Ugh. People bring up stuff like this just to promote their latest unbiblical doctrine.
Well Jesus triumphs over what anybody else may claim about him, so..Im going with Jesus over any other teacher. I know he is King, Christ, Messiah and Im not. I know Im a daughter of God, not a god.
I think relentless was defending the faith once delivered to the saints but anytime anyone gets passionate about this, many would rather defend some man and weird teaching over what God says in scripture. Let kindness prevail and no man deceive you.
We just looking out for you that you arent being deceived. heaps of testimonies of people getting burned out and shipwrecked by prosperity gospel cos they didnt 'get rich'. The money or healing didnt materialise because they asked not according to Gods will.
Well Jesus triumphs over what anybody else may claim about him, so..Im going with Jesus over any other teacher. I know he is King, Christ, Messiah and Im not. I know Im a daughter of God, not a god.
I think relentless was defending the faith once delivered to the saints but anytime anyone gets passionate about this, many would rather defend some man and weird teaching over what God says in scripture. Let kindness prevail and no man deceive you.
We just looking out for you that you arent being deceived. heaps of testimonies of people getting burned out and shipwrecked by prosperity gospel cos they didnt 'get rich'. The money or healing didnt materialise because they asked not according to Gods will.