Christian Phrases You Hate

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My posts have been about judging. You're making judging out to be a major christian commandment or something and it isn't. You can't love someone while thinking you're better than them at the same time. Doesn't work.
Who says judging is thinking you better then them?
Luke 14:26

And, while you're addressing loving our enemies, where does Jesus say anything about loving God's enemies?

You are not understanding Luke 14:26. It is just saying put God first, not literally HATE your parents.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

1 . God loved the world. The world includes enemies.
2. Luke 14:26 makes it clear that our enemies are God's enemies...God says we must love our enemies.

Not sure what you trying to push? You want us to HATE people?
Not to be pedantic, but can you quote a scripture that says 'love' or 'love God and others' is the number 1 commandment'.

You see, I don't stay married to my wife because I love her. I stay married to her because I love God.
I don't respect my parents because I love them, I respect them because I love God.

I stayed married for the past 47 years because I know if I didn't my wife would find me and beat me to death. (Just kidding).
I've been on here quite some time and mods def favor certain members.

I can not agree with that. I do not know you well enough to debate it, but from what I have seen they do an excellent job in an impossible situation. From what I have personally seen, it us US who cause the problems with stupid remarks and personal attacks on others uselly because someone does not agree with our opinions.

But....that is just my opinion!
Overall I agree with your points.. But some of them I really don't mind.. As long as they are used in right context.. For example point #7, point #6, point #1 (even this) - when used in right context, these are perfectly valid statements..

I am more pissed off when people take Bible verses out of context and use it for some universal purpose :D

I am with you my brother! All you have to do is read a few posts on any Christian forum and BOOM, there it is. A verse taken totally out of context and used by someone who has no clue to Bible exegesis and explanations.
I really dislike some terms like "free-will", "easy believism", "greasy grace", "hyper-grace", "half-saved"...holiness (in the legalistic sense)... I know its time to run when I hear these terms too often...:(
I can not agree with that. I do not know you well enough to debate it, but from what I have seen they do an excellent job in an impossible situation. From what I have personally seen, it us US who cause the problems with stupid remarks and personal attacks on others uselly because someone does not agree with our opinions.

But....that is just my opinion!

You know what I really dislike more than everything else??????

"Well bless your heart"!!!
Who says judging is thinking you better then them?

But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. "Purge the evil person from among you."
(1Co 5:11-13 ESV)

Do I think that judging means you think you are better than they are? In the way you seem to do it, yes. I'd say that job is for elders in the church and it's only for people inside the church. I'd also say that the mods here are our elders because they hold authority.
You are not understanding . It is just saying put God first, not literally HATE your parents.

So, when Jesus says "love" he means it literally, but when he says "hate" it's just sloppy figurative speech? That sounds completely arbitrary. Jesus said if you don't hate, you can't be his disciple. But, he never said, literally or figuratively, that if you don't love your enemies, you can't be his disciple. I think there's a much stronger case that "love your enemies" is less literal, or further from absolute. Jesus didn't say it was necessary and it contradicts God's teaching in the OT.

1 . God loved the world. The world includes enemies.
2. makes it clear that our enemies are God's enemies...God says we must love our enemies.

1. If "world" includes everything in the world, that would include evil acts, which you must agree God doesn't love. As "world" doesn't include everything in the world, you have no foundation to say John 3:16 includes God's enemies.

2. How have no idea how you figure that our enemies are God's enemies. That sounds like pure hubris.

Not sure what you trying to push? You want us to HATE people?

Everyone hates someone. Jesus hated those he said were of their father the devil. That statement itself is proof. I'm just not a hypocrite about it. Does God love "the sinner"? What does Psalm 5:5 say?
So, when Jesus says "love" he means it literally, but when he says "hate" it's just sloppy figurative speech? That sounds completely arbitrary. Jesus said if you don't hate, you can't be his disciple. But, he never said, literally or figuratively, that if you don't love your enemies, you can't be his disciple. I think there's a much stronger case that "love your enemies" is less literal, or further from absolute. Jesus didn't say it was necessary and it contradicts God's teaching in the OT.

1. If "world" includes everything in the world, that would include evil acts, which you must agree God doesn't love. As "world" doesn't include everything in the world, you have no foundation to say John 3:16 includes God's enemies.

