Now this is an interesting concept; 'right to die'. Here again, in the United States you can do whatever you want as long as you don't hurt someone else. My question is, in the nonbeliever worldview, why limit this to terminally ill people? Why not expand it to
anyone, healthy or not, for them to be allowed to 'humanly' kill themselves? It breaks my heart that people (and I'll venture to guess that people who have ended their lives in the 4 other states that permit 'right to die' have been self proclaimed 'Christians') feel as if there is no hope and/or lost or never had faith that Christ has already healed us, it's up to us to accept that healing. This whole idea of 'right to die' is quite frustrating. Whispers from the enemy seem to be becoming more prevalent nowadays.
It is interesting that having establsihed the lie that every one has the right to life . We get a progression of the lie to the right to die .
In truth such bills of humans rights are the most Godless wicked and vainn assertiosn ever put on paper.
What each assertion is saying that man can live independent of God and die when he chooses.
Both assertions are wrong .
The first but echos the whisper of the srerpent "ye shall not surely die "
The second also echos what happend "ye shall surely die"
No man has the right to life . For his breath in his nostrils.
If a man takes a deep breath .That is his ;and what he says with it and what he does with it is up to him .
But the next breath is not his.
When a man goes to work he ahs the right and the expectation to recieve some form of recompence or wages .On the foundation of Gods word that "every labourer is worthy of his hire" For he ahs spent his life ,hios skill and sweat in that labour and should therefore recieve what is due in return.
But while a man holds his breath and wonders what eh is going to do and say with his life . He should ask himself this question .The next breath which is not his. When did eh ever work or labour for it? When did he ever deserve it or earn it that he can say it is his by right?
In very truth the very first breath that any man ever took was at his mothers labour expense , She had to work mighty hard so that he might take his first breath.
A man then is in a love debt to his mother for the very first breath.
How much the more is a man then in a love debt to God for ecery one he has ever take or will?
A man who holds to tightly to the idea that he has the right to life then will reject the truth that "the wages of sin is death ........." and if he then rejects that truth he will then reject also what follows "............B ut the free gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ"
In truth when a man says he has the right to life he says no matter what evil I do ,no evil shall come .
in Christ