Blood Moon

John Hagee is a false prophet. He has prophesied things that never came true.
He's not a prophet. I dont consider him to be 1. he is a preacher. he is not predicting the future. But thru his pastoral teachings he is telling us to be ready as all Pastors should do.
So Hagee predicting that the world would end in 2012 isn't a prophetic statement? And not to mention he states Jesus isn't the Messiah of the Jews just the gentiles. This guy is as fake as they come.
When I get home I'll find the book he says this in
I have also heard the statement was taken out of context with respect to end times.. I have not listened to his preaching much.. So can't say what is doctrines are really.. Some of my friends have very high opinions on him
I have also heard the statement was taken out of context with respect to end times.. I have not listened to his preaching much.. So can't say what is doctrines are really.. Some of my friends have very high opinions on him

Well folks..........I watched the moon last night. It was pretty. It was full but it was not red.
Was it supposed to be red.?????

I do not watch Hagee so I do not know.
I think it was Monday night..
I couldn't see it cuz overcast :(

Well folks..........I watched the moon last night. It was pretty. It was full but it was not red.
Was it supposed to be red.?????

I do not watch Hagee so I do not know.
It was red indeed depending where you live. Australia had an excellent view among other places like the deep south usa
The two people I'm closest to aren't saved.t's part of the reason whenever this is mentioned I get kind of nervous. I try my best and they just won't accept it. I know I can't make them believe, that is up to God, but still. I would hate to be without them. I also have no idea what my dad's relationship is like with the Lord. He's just kind of neutral, it seems. But, I'm done going off topic. Sorry about that.

Darn you chilli, you made this thread before I did xDD

Anywho...hunting I want to tell you some
My bro"s phone is messing up. XP
Sorry anywho..hunting I struggle the same way you do. For me its my mom I worry abt, but you have to focus on God only.

Yesterday, God gave me a dream ... and I asked my aunt for the interpretation. So in the dream my brother and I were abt to go and my cousin didnt want us to go, the suddenly the wheather got so bad it rained and covered the hoods of cars. We ran up to a balcony and saw a building with a plasma tv on the side , it glitched for a bit and when it was clear, we just saw the anti-christ...and the chips and examples of how they were being placed in pll.

It was so creepy, anyways, my pastor said the water represented the HSpirit
and the water going over the cars was symbolic of those having more than enough oil( 10virgins )
when I was abt to go, I was going to be raptured but something ,my cousin, kept me behind. And my cousin represented someone close to me.... after that I learned that I need to stay focused on him, bc its going to be so horrible after the rapture you wish you went the first time.

And you can't save anyone only God can, so ...after that warning... Im just trying to do what He wants me to do.

I hope this helps...and yes chilli something is abt to happen.
Also its hard enough making sure we're prepared for God ... if we look back like lot did..we will still be here after the rapture.

And I know already im not strong enough to endure whats to come so I gotta get it right the first time.
Shoot, even now its a struggle...and this is easy!
Also its hard enough making sure we're prepared for God ... if we look back like lot did..we will still be here after the rapture.

And I know already im not strong enough to endure whats to come so I gotta get it right the first time.
Shoot, even now its a struggle...and this is easy!
Pancakes first I want you to remember that your are righteous not by your works but by what Jesus did for you. You are righteous by the blood of Jesus shed for you so you don't have to worry. Whenever the rapture comes you will be part of it because of what Jesus did. It is not based on anything you do.

There is great power in affirmations stating the blood of Jesus. When you fear say out loud over and over until the fear is gone "All my thoughts and emotions are washed in the blood of Jesus." I use all kinds of affirmations with the blood of Jesus sometimes I can even see the power that is coming from the affirmations. In any situation that comes up remember it is Jesus not you that is your focus and security. Jesus is all powerful. Jesus is infinitely, eternally, at all times, in every way more powerful than all things combined. God is infinitely, eternally, at all times, in every way more powerful than all things combined.

