If you were to ask me "What is the most serious lack in the lives of professing Christians today?" I would say without a doubt, Fear of God! Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
I find that the "fear of the Lord" is perhaps the most serious aspect of our relationship this is misunderstood....The Hebrew Scriptures (O.T.) use of the word fear is Heb. yare which means reverence. The N.T. fear is Gk. phobeo which means terrify....There appears to be a significant change in the two words.
O.T. reverence, N.T. terror. My feelings on this is, since the cross of Jesus the Christ of God, God holds Christians much more accountable for disgracing the sacrifice of His Son through sin. The main problem is, we think, if we sin, asking forgiveness for that sin, "thats it!" Well, that's not it. There are consequences to that sin that will come. Sometimes soon but most times later.
There are times when we don't understand why our prayers are hindered or trials come into our lives. Well guess what? We don't get away with sinning by disobeying the commandments of our Savior Jesus Christ. He said "if you love Me, keep my commands."
God is serious about His commands even when we're not....I'll stop here to see if any of you have wondered about the difference between the two fears. What do some of you think about fear of God?
I find that the "fear of the Lord" is perhaps the most serious aspect of our relationship this is misunderstood....The Hebrew Scriptures (O.T.) use of the word fear is Heb. yare which means reverence. The N.T. fear is Gk. phobeo which means terrify....There appears to be a significant change in the two words.
O.T. reverence, N.T. terror. My feelings on this is, since the cross of Jesus the Christ of God, God holds Christians much more accountable for disgracing the sacrifice of His Son through sin. The main problem is, we think, if we sin, asking forgiveness for that sin, "thats it!" Well, that's not it. There are consequences to that sin that will come. Sometimes soon but most times later.
There are times when we don't understand why our prayers are hindered or trials come into our lives. Well guess what? We don't get away with sinning by disobeying the commandments of our Savior Jesus Christ. He said "if you love Me, keep my commands."
God is serious about His commands even when we're not....I'll stop here to see if any of you have wondered about the difference between the two fears. What do some of you think about fear of God?