I agree that exercise is beneficial, and I applaud your efforts, and am glad that you are now reaping the rewards of such efforts. There has to be balance doesn't there?
In the epistles 'doctrine' is balanced with 'practice', and so it is in the natural. It is no good hearing the principles related to keeping healthy and of a sound mind, if we do not couple it with practice. Similarly with the inner man, we know that it needs to be fed on the written word of God, and worked out in daily living, for it to be seen by others and rejoiced in by those who bear the same indwelling Holy Spirit, by the grace of God, in and through Christ Jesus our risen and glorified Lord and Saviour.
Praise God!
Chris (Complete)
Amen. Thank you
Your right, The hugest benefit ultimately with eternal rewards is excercising our spirits. This is most noble and lasts forever. But a small gentle reminder to all of us that we would do more for the kingdom if our vehicles (our bodies) were well serviced or taken care of.
I don't believe it's ever too late. It feels daunting when you can't even climb a hill or feel scared to walk to the shop cause people recognize you have "grown" horizontally. Or you keep wearing a "uniform" cause your other clothes just don't fit. I was there, so I totally get it. This kind of bug gage is a weight that hinders or entangles - self esteem etc.
If you start now, you will feel better this time in 2 months. Just be consistent.
You can make it.
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