2. How have no idea how you figure that our enemies are God's enemies. That sounds like pure hubris.

Everyone hates someone. Jesus hated those he said were of their father the devil. That statement itself is proof. I'm just not a hypocrite about it. Does God love "the sinner"? What does Psalm 5:5 say?
Or maybe you don't understand God, who is constant and does not change his emotion?

When you turn, the wind might change direction from blowing at your back to your face, but in fact it is you who turns. When you turn to God's love as arrogant and self-important, the love is experienced as wrath. But its the same emotion.

As per the verse commanding hatred of one's parents, it is a hyperbole that was necessitated due to the Greek's lack of superlatives (good/better, bad/worse).
So, when Jesus says "love" he means it literally, but when he says "hate" it's just sloppy figurative speech? That sounds completely arbitrary. Jesus said if you don't hate, you can't be his disciple. But, he never said, literally or figuratively, that if you don't love your enemies, you can't be his disciple. I think there's a much stronger case that "love your enemies" is less literal, or further from absolute. Jesus didn't say it was necessary and it contradicts God's teaching in the OT.

1. If "world" includes everything in the world, that would include evil acts, which you must agree God doesn't love. As "world" doesn't include everything in the world, you have no foundation to say John 3:16 includes God's enemies.

2. How have no idea how you figure that our enemies are God's enemies. That sounds like pure hubris.

Everyone hates someone. Jesus hated those he said were of their father the devil. That statement itself is proof. I'm just not a hypocrite about it. Does God love "the sinner"? What does Psalm 5:5 say?
Just thought I would mention this scripture.
1Jn 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
As per the verse commanding hatred of one's parents, it is a hyperbole that was necessitated due to the Greek's lack of superlatives (good/better, bad/worse).

I ask again, how are you not being arbitrary, agreeing with what you like and dismissing what you don't like?

We're told one time in the entire Bible to love our enemies. We're told many times that God hates certain people. Jesus tells us we can't be his disciples unless we hate certain people. But, he doesn't say we can't be his disciples unless we love our enemies. And, our enemies and God's enemies are not necessarily the same, so even if we are to love our enemies, that still leaves God's enemies, workers of iniquity, whom we are not ever, literally or figuratively, told to love.

Your argument about Greek is false. Greek does have what you call superlatives. These suffixes -ότερος, α, ον added to an adjective turns it into a comparatve or superlative. Even if you didn't know this, why would you make a counter claim that you can't show by context with any verse in scripture?

Further more, there are different words for "love" in Greek, making statements of relative love even easier in Greek than in English. (Hint, when Jesus asked Peter three times in a row if he loved Him, Jesus didn't really ask the same question three times as many English translations suggest. Jesus used different Greek words for love to measure the degree of Peter's love.)

And, even without the two above refutations of your made-up argument, in any language, you could make relative statements through the use of extra verbiage, even without inherently comparative words or different words indicating different relative relationships -- without the absurdity of using an antonym as you accuse Jesus of doing.

It's fear, not scripture, that leads Christians to say God loves the sinner. God does not love the sinner (Psalm 5:5, etc.). Many Christians fear of being judged by the wicked. But, fear the one than throw your soul into Hell, not the one who'll just call you names.
I dislike the phrase "C and E'ers" meaning those who only come to church on Christmas and Easter.
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Also "No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here!", which means this church is really just a social club that reads bible verses and prays. The church in our area that uses this phrase has on its website, "I’m not sure I believe in God; is that OK?
Yes, our members search for truth on many spiritual paths. "
Really? Your members don't necessarily follow Christ? Hmmm. Who do you exactly pray to in your services?
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Also "No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here!", which means this church is really just a social club that reads bible verses and prays. The church in our area that uses this phrase has on its website, "I’m not sure I believe in God; is that OK?
Yes, our members search for truth on many spiritual paths. "
Really? Your members don't necessarily follow Christ? Hmmm. Who do you exactly pray to in your services?

If we don't invite them in then how will they learn? It's amazing to me how some Christians want church to be some sort of exclusive club of elite believers rather than a place to create baby believers.
"Sodomites" is a term I hate, because it's used almost exclusively as a derogatory slam at homosexuals. But the practice it derives its name from is practiced by heterosexuals as well.
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