Christianity and Zen

You've failed to read my posts, no where did I say I was following Buddism, I was practicing Zen, two completely different things. No one "empties" their mind, they de clutter it. These days there's plenty to de clutter. Reading the scriptures alone does not do it for me, it's not magic. If that worked everyone would be doing it, prayer would replace depression medications and counseling.
I did read all of your posts my friend. I am saying clearly that ZEN is a practice/method of Buddhists.

You stated that you practice Zen, and I said that it is a part of Buddhism.

You stated that you Focus on personal experience, self-discovery, and direct realization and through that you have seen that It encourages you to look within yourself for enlightenment and that reading the Bible and prayer does not do that for you.

I am saying that as a human being, born with a sin nature, the only enlightenment that we can find is what we find in the Bible.
Zen and Buddhism are not that different. Buddhism in a sense is a door into Zen. As a matter of fact there is such a thing called Zen Buddhism.
The 'clearing of the mind' so called and meditation in Zen is a practice of emptying the mind of words, concepts, logic etc., which ironically is the basis for the Christian faith, i.e. propositional truth. Our peace comes through knowing these truths Rom 5:1 (peace with God), acting upon them Phil 4:7 (peace of God), and knowing the Person Himself (Matt 11:28) and not by an impersonal human construct.
Oil and water don't mix.
Thank you bro....that is exactly what I have said. Well said.
You stated that you Focus on personal experience, self-discovery, and direct realization and through that you have seen that It encourages you to look within yourself for enlightenment and that reading the Bible and prayer does not do that for you.
Yes, the Christian faith encourages one to look outside oneself to the crucified and the physically risen Christ for our peace and not be navel gazers.
Yes, the Christian faith encourages one to look outside oneself to the crucified and the physically risen Christ for our peace and not be navel gazers.

If we, me or anyone look inside of ourselves to find peace, all we will see is the ugly side of sin because of our sin nature.

Now, please do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that we can stop, take time to be introspective and contemplate our lives and try to find peace and quiet in a troubled time. However, without the forgivness of our sins we will never find true peace with God.
the only true peace is in CHRIST Zen goes against the Bible and its playing with fire

John 16:33

33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.