ugh. it's those faith preachers who say faith is a force.
Sorry, but that's wrong.
the power of Positive thinking. Just saying it does not make it so or believe it you need to be living righteous and holy lives not just talking about it. I think some ppl try and make it a formula.
Faith is in Jesus, not your own words.
Faith in Jesus words, yes but not use Jesus as means to make yourself rich, which is what prosperity gospel preachers 'name and claim'.
That is weird stuff coming out of american churches mostly because they so wealthy and chase after mammon. Their god is their belly.
I do know that..a lot of stuff written by prosperity preachers in their books is made up. We are not to go after false teachers or even teachers who make big names for themselves.
The anointed man of God is Jesus Christ. That is who we are listening to and follow.
Nobody else can claim what He alone can do.
You do not have any doubts about what Jesus says and you don't 'almost' agree with whatever Jesus says. And it is not just your heart tells you, because the heart can be wicked and deceitful. His spirit bears witness and there is evidence and confirmation that every Word from Him comes from the mouth of God and that is in scripture.
Lanolin....Faith and Love and Forgiveness are all forces or power. They are spiritual laws. Now a law will work for any one who puts it to work for them. So if it can work or cause things to happen or not happen then there is Power and Force. Also Lanolin remember these are Laws like the law of gravity that our Creator and God put into oerder or being. It does not have to make sense with human understanding....It is just the way it is.