I am careful, but when I copy, it's for me. I quit teaching when I left the old church. It's just that sometimes, it's not clear to me what can and can't be copied; sometimes I question myself.I think it depends on the material and the copyright.. People would clearly put in the books that copyrighting is not allowed.. Most of the Christian books would allow copyrighting to preach or teach in Sunday classes.. They explicitly mention that.. There is absolutely nothing wrong in doing when they say it is allowed..
But we can try. Sometimes, I speed, for example, but that's why G-d made that little speed button on my car.While we sort out what is right and wrong, let me add this also
There is no one who is going to be able to live so carefully to not break these laws.. Same way we cannot keep up God's moral commandments, we cannot keep with the social commands of the local laws..
Governments tend to be corrupt. Jesus was in a pinch at the time he said that. I don't see how it totally applies to every government in every time period.
And I do stand behind the statement that taxation that I don't agree with is theft. If I don't pay it they will put me in jail and take everything I have.
I don't have a problem with that.. Many people think these animals have a special purpose and we are no one to kill them.. but Bible clearly states man has dominion over everything else.. Animals were not created to be equals to mankind.. Does not mean we can be cruel to them.. That is not mind of Christ.. We are called (or commanded) to have mind of Christ.. So I won't be hypocritical about eating meat..
I believe the problem in the church about laws where they live is that they don't know them. Like when a school declares "GOD" or "JESUS" as unconstitutional, they're wrong and many just accept it. Living in America comes with great responsibilities and we're allowing our liberties to be removed and this isn't what God wants, but we get those in power that put us back on the straight and narrow unless we ignore it (as we are now with the current admin) then we're only going to get some of the same. The other ploy is that these politicians in the name of humanity "give" money away via food stamps, housing, etc, so that they stay in power. That is exactly how Hamas got elected in the Gaza strip, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. It's all Marxism. Hook the population with goodies so you have total control then when you're on the verge of bankruptcy implement martial law... it's all a slippery slope. There's no "first" step and there's no "last straw" it just ends up there. I do believe America's fall began no later than 1963 when the beginning of the outlaw of school prayer. Within 8 years, we dumped the Gold Standard and within 10 years, we had abortion.As believers we are told to render onto Caesar what is Caesars. Well, what about his laws? I am thinking the same logic applies to the laws of your local jurisdiction and country. We are supposed to obey them regardless of how we feel or if we think they should apply to us. That goes for speed limits, road closed except for local traffic signs, stop signs, open burning under certain conditions, no street parking in the winter (to allow for snow removal), obtaining a building permit and following building codes and the like.
I will admit that I don’t always follow all of the laws – I drive faster than the posted speed limit sometimes, I have been known to roll through a stop sign…I know I am not above the law. If I get pulled over by the police, I take whatever he/she gives me without getting irate.
I do know, however, that some people think they are above the law. They think that rules apply to everyone else but them and they get angry when they are caught. I saw a woman argue with the policeman who was putting a ticket on her car because she was not authorized to park in a handicapped spot. Her excuse: I was only going to be in the store a minute. Really??!!
I will say that if you have kids in the car with you, you should feel morally obligated to obey all laws. You are modeling the correct behavior for those young and impressionable minds. If you, as their parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle display a cavalier attitude to laws, don’t expect them to obey them as they are growing up.
I believe the problem in the church about laws where they live is that they don't know them. Like when a school declares "GOD" or "JESUS" as unconstitutional, they're wrong and many just accept it. Living in America comes with great responsibilities and we're allowing our liberties to be removed and this isn't what God wants, but we get those in power that put us back on the straight and narrow unless we ignore it (as we are now with the current admin) then we're only going to get some of the same. The other ploy is that these politicians in the name of humanity "give" money away via food stamps, housing, etc, so that they stay in power. That is exactly how Hamas got elected in the Gaza strip, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. It's all Marxism. Hook the population with goodies so you have total control then when you're on the verge of bankruptcy implement martial law... it's all a slippery slope. There's no "first" step and there's no "last straw" it just ends up there. I do believe America's fall began no later than 1963 when the beginning of the outlaw of school prayer. Within 8 years, we dumped the Gold Standard and within 10 years, we had abortion.
Money is stolen from me and given to Muslim terrorist groups and also used for abortion. I could go on and on.
And they wonder why America isn't blessed anymore. It's only kept from total destruction by those faithful who are their knees for our country. But at some point, enough will be enough.Money is stolen from me and given to Muslim terrorist groups and also used for abortion. I could go on and on.
This is why Europe is shocked over this last election when the extreme left won so many seats, including the Nazi's in Greece and in Germany. The communists won big in Spain.Another reason why the Muslim Brotherhood got elected in Egypt is the fact that a vast number of Egyptians (especially among the youngsters) are radical Islamic fundamentalists. That's the big problem with Muslim countries. Whenever they vote, they vote for radical Islamic parties. I truly believe that if we value human life above all things, we cannot support the establishment of democracies in primarily Muslim countries, since it would be like supporting the establishment of a democracy in a State where 90% of the people are Nazis. Sorry for derailing the thread, but I couldn't help it.
And they wonder why America isn't blessed anymore. It's only kept from total destruction by those faithful who are their knees for our country. But at some point, enough will be enough.
I look at it differently.. if we take US for example, the current leader was selected by people knowing these are the things he is going to do.. The leader of a nation pretty much represents the spiritual condition of the nation.. It is not like he acted so differently before elections and doing something completely opposite of his what he mentioned in election campaign.. The nation elected him.. Which means, the nation desired for things to happen this way.. His agenda was quite clear.. The direction in which this nation is going is not because of the leaders alone.. It is because of the entire nation, their desires and their election of this leader.. It is because God has given the nation into the hands of such leaders due to the spiritual condition of people..Actually, I found Asuk post#15 interesting on how Jesus replied to the Pharisees regarding taxation… and the question of DavidG in-depth (post#23)….
And am pondering how it relates to Paul’s Romans 13:1-7
So question now: how to establish that "some point" or is there a reason to establish that “some point”…
Romans 13:1-7
New King James Version (NKJV)
Submit to Government
13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to
That "some point" can be established easily.. When it is against the Word of God and moral standards set by God, then we are not to subject ourselves to it..
Was Christ legitimately justifying taxation?
That "some point" can be established easily.. When it is against the Word of God and moral standards set by God, then we are not to subject ourselves to it..
Perhaps he was downplaying a bad situation and then turned the focus on giving God what is God's.
I don't think Jesus gave a hoot about taxes.
I am definitely distraught by the evil in our culture. But in what way is it so much more evil than the Rome referred to in Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17?America is in Satan's clutches. I believe it is time to resist evil, not to look for excuses to roll over for it.
That would be when the Lord's cup of wrath is full,Actually, I found Asuk post#15 interesting on how Jesus replied to the Pharisees regarding taxation… and the question of DavidG in-depth (post#23)….
And am pondering how it relates to Paul’s Romans 13:1-7
So question now: how to establish that "some point" or is there a reason to establish that “some point”…
Romans 13:1-7
New King James Version (NKJV)
Submit to Government
13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to