Can I Be A Scientist And A Christian?

the theory of evolution states that all living organism came from a common ancestor. which is proven to be not possible because of the incapability of living organisms, humans for instance, to add genetic information, we can only lose genetic information, we cannot gain it.

sure we can gain genetic information ..
(or more precisely alter genetic information)
however replicators are just that ..
our DNA also contains the data to replicate replicators that replicate our genetic information .. however genetic mutations, and genetic drift only alter data but do not add it .. hence an organism cannot become "more complex" then it's predecessor .. nor can a specie breed with another specie and become a new specie .. they can in some instances breed (horse/donkey, tiger/lion for example) but the males are born sterile (hence not a new specie because it cannot sustain itself as a new specie) the females must breed with either of the original two species which is inaccurately but in all practical purposes called "de-evolution" ..

it seems to me Christians are more compatible with science, because of their scientific honesty .. like a hybrid specie, the science excluding God cannot sustain itself ..
God Bless You ..
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Has anyone researched the historical origin of "science"???

For those who want the primary research documentation, just ask. For the rest, I will cut to the chase:

Science was born of the combination of alchemy and religion.
Has anyone researched the historical origin of "science"???

For those who want the primary research documentation, just ask. For the rest, I will cut to the chase:

Science was born of the combination of alchemy and religion.
So we should ignore all of science and live in blissful ignorance?
As children of the Ultimate Scientist, we can certainly be born again Christians and scientists too---with the most depth of understanding of scientific method and interpretation (interpreting God's handiwork) than any other person who calls himself a scientist.
Then scientists are the evil ones, and not science itself? Say what you want to say and stop dancing around.
People are alienated from God's Truth by the apparent conflict between science and religion more than by any other single cause. They argue that science is moving ahead, religion is retreating. Science is the hope of the world, religion is hypnotized by her concern with another world. Science is interested in real problems, religion is concerned about problems - many of which seem to be wholly unreal. Hence they conclude, "Why bother with religion?"

But the Truth is...there's no such thing as science!

1 Timothy 6:20, "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:"

Your ability to watch things fall down, and thereby formulate the Simplified Theory of Gravitation ("things fall down"), is no different, in any way, from the thoughts that let a scientist understand why a star burns. Your ability to drop a rock from your hand, and thereby squash something using the Simplified Theory of Gravitation, is no different from the thoughts that let an engineer create a nuclear submarine.

There is a tendency, in twentieth-century culture, to view science and technology as some kind of magic. People talk about nuclear weapons as if they're some sort of dark sorcery. But they aren't. The laws of physics that make nuclear weapons go off are the same laws that make the Sun burn. It's the same laws, the same equations, that keep atoms from flying apart under ordinary circumstances. If you altered the physical laws that permit atomic weapons, not only would the Sun go out, but you yourself would dissolve into a cloud of less-than-dust.

Science is the same kind of thought that lets us survive in everyday life. Not a more powerful form, or a more distilled form - the same form, just as the same laws of physics underlie nuclear weapons and your own integrity on the atomic level. I sure hope you understood that, because now I'm going to say something that I've never heard anyone - not theologians railing at science, not atheists railing at religion - dare to speak aloud.

The books of every religion record miracles of healing, and other great powers, worked by God or the prophets. The belief in that power underlies and upholds the religion. And the modern-day theologians don't have that power. And they look at science, with doctors who can heal the sick, and physicists who can destroy cities, and engineers who can supposedly put people on the Moon, and they see science as a competing religion. Hence the conflict. And yet, there's no such thing as science. Knowing how to make an atom bomb is absolutely no different from knowing how to drop a rock, and it is nothing more to marvel at.

Science does not undermine the existence of God, but rather reinforces it. When you look through a telescope at the spinning planets, you can hear God's voice in the music of the spheres. Science and religion are not enemies, but rather allies; two different languages telling the same story, a story of symmetry and balance; heaven and hell, night and day, hot and cold. Both science and religion rejoice in God's symmetry...the endless contest of light and dark.

There is no other legitimate purpose for any human action than the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Patriotism (advancing the interests of a political coalition) is wrong; Humanism (advancing your own personal interests) is wrong; Satanism (advancing demonic interests) is wrong. Since all action runs to some purpose, if the purpose is not the building of God's Kingdom, then it is to build a rival Kingdom. There is no neutrality. "Science" cannot be impartial and non-religious.
If it was not for God creating all things visible and invisible there would no science at all. In fact God created the universe so man would study it. Why?

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Since man is spiritually dead, and can not see spiritual things, God needed a way to show man how the invisible spiritual world is.
The entire universe is only a shadow of the eternal. It is one great big visual aid for man to study and learn how God is in his environment. True science and the Word of God go hand in hand. If there is something we do not understand in science, the Word God holds the answer. If there is something we do not understand in the Bible true science can help believers. It is when we get into junk science that problems arise. I have learned a lot from science about the Bible that I could not get any other way, and this is why Jesus used physical things to describe spiritual laws. We can even get a understanding of God's eternal power and Godhead through science by looking at things God created.
Then scientists are the evil ones, and not science itself? Say what you want to say and stop dancing around.

not my dance, but can I cut in ??? :)
science is not evil, because science is merely man trying to understand what is, and what can be done with what is ..

Scientists who add an agenda to science do so from evil intent ..
and often ignore many factors/paradigms involved as to make BAD interpretations to make it be what they want it to be ..
Some of the most innovative scientists were not only Christian, but men of the cloth. There are about 30 craters on the moon named after Jesuits for their scientific research. A Catholic monk named Greggor Mendel discovered genetics. A Jesuit priest discovered the Big Bang theory.

It's true that many Christians differ on many parts of science, and that's fine -- science isn't theology -- theology is far more important. But science is exploration of God's creation. The science-vs-religion myth is, well, a myth.

I'm more concerned for one's relationship with God than I am about their knowledge or believe in scientific discoveries and theories. That said, science is a great thing.
Some of the most innovative scientists were not only Christian, but men of the cloth. There are about 30 craters on the moon named after Jesuits for their scientific research. A Catholic monk named Greggor Mendel discovered genetics. A Jesuit priest discovered the Big Bang theory.

It's true that many Christians differ on many parts of science, and that's fine -- science isn't theology -- theology is far more important. But science is exploration of God's creation. The science-vs-religion myth is, well, a myth.

I'm more concerned for one's relationship with God than I am about their knowledge or believe in scientific discoveries and theories. That said, science is a great thing.

I agree, any one truly seeking truth, and not theories based on junk science will eventually wind up finding God.