, but some of the things older Christians believe makes me wander.
I have a website that I have created to explain what I see in the near future. You will doubtless disagree with most of it, but if you read it perhaps some lights will come on.
Most of what I see is strange to most everyone, but I have good reason to believe what i see is far closer to truth than what most people are teaching today. Ultimately, God knows and his truth will prevail, but I fear God enough to prove everything I say the best I can and always watch and listen for any possible error.
Can you imagine the shear horror of one day standing before Jesus and he says, "Away from me you false prophet or false teacher" There will be many in those very shoes on judgement day.
When I was about 6 years old I wept before the Lord in a little stone church and asked Jesus to forgive me and come into my heart. I felt his love so much that day. Then we moved and started going to a church that didn't teach a true gospel. I never sensed God's presence in that church. Then we moved again and started attending a yet another denomination. This one was so confusing that by the time I was 13 I didn't even know if God existed.
At 33 I was told of clear prophecies that roved the word is true and Jesus is alive. But with the revelation I remembered my past teachings and new that no church has the truth and that God designed it that way so we would seek him not man. Because of this revelation God has shown me things no other man sees, to my knowledge. These things belong to the church.
But how do I give it to a people who are bound by religion. Look at the arguments we have had over simple things. How can I share the hard things?
I weep inside.