Thanks, I did teach kids but mainly adults. They also can be challenging but so worthwhile to work with.I am a grandma with both of my grandkids in college now.
Wow, that's awesome. I just turned 50 and my son is getting ready to turn 29. I got started early, but he is my one and only. We are so close. I cannot wait to enjoy my grandbabies oneday, but he needs to get married first.... lol He will make a wonderful dad. He is so good with kids and has a Psychology degree. He excels in personality disorders..... It makes me laugh all the time how he has this degree. He was always the youngest in classes and among his friends and was such the class clown. Nothing was ever serious with him. Now he is all grown up and quite serious minded. Weird how that happens......
I am going to a new bible study tomorrow evening. I am hoping these people are not weird....