Christianity and Zen

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I was just on Spotify, there's a bunch of Christian Meditation music created by Christian artists. I get the feeling I'm not the only one that feels this isn't a damning issue.
There's plenty of Pastors out there that are misleading their flocks, that's what Christians should be concerned about.
I'm curious what others thoughts are on using both in your life?
Good morning Cape Coddler. If I would have known that you wanted people to agree with you and not share their thoughts... I would have refrained from making my comments.

We are all called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling... What is wrong for ONE... might not be wrong for another... HOWEVER... I do feel you have received a WARNING to BEWARE here.

Lies begin with some truth... and these PRACTICES are seductive... as well as filled with promises for things that ONLY GOD can give us.... PEACE... REST... FOCUS... CALMNESS.... GOD is the ONLY one through His Son JESUS that can fulfill and deliver all of these things. We get there by MEDITATING on HIS WORD.

These practices are about self-sufficiency and learning to control your mind. That is simply NOT the way God intended it to be.

God Bless you Cape Coddler. I'm sorry I could not agree with your opinion of these practices.
I was just on Spotify, there's a bunch of Christian Meditation music created by Christian artists. I get the feeling I'm not the only one that feels this isn't a damning issue
There seems to be a parallel here, not all that calls itself Christian is Christian...

Revelation 2:14-15 NASB
But I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality.
So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.

It might not be a damning issue, but in the least it would hinder fruitfulness.
I was just on Spotify, there's a bunch of Christian Meditation music created by Christian artists. I get the feeling I'm not the only one that feels this isn't a damning issue. There's plenty of Pastors out there that are misleading their flocks, that's what Christians should be concerned about.

There seems to be a parallel here, not all that calls itself Christian is Christian...Revelation 2:14-15 NASB But I have a few things against you, because you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit acts of immorality. So you also have some who in the same way hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. It might not be a damning issue, but in the least it would hinder fruitfulness.

Good morning, CapeCodder;

There are plenty of Pastors out there misleading our flocks because though we aspire to the office of an overseer and desire a noble task, Pastors are still men. We screw up.

As a Pastor myself, we should be concerned but the more important task is coveting prayers from one another constantly for these Pastors. At the same time, Pastors need to remain in fervent prayer and study the Word daily.

Many Pastors are called to the ministry whereas many are led to the ministry. There is a difference. God calls His Shepherds to minister (calling) over His sheep. But with that comes a larger spiritual battle for the Pastor. We are in the people business. That's what we do, and this is why many Pastors step down because the task is overwhelming and can lead to shortcuts of behavior unbecoming in the Church.

It turns out many of these Pastors were only led into this ministry and that's ok to realize this later. The Pastors who were called stand the test of difficult and challenging times. At the end of the day I personally love what I do but I'm not going to lie, CapeCodder, sheep stink.

crossnote shares a vital passage in Revelation and when we look around us in these times of electronics and the internet it is so true. But our God already knows this.

As far as Spotify, I have never reviewed it and from what you shared I have no reason to be entertained. My energies are better spent in reaching others for Christ.

God bless you, CapeCod, and thank you for pointing out this app and behavior.

As far as Spotify, I have never reviewed it and from what you shared I have no reason to be entertained. My energies are better spent in reaching others for Christ.

God bless you, CapeCod, and thank you for pointing out this app and behavior.
It's very simply mellow music that you would have in the background while reading, no lyrics.
Good morning Cape Coddler. If I would have known that you wanted people to agree with you and not share their thoughts... I would have refrained from making my comments.

We are all called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling... What is wrong for ONE... might not be wrong for another... HOWEVER... I do feel you have received a WARNING to BEWARE here.

Lies begin with some truth... and these PRACTICES are seductive... as well as filled with promises for things that ONLY GOD can give us.... PEACE... REST... FOCUS... CALMNESS.... GOD is the ONLY one through His Son JESUS that can fulfill and deliver all of these things. We get there by MEDITATING on HIS WORD.

These practices are about self-sufficiency and learning to control your mind. That is simply NOT the way God intended it to be.

God Bless you Cape Coddler. I'm sorry I could not agree with your opinion of these practices.
You're right, since the Bible was written to control man, you're afraid to think for yourself out of fear for what's in the Scriptures. There's way too much that was written by man, and God was not right there telling them what to write. How much do you suppose is based on his actual word? Polls suggest only 20% view the Scriptures as literal. Another 20% view the Scriptures as the inspired word of God.

