@naomanos, the Lord had you and your family on my heart all day. So as i read through what was said i will be joining you in prayer for a godly man, to disciple you and be your friend.
But something else that was on my heart was now you to have a purpose when you read your Bible. Like finding all of the scriptures on how to be the most effective, godly husband and father you can. You are the prophet of your household. It's your responsibility to pray the Word over your wife, and children. Washing her with the water of the Word. Setting a godly example for your children, and searching for how to train them in the Lord, so that when they are older they will not stray from Him, or struggle with what life throws at them. And searching the scriptures on how to be a godly son. If you get done with all of that, try seeing Jesus in every book of the Bible.
I am glad that you are settled in this, because it's not a small job. God gave you a mind to retain scriptures so that you can train your children, and when your wife needs a pick me up...you are there with just the right scripture. If she has difficulty getting to Church, you then can prepare a Bible study for her or something. She needs spiritual food as well. To some it's not very important, but to God this is very important! And so is your family. The enemy is out to destroy the family, and a lot of dads out there that do their best, but do not know how to nuture, and raise their children in the Word.
May the Lord richly bless you and yours with much peace and strength! Is 40:31 be yours in abundance.