Climate Change

We've only been watching the last 150 years... no way to tell. In the 70's it was "OH NO!!! New Ice Age coming!!" It's all about making more money and scaring them to fork over more money. I agree we must take better care of the planet and we could be FAR more advanced in that area if money were NOT involved. When I was in college there was a contest to see who could get the most gallons per mile vehicle. The physics department got it up to 80 mpg and GM paid the school and bought the technology and promptly "filed" it. If these governments were serious things would be much better than they are today. It's ALL about money. Any issue when you analyse it you'll find it's about money.
Publish or perish it is called.
I get a good chuckle every time someone says something like "we have had the hottest September in 55 years Global warming is real climate change is real!!"
So OK, that means that sometime more than 55 years ago there was an even hotter September. Rocket science.:rolleyes:
Are you saying the governments manipulate the weather?

I have no evidence of it, but I've seen people posting videos on line claiming that governments are trying to manipulate the weather and create earth quakes. They claim that these low frequency transmitter antennas like they have in Alaska are responsible for weather change and certain areas around the world where they hear strange sounds that they can't tell where it's coming from.

With all the corruption going on in the world why wouldn't the government come up with some story like climate change to distract from the truth in an attempt to explain it in another direction? Yet I remain skeptical.
I have no evidence of it, but I've seen people posting videos on line claiming that governments are trying to manipulate the weather and create earth quakes. They claim that these low frequency transmitter antennas like they have in Alaska are responsible for weather change and certain areas around the world where they hear strange sounds that they can't tell where it's coming from.

With all the corruption going on in the world why wouldn't the government come up with some story like climate change to distract from the truth in an attempt to explain it in another direction? Yet I remain skeptical.

The people that come up with these ideas have no science background and/or only a psuedo-science background.

The control of weather still is light years away from controlling climate. Which is the overall big picture here.

And even IF, by some miracle chance, someone could elevate temps by a whole degree centigrade, they would have to do that over a century for it to even minimally affect climate.

It is utter rubbish that any government would spend the resources to do it or have the capacity to do so.
"global warming" is proganda, nothing more.

The Club of Rome was talking about using fear mongering about the weather as a tool to control the masses
back in the 70s. If you take the long view of the weather cycles we are exactly where we should be weather wise.
Which sadly means the western US is going to be hotter and drier for a long time. Say "so long" to California veggies.
The East will be wetter and cooler :(. I hate cold winters.

I believe in climate change and ecological damage,
that the world is becoming a big road desert,
the oceans are filling with plastic waste
and bit by bit our air is becoming smog
U.S. Defence Secretary Cohen expresses concern about eco-terrorism using scalar electromagnetic weapons.

"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations...It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts."

[Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn.

Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.]


Text of H.R. 2995 [109th]: Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005
Rather than listen to 'scientists' with a political agenda, let's all listen to God and His agenda -

Genesis 8:22 (KJV): "22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."

Genesis 8:22 (NLT): "22 As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”

I'll take God's Word on this topic exclusively and dismiss the 'green science' claims for what it is... radical political agenda to scare and control the population for power and taxation. The radicals have the loudest voice and when lies are told day after day, year after year, some persons start to believe this garbage. Do not allow yourselves to be manipulated by politically motivated radical agenda.

Our Tropical Storm Research Center accepts NO funding from anyone - left or right. Our detailed analysis is based upon actual data that is not contrived or skewed in a particular direction by politics. Please remember that the earth is STILL coming out of the last ice age from roughly 16,000 years ago and the earth has gone through these cycles countless times in it's history.
Okay, let’s put this “global warming” bogeyman to rest, once and for all.

There is a group of organizations that connect into the British-based secret society called The Round Table.

The real controllers and funders were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy. This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish people more than any other!

There are many more elite groups within its web, but these "Round Table" organizations are a key part of its day-to-day manipulation of politics, banking, business, the military (especially NATO), "education,” and so on.

These organizations have among their number the top people in global politics, business, banking, military, media, "education" and so forth. These are the channels through which the same global policies are coordinated outside of public knowledge through apparently unconnected countries, political parties, and institutions.

Briefly, the network was created to advance through the 20th century and beyond the Illuminati agenda for the centralized control of Planet Earth.

The upper levels of secret societies like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc., connect into this Round Table web also:


Note the Club of Rome in the image above. It was founded in 1968. This secretive organization, utilizing “environment” and “eugenics” fronts, admitted manufacturing the global warming threat in 1990. The Club of Rome is still pushing the same hoax today, with its issuance of an alarmist report predicting a catastrophic rise in temperatures that will decimate the planet.

On page 75 of their 1990 publication entitled The First Global Revolution, the organization outlined how they would manufacture ecological scares in order to manipulate the public into accepting the imposition of a dictatorial world government run by them.

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself,” states the report.

The passage appears under a sub headline entitled, “The common enemy of humanity is Man.”

For those who are stickers for documentation, you can easily read page 75 of The Club of Rome’s report for yourself here.
There are the documented facts, made available to the diligent truth seeker, and there is the 24/7 worldly conditioning for everyone else.

There's no "theory" in criminal conspiracy.

I cannot find any evidence to support your theory. It would seem that the club of rome is just another organization working to benefit mankind as a whole. They are comprised of many different peoplpeople with many different backgrounds. The new leader Graeme Maxton wrote a best selling economics book. Another member Peter G. Brown is also a member of the religious society of friends. This organization seems pretty innocent, multicultural, and multifaith. What we can see ffrom this is that we have a fellow christian brother doing improving life and setting a good example.

So it's now a sort of club for businessmen under the age of 40/45 at the helm? I'm not sure I buy that...

As for climate change, personally, I do believe something is happening although I do not claim to understand the subject. I find the idea of a conspiracy say involving 90% of scientists and somehow leaving behind a demographic it does stretches my imagination beyond its limits. I also find it hard to believe that the one person I do know who is qualified (phd) in a related area would be lying to me.

So, yes, I believe something is happening. Whether the interpretation of the data is correct and that it really is man made however remains open to question...
This is the goal of the club and it is not just for business men. Which is really not as strange as you might think

The Club of Rome is a non-profit organisation, independent of any political, ideological or religious interests. Its essential mission is “to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the general public.” Its activities should: “adopt a global perspective with awareness of the increasing interdependence of nations. They should, through holistic thinking, achieve a deeper understanding of the complexity of contemporary problems and adopt a trans-disciplinary and long-term perspective focusing on the choices and policies determining the destiny of future generations.”
I cannot find any evidence to support your theory. It would seem that the club of rome is just another organization working to benefit mankind as a whole. They are comprised of many different peoplpeople with many different backgrounds. The new leader Graeme Maxton wrote a best selling economics book. Another member Peter G. Brown is also a member of the religious society of friends. This organization seems pretty innocent, multicultural, and multifaith. What we can see ffrom this is that we have a fellow christian brother doing improving life and setting a good example.

Were you expecting something other than a PR (Public Relations) piece from the perp's website?

Rather, the Club of Rome's own report documents its invention of the "global warming" hoax. Once again, for those who are stickers for documentation, you can easily read page 75 of the Club of Rome’s report for yourself here.