Churches Today

I love your insight. Thank you so much. I love hearing the Word of God and I love the way this pastor preaches. I think you are right.
The enemy wants to keep me from all the HS has for me. OMG, I am so glad you wrote that, complete confirmation back to me.

Another thought, to watch out for... if the enemy cannot get you before the service, he will try during And/or after, and anytime else, and he will try to use people also. The enemy does not desire for us to grab ahold of the Word and our place in its authority. If we truly grab ahold of our position in Christ, and the truth of the Word, we are made free from his grip, and will be very dangerous to His kingdom.

It all starts with a thought... we have to know how to take it captive (refuse to think it) and then check it against the Word. And allow the Word to stay first place in our minds so that we don't succumb to the tricks of the enemy. For he will not come in a red suit and pitchfork... the Bible says he disguises himself as an angel of light. Which can be a good thought (in our minds anyway) or whatever other kind of good distraction, to get us turned around and giving him an open door to steal, kill, or destroy.

Beware... the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may (he has not right unless we allow it) devour (1 Peter 5:8).

But at the same time I just do not understand why some churches are working so hard and doing all these things to attract a certain type of person. I like seeing peoples faces and saying hi.

The younger generation is the one in the most danger right now. And also they are the ones, whom if are not compelled, will cause our churches to die when the older generation goes on to heaven. Pastors know if something is not done to encourage the youth to participate, and grab their attention that they are not advancing the gospel to the next generation, so they are doing things to keep their attention or make it appealing.
Seek God first in all things. Everywhere you go is not necessarily for you . Sometimes He sends us to a location to bless others.
But, in my humble opinion , the lights should not be a factor. Close your eyes and worship Jesus till you forget everyone else in the room. Walking in the Spirit, touching the Father's heart, and sharing this with others is what we need to be about.
Seek God first in all things. Everywhere you go is not necessarily for you . Sometimes He sends us to a location to bless others.
But, in my humble opinion , the lights should not be a factor. Close your eyes and worship Jesus till you forget everyone else in the room. Walking in the Spirit, touching the Father's heart, and sharing this with others is what we need to be about.

I am happy to hear everyone's comments. These lights are such a distraction to me. Sunday when I walk into church I am not going to allow it to bother me..
I am happy to hear everyone's comments. These lights are such a distraction to me. Sunday when I walk into church I am not going to allow it to bother me..
There is a church in Ohio who does the same thing and even has light shapes up through the service.
I had the hardest time with this because it felt like sitting in some ones bedroom in the 70's partying.

I prayed about it and rolled it over unto God. He showed me a few things and it never really bothered me any more.
I still was not in favor of it but at least I was free from it getting to me.
Blessings CoffeeDrinker
There is a church in Ohio who does the same thing and even has light shapes up through the service.
I had the hardest time with this because it felt like sitting in some ones bedroom in the 70's partying.

I prayed about it and rolled it over unto God. He showed me a few things and it never really bothered me any more.
I still was not in favor of it but at least I was free from it getting to me.
Blessings CoffeeDrinker

I always feel like it's cocktail
I always feel like it's cocktail

Hi CD!

It looks like we are both about the same age (which also made me change my profile to include my age - I hope it's worked..).

I had a conversation recently with a friend, about how much more intolerant we become as we get older. We both ended up falling about laughing at ourselves.

I see myself now as more of a traditionalist. I prefer hymns to modern Christian music (although some of it, now I've listened, isn't actually too bad...).

I also live in the UK, where the majority of churches are extremely old buildings, very well lit. But when preachers try to 'get down with the kids' it makes me cringe (it actually physically hurts lol).

I think that it would be a shame if you didn't continue to go to this church, especially if the preaching is great.

An example of the church catering to youngsters, was a recent music festival which my friend's daughter went to. Five days of living in a tent, and totally rockin out. She loved it. I would rather have needles poked in my eyes than do that these days. And this is from me, the girl who did Glastonbury etc, for years LOL

The world keeps turning, and pesky people keep getting younger and younger. We need to adapt to survive:rolleyes:

If you really loath the lighting, then don't go. But is it really that bad? Cocktail hour lighting can be quite soothing...

Smiles and blessings

Annie x
Hi CD!

It looks like we are both about the same age (which also made me change my profile to include my age - I hope it's worked..).

I had a conversation recently with a friend, about how much more intolerant we become as we get older. We both ended up falling about laughing at ourselves.

I see myself now as more of a traditionalist. I prefer hymns to modern Christian music (although some of it, now I've listened, isn't actually too bad...).

I also live in the UK, where the majority of churches are extremely old buildings, very well lit. But when preachers try to 'get down with the kids' it makes me cringe (it actually physically hurts lol).

I think that it would be a shame if you didn't continue to go to this church, especially if the preaching is great.

An example of the church catering to youngsters, was a recent music festival which my friend's daughter went to. Five days of living in a tent, and totally rockin out. She loved it. I would rather have needles poked in my eyes than do that these days. And this is from me, the girl who did Glastonbury etc, for years LOL

The world keeps turning, and pesky people keep getting younger and younger. We need to adapt to survive:rolleyes:

If you really loath the lighting, then don't go. But is it really that bad? Cocktail hour lighting can be quite soothing...

Smiles and blessings

Annie x
I also noticed I was much happier.
Exactly!! And Let Me Show You Why.

It's our enemy who pushes these things to irritate you and then takes you into judging which takes you out side of walking in love and you can have no real peace outside of love.

Then your mind is busy and focused on irritation and this closes the door to peace and joy and You Just Got Robbed of the Blessings of the Lord.

If folks would only wake up and use Godly discernment On Every Thought They Have instead of human or natural carnal reasoning......well they would deal with less and enjoy more love, Peace and Joy.

2 Corinthians 10:5
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Note to reader......Imaginations are All Thoughts And Images That Come Into Your Head And Do Very Much Include All Feelings As Well.

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Note to Reader.....
Nothing ever said about stand or fight against the powers of the devil.
NO... it is Written Wiles or Strategies or Trickery.
This means it's not easy to see and will make sense and include scripture and feelings.

It starts with an irritation and ends up putting you in unforgiveness and not walking in Love and this has you in Judgment not only against others But See this ... gets Judgment against you.

Yes in his trickery he knows God's word and knows he can get judgement against you because you are in judgment against others and this gives him the right to set up and begin to work. A right he should never of had.

Folks he is a master of deception and you can't stand against him on your own strength and he does so want you to go head to head with him using your scrooples. When you do this, well you already lost that fight.

Keep Alert
for your enemy the devil is roaming around like a lion Looking for some one he can devour.

Looking is Key.......
Placing thoughts and feelings in you.
If you are built up in God's word then you will take Every Thought Captive..
..Yes Every Single Thought and feeling.

If you bite on the bait he will continue to worm his way around until he knows he has you and wham.....sets his hook and you just gave him
..... please see this. ....
You Just Gave him The Right To Enter Into Any situation or thing about you and your life. Another words......he is legally able to begin to Steal, Kill and Destroy....

This is when many fold and give up and whine and complain and blame God.
Your wasting your time......God told you to deal with the devil.

It all starts with something seeming so right.