Bodies From The Flood

Well whaddya know....just today< this morning, a seagull stole my pie out of my hand!.

iIs always a fascinating experience. I am always left in awe of their boldness and immaculate precision.

they deffo ate all the bodies. thats why there is so many of
It will be a challenge to look at them without some suspicion after this thread.

I used to believe they only wanted my lunch… not that they wanted to make me the lunch.
Seagulls aren't aggressive like that. They won't try to eat you when you're alive. Dead? If they do do that, and I don't know that they would, what would it matter?

Something will eat you. Even if only your body's own candida albicans.
I think it would have taken a long time, but not sure how many years. I'm also thinking it was more bodies than even the sea creatures could consume. It was the whole planet. Every living person on earth dead at once except Noah and his family. Also I'm thinking God buried them deep in the earth as opposed to a natural occurance, so as not to upset the balance of nature from too many decomposing bodies at once. So how long it takes for that to happen naturally may not apply.

Realistically, most of the crude oil is not from decomposition. It's a mineral that is refinable. The myth of it all being the result of decomposition is just another urban legend, albeit a very powerful one due to its being an old, deeply ingrained one. As a scientist who has worked in oil fields, I learned much about the REAL truth about oil.

Nobody said crude oil was from decomposition.
It's been COMPRESSED not decomposed. When the flood happened, huge amounts of sediment buried large amounts of carbon and hydrogen, (which was what living things were made of) which would have no chance of decomposing because there is no air or microrganisms to decompose it. It's been pressed under huge pressure and cooked to become oil. This would have happened very fast not taken millions of years. There was huge upheaval with the flood.
Nobody said crude oil was from decomposition.
It's been COMPRESSED not decomposed. When the flood happened, huge amounts of sediment buried large amounts of carbon and hydrogen, (which was what living things were made of) which would have no chance of decomposing because there is no air or microrganisms to decompose it. It's been pressed under huge pressure and cooked to become oil. This would have happened very fast not taken millions of years. There was huge upheaval with the flood.
Well anyone who doubts that a flood could have buried a lot of bodies very quickly should come visit NZ after we had our floods and seen the huge landslides and slips we had where tonnes of mud have been deposited all across the countryside.

Well anyone who doubts that a flood could have buried a lot of bodies very quickly should come visit NZ after we had our floods and seen the huge landslides and slips we had where tonnes of mud have been deposited all across the countryside.

Yes it was also determined after the Mt St. Helens volcano 🌋 (circa 1979), that deep caverns could also be formed very quickly as well. (think Grand Canyon)
It's a well documented fact that they now know there is more water under the surface of the earth than what is in all the oceans combined, much of which is under tremendous pressure. Water, when under pressure, can be at 1000 F, and still remain liquid. The massive salt deposits all round the earth, are likely sites where the massive geysers shot super-heated water and steam into the upper atmosphere. No amount of mere rain could cover the earth in 40 days and 40 nights. The extra moisture had to come from the crust of the earth. As the super-heated water entered the lower pressures of our atmosphere, the "distilling" effect was immediate, with the brines in the super-heated water separating out as the water became super-heated steam, thus replenishing the clouds with loads and loads of water to rain back down on the earth.

In other words, the Lord used material that was already here, and simply orchestrated its eruption from the bowels of the earth, promising to never allow that to happen again.