Another group feels it's based on the writers understanding of Gods ways and beliefs. It's good words, but it's Faith, we all know what Faith is. Think of how many denominations are out there that all claim their set of beliefs are right, and everyone elses are wrong. Yet they're all based on the same book. So I'm wrong for having my own beliefs? I follow the core principals, while keeping focused that I am an individual. I feel I'm entitled to that. I'm not progressive, nor conservative in my Biblical beliefs.

I'm certainly not one of those that feels I can do whatever I see as morally right, as long as I consider Christ my Savior. I just don't see Zen, or Meditation as an occult practice. I feel it's the opposite. It's bringing yourself to the light. God didn't give us brilliant minds to not use them in productive ways.
seek those things above..

Colossians 3:1-3

King James Version

3 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
You're right, since the Bible was written to control man, you're afraid to think for yourself out of fear for what's in the Scriptures. There's way too much that was written by man, and God was not right there telling them what to write. How much do you suppose is based on his actual word? Polls suggest only 20% view the Scriptures as literal. Another 20% view the Scriptures as the inspired word of God.

Another group feels it's based on the writers understanding of Gods ways and beliefs. It's good words, but it's Faith, we all know what Faith is. Think of how many denominations are out there that all claim their set of beliefs are right, and everyone elses are wrong. Yet they're all based on the same book. So I'm wrong for having my own beliefs? I follow the core principals, while keeping focused that I am an individual. I feel I'm entitled to that. I'm not progressive, nor conservative in my Biblical beliefs.

I'm certainly not one of those that feels I can do whatever I see as morally right, as long as I consider Christ my Savior. I just don't see Zen, or Meditation as an occult practice. I feel it's the opposite. It's bringing yourself to the light. God didn't give us brilliant minds to not use them in productive ways.
As I articulated previously... I am sorry I posted my thoughts. I would not have if I had known you were not open to receiving those thoughts.
I am NOT one to push my beliefs on others.

Ironically on a very similar plane... Yesterday I walked to the bank and did a little walk through our downtown area. There are a few new shops that have gone in. There was a beautiful Labrador dog sitting at the entrance of one of those shops and that drew me in. Upon walking in... the store looked like it had come out of a movie set. Very mysterious ( magical ). Well... I asked the person working what the store was and they said it was a Tea apothecary and witchery.... I did not think I heard him properly so I said.... Did you say a witchery? and when he said yes... I politely excused myself telling him that I was a Christian and not permitted to be in his store. He was gracious because I was gracious.

Innocent tea blends??? beautiful crystals... all harmless.... until they are NOT.

To each his own. I stay CLEAR of ANYTHING that promotes self-sufficiency... and blends of herbs meant to do things that just are simply a mockery of Christianity.

God Bless you.
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You're right, since the Bible was written to control man, you're afraid to think for yourself out of fear for what's in the Scriptures. There's way too much that was written by man, and God was not right there telling them what to write. How much do you suppose is based on his actual word? Polls suggest only 20% view the Scriptures as literal. Another 20% view the Scriptures as the inspired word of God.

Another group feels it's based on the writers understanding of Gods ways and beliefs. It's good words, but it's Faith, we all know what Faith is. Think of how many denominations are out there that all claim their set of beliefs are right, and everyone elses are wrong. Yet they're all based on the same book. So I'm wrong for having my own beliefs? I follow the core principals, while keeping focused that I am an individual. I feel I'm entitled to that. I'm not progressive, nor conservative in my Biblical beliefs.

I'm certainly not one of those that feels I can do whatever I see as morally right, as long as I consider Christ my Savior. I just don't see Zen, or Meditation as an occult practice. I feel it's the opposite. It's bringing yourself to the light. God didn't give us brilliant minds to not use them in productive ways.
I want to be very careful here with you. I do not want to be argueing with you and you are free to disagree with me.

IMO.....You give the impression that you are wanting and looking to find what is wrong with Christianity. Are you angry with God or Christianinty????

Example....You said.....
"since the Bible was written to control man"..........Not so!
There are many reason we have the Bible but the contole of men is not one of them. Maily, the Bible was given to us to reveal who God was and is and how we can know Him. It is also a record of actual time and history. The Bible was originally written to the Jewish society as they were looking for a Messiah.

Example.......You said----
"you're afraid to think for yourself out of fear for what's in the Scriptures."....NOT SO!

You see my friend, God sets before us two ways of life—His way and the wrong way—and gives us the freedom to choose which we will follow. He commands us to choose life so that we may live fully, both now and in His Kingdom, but we can opt for the other way of sin just as readily. With the receipt of the Holy Spirit, we truly have free choice or free-moral agency. God never ever said for us to stop thinking!

If it was not for the people who were Christians who thought freely, where would YOU be today.
The vast majority of the great scientists in history were Christians. This includes the godfathers of modern science: Isaac Newton, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Nicolaus Copernicus, as well as other more recent scientific icons like Gregor Mendel, Michael Faraday, Bernhard Riemann, Georges Lemaître and Lord Joseph Lister.

