Biblical Fear Of God.

Yes, yes, yes.
I like it. Look at this:
Exodus 20:20 (NKJV)
20And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.”
Now look at this. What does it teach?
2 Corinthians 5:9-11 (NIV)
9So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
11Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience.

Hey friend, That's a Home Run!
Okay, okay okay.
I am excited. Now go and read Isaiah 33:6.
Goosebumps, I tell you. Goosebumps.

This is so very true Arrie03. There is great joy in finding these nuggets. Thank you so much for adding important Scriptures to this thread. You Da Man!
I recently Read " Of TRUTH and Custom Forgotten or no longer understood." I feel that is the problem with Reverent fear. IF you know God the fear may very well be terror. When I stand in the Church at the Alter, when I thing of approaching the Eternal Sovereign All knowing GOD, When I think to dare to ASK Him for "Things" There is real FEAR. I, Myself, of my ability dare not approach the Eternal All powerful make and Judge of All. That is Fear!
But, OH! In Jesus, God is Father, Master, Friend, Still I fall at his feet IN FEAR, Reverent Loving FEAR.
I recently Read " Of TRUTH and Custom Forgotten or no longer understood." I feel that is the problem with Reverent fear. IF you know God the fear may very well be terror. When I stand in the Church at the Alter, when I thing of approaching the Eternal Sovereign All knowing GOD, When I think to dare to ASK Him for "Things" There is real FEAR. I, Myself, of my ability dare not approach the Eternal All powerful make and Judge of All. That is Fear!
But, OH! In Jesus, God is Father, Master, Friend, Still I fall at his feet IN FEAR, Reverent Loving FEAR.

I like that Steven. You certainly described part of that fear that keeps us from advancing to the throne, uninvited, as we would with a friend. He is high and lifted up beyond any human. When we realize all His holy works, it causes us to treat Him different. To sin against Him should terrify us and that is what is intended when it says "Fear is the beginning of wisdom."
I think every human emotion was given by God and has right and wrong contexts. Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is "a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." Likewise, there is a time when anger is appropriate (Eph. 4:26), and even jealousy (Num. 5:14) and shame (Jer. 6:15).

Fear should be an emotion primarily reserved for God alone, so in a sense, it is a holy emotion. Yes, we are to fear those in authority over us (Romans 13:3-4), but only as a way of expressing our fear of God.
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