God loves you and is with you. "All my thoughts and emotions are washed in the blood of Jesus." This is powerful and as a new creation in Christ it is truth for you.
The total lunar eclipse of April 15 lasted about 3.5 hours between late Monday and early Tuesday. The lunar eclipse peaked at 3 a.m. EDT (0700 GMT), with the moon taking 78 minutes to pass through the darkest point of Earth's shadow. It was visible from most of North and South America, Hawaii and parts of Alaska. The eclipse was the first of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a "tetrad," between April 2014 and September 2015. The next total lunar eclipse of 2014 will occur on Oct. 8, followed by another on April 8, 2015 and the last total lunar eclipse of the current tetrad on Sept. 28, 2015.

The total lunar eclipse happened on the same night as the closest approach of Mars to Earth in years. Mars made its closest approach to Earth since 2008 on Monday night (April 14), coming within 57.4 million miles (92.4 million km) of our planet. So the Red Planet and the "Blood Moon" shined together in the predawn sky in a rare event.

Mars is in the lower right ..


Photographer Tyler Leavitt of Las Vegas, Nevada, took this series of photos of the total lunar eclipse on April 15, 2014 as the moon appeared from his front driveway.
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It was confirmed by NASA that we have had "blood-red moons" on the first day of Passover and the first day of Sukkoth on back-to-back years seven times since 1 A.D. — some of the most significant days in Jewish history.
According to NASA - Four 'blood-red' TOTAL lunar eclipses WILL fall again on Passover and Sukkoth in 2014 and 2015.
Seven back-to-back, blood-red moons have fallen on the first day of Passover and Sukkoth, with the "eighth time"… coming in 2014 and 2015.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacles in 162 - 163 AD, coinciding with the worst persecution of Jews… and Christians in the history of the Roman Empire. Within 3 years the Antonine Plague killed eight million people, a third of the population.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 795 - 796 AD while King Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire established a DMZ buffer zone between France and Spain, ending centuries of Arab invasions into Western Europe.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 842 - 843 AD. Shortly after the eclipses the Vatican church in Rome was attacked and looted by an Islamic invasion from Africa.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 860 - 861 AD. Shortly after the eclipses the Byzantine Empire defeated Arab armies at the Battle of Lalakaon in Turkey and permanently stopped the Islamic invasion of Eastern Europe.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and the Feast of Trumpets Holidays in 1493 – 1494. Only months after King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain ordered all Jewish people to leave the country (after about 200 AD, Spain became and remained a second Jewish homeland for well over a millennia. “In the same month in which their Majesties (Ferdinand and Isabella)] issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indies.” So begins Christopher Columbus’s diary.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacle in 1949 - 1950 during the 1st Arab - Israeli War for Independence just after Israel had become a nation again for the first time in 2,000 years.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacle in 1967 - 1968 coinciding with the 6 Day War when Israel recaptured Jerusalem. As Israel's neighbours prepared to destroy the Jewish state, Israel invoked its inherent right of self-defence, launching a pre-emptive strike (5 June 1967) against Egypt in the South. It should be noted here: that even though Israel declared themselves a nation in 1948, the first permanent government took office on January 25th, 1949.Israel had a transitional government in 1948. In this way the “(Tetrad) four blood moons” can tie to the year 1949 for the first elected office of that year and the birth year could still be 1948.

The coming Four Blood Moons of 2014 – 2015… These four TOTAL lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses WILL occur on the Jewish holidays of “Passover,” the “Feast of Tabernacles” and the “Feast of Trumpets.”

The coming Blood Moons of 2014 – 2015… These four TOTAL lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses WILL occur on the Jewish holidays of “Passover,” the “Feast of Tabernacles” and the “Feast of Trumpets.”


nonetheless .. prophecy (Dan 8:14) says that the Jews will rebuild their Temple and sacrifice at it for 2300 days (6.388 years) before the anti-Christ moves into it claiming to be God, and stops their sacrifice .. He then will occupy it for 1290 days (Dan 12:11) before Jesus kills him at Armageddon .. then there is the 10 days (Rev 2:10) after that ..
but if you are raptured, it would coincide with the time anti-Christ appears (Rev 3:10) .. however He said for our sake, those days will be cut short (Mat 24:22) .. and after the Temple goes up we therefore will have "less then" (no one knows how much less) then the 6.388 years before we meet Him in the air .. we cannot calculate the rapture date, because not even Jesus knows when the Father will send Him to come for us (Mat 24:36) but we can calculate the end .. however hopefully it wont matter to anyone in this forum cause we won't be here ..

God Bless you ..
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