You said...........
"There's way too much that was written by man, and God was not right there telling them what to write. How much do you suppose is based on his actual word? Polls suggest only 20% view the Scriptures as literal. Another 20% view the Scriptures as the inspired word of God."

Now whether you will admit it or not, that is a statement of skepticism!

The truth is different in that MEN wrote the Bible as they were encouraged and spoken to by God as to what to write down. That way, every word in the Bible is "God Breathed" and makes it the Word of God.

You see.....what you are posting is not about Zen or meditation at all. You are now actually questioning the veracity and authority of the Scriptures.

For me, you can do all the Zen or meditation you want to do. You can listen to any quiet or loud music you want to.
I ditto what Major said....

CapeCodder ... we ALL need to learn how to quiet our minds... As Christians... there are scriptures that INDEED tell us this... but the difference is that our MEDITATION is called WORSHIP. It is given to JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOUR. HE is our STRENGTH... and HE is the ONLY WAY to actually and successfully QUIET the mind on a long term basis.

This is done in two different ways....
One is actually listening to CHRISTIAN Worship music/hymns with the words being sung to you.
or.... choosing a soft INSTRUMENTAL genre ( guitar, piano, harp ). I think this usually breaks down into either smooth jazz/classical. The second example I have shared... depends on the individual coming before God privately and with their own WORSHIP. ( If that makes sense ).

I guess I assumed that EVERYONE within these forums BELIEVES that SCRIPTURE is GOD BREATHED. Apparently this is not the case.
So... please forgive me for assuming that we were on the same page. I absolutely did not mean any disrespect to you.
I ditto what Major said....

CapeCodder ... we ALL need to learn how to quiet our minds... As Christians... there are scriptures that INDEED tell us this... but the difference is that our MEDITATION is called WORSHIP. It is given to JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOUR. HE is our STRENGTH... and HE is the ONLY WAY to actually and successfully QUIET the mind on a long term basis.

This is done in two different ways....
One is actually listening to CHRISTIAN Worship music/hymns with the words being sung to you.
or.... choosing a soft INSTRUMENTAL genre ( guitar, piano, harp ). I think this usually breaks down into either smooth jazz/classical. The second example I have shared... depends on the individual coming before God privately and with their own WORSHIP. ( If that makes sense ).

I guess I assumed that EVERYONE within these forums BELIEVES that SCRIPTURE is GOD BREATHED. Apparently this is not the case.
So... please forgive me for assuming that we were on the same page. I absolutely did not mean any disrespect to you.
Here is also a good way to quiet the mind, (besides resting in the Gospel promises),...

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I just covered the part of listening to music... There is so much more RICHNESS for us in the BIBLE. Like you said... the promises... the declarations... the list is actually endless. Thanks for pointing out the fact that I missed a lot of other ways that quiet our mind.
I've been very angry, everything bad that could possibly happen, has been happening to me. How much can one person take before they start doubting the system, and looking to other possibilities?
if your a born again Child of God .. you was never promised life would be easy. everybody goes through it some more than others . Jesus said in me ye shall have peace in this world ye shall have tribulation but be of good Cheer i have over come the world . its called going through the fire . you look to those other possibilities and you will stive have the same problems the same headaches maybe even worse . your peace is in Christ .. Jude wrote to earnestly contend for the faith.. war is hell spiritual war is fighting something you cant see.

there is not a person in this forum that has every I dotted and every T crossed. the apostles had it tough peter crucified upside down john the Baptist be headed teh apostle paul beheaded but not before being imprisoned . your music can be a type relaxation takes your mind off the issues.. but they will be waiting for you when the music stops. Good Christian music Contempary / southern Gospel/ country Gospel all has a message of Hope in it.. the concerns on zen and i know very little about it. even yoga if not careful can be a source to replace God..

we have the Holy spirit in us aka the comforter which means as one who walks beside us. so this outside source your posting about. that is somewhat opposed can lead us astray .. focus on music that has scripture based music lyrics .. that way your soul is being soothed and your also getting fed. every song has a message about it, a old hymnal it is well with my soul is about a man who lost his family to tragedy ,

in closing yes sometimes i feel like screaming and pulling my hair out and walking away in job 38: God spoke the JOB OUT OF TEH WHIRLWIND/ STORM . the disciples in the boat with Jesus .he was in the back asleep the storm come out they cried out master careth that we perish? in other words were out to sink and drown.. Jesus took control of the storm. a learning lesson for those in the Boat, our storms are lessons for us to learn. im still in school
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