Climate Change

Were you expecting something other than a PR (Public Relations) piece from the perp's website?

Rather, the Club of Rome's own report documents its invention of the "global warming" hoax. Once again, for those who are stickers for documentation, you can easily read page 75 of the Club of Rome’s report for yourself here.

Ok so just posting me a iffy link on scribd is not really much of an argument and having me read 75 pages is a waste of my time. How about you post some exact quotes that you think are questionable. Also why not give me some publication info.
Ok so just posting me a iffy link on scribd is not really much of an argument.

It's not intended to be an "argument" -- it's primary documentation from the perp's themselves.

...and having me read 75 pages is a waste of my time.

No one told you to read 75 pages. You were told to read page 75.

How about you post some exact quotes that you think are questionable. Also why not give me some publication info.

"How about" scrolling back in this thread and reading "some exact quotes" posted from the primary documentation itself?
It's not intended to be an "argument" -- it's primary documentation from the perp's themselves.

No one told you to read 75 pages. You were told to read page 75.

"How about" scrolling back in this thread and reading "some exact quotes" posted from the primary documentation itself?

1) OK if you give me a source and say "so and so is part of the Illuminati" than that is an argument. Arguement "A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.

2) Okay I misread your post and did not notice that you said only read page 75. However, I've become rather skeptical again because I'm beginning to doubt whether or not you read the full pdf. I have not read it and there are many times when you do not have to read an entire book to understand the meaning of one passage. That is only when the passage is dependent upon other parts of the book which i represent below.

3) Anyway you posted this “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself,”

The full paragraph states
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. (1)In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, (2) in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself,”

Now that the missing parts are included the "perp" has a fair trial. By the way I suggest not using the word perp as it has many negative connotations and leaves the debate much less open.

"we came up with the idea... would fit the bill" This does not mean that they invented global warming. This just states these problems would fit the bill of a common enemy. If they did "come up with the idea" than that would mean pollution, famine, watershortages, etc are all made up too. In fact on page 36 Robert Redford in Greenhouse glasnost confirms global warming to be real, so do the authors. There are also countless other affirmations to global warming in the book. (1) Shows that there is a concern about a threat and it requires "everyone's" help. Also leading to the point about what causes the symptoms. (2) Points out dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes which leads to "the real enemy, then, is humanity itself". Of course humanity is the main cause of pollution if it is caused by human intervention. I'll admit this may seem a little tyrannical, but it can also be very pro environment, pro people, etc.
The bigger picture is the understanding that there is a sophisticated application being utilized by satanic higher powers to accomplish what the majority have already been conditioned to dismiss.

Devils (for familiarity purposes, we’ll call them demons for now) are attracted by the "scent" of people. We are made in the image of God, and we are attractive prey to those who hate God Almighty. Cities are magnets for demons. When demons target a person or people, a common tactic is to make trouble for the person. When a person’s problems reach a crescendo, they will be in a state of mind to grab any solution that is passing by. People then make pacts with demonic forces. They sell their souls hoping for relief from their problems. All this is clear as a bell to the spiritually enlightened, but the demonic forces are able to dull the senses of their victims to the point they no longer have the slightest realization that they have sold their souls. People make a choice to accept the falsehood offered by the demons for their relief, rather than stick with the truth which seems to hurt. The demonic lies may be that colds and flu's are caused by evil spirits--when in reality they are caused by viruses and bacteria. Or the opposite type of lie may be given--that demonic forces have no influence over disease, that only viruses and bacteria exist.

In Africa, modern medicine is often viewed as White Man’s magic, because they fight disease with incantations that the demons have taught them to use to cure their problems. Authority to demons is transferred to them by festivals, ceremonies and pilgrimages. Strong demonic manifestations usually occur around festivals, ceremonies, rituals and pilgrimages which are being done everyday around the world. These ceremonies and rituals are welcome mats for demonic forces giving them the right to rule. Every area of the world has them. And often demonic signs and wonders occur at these rituals and ceremonies.

The power of a lie has to be preserved and fueled by tradition, which is manifested via rituals. Without tradition, the power of the lie would die out. If the tradition is being rejected by a people, the demons often augment it with "new" deceptions. The first lie doesn’t stand a chance. The pre-existing bondage then is strengthened by new deceptions that seem more appropriate.

If you were asked now, "HOW DOES SATAN ENSLAVE PEOPLE?" you should know the answer because it was just given it to you. The answer is Satan’s control is trauma-based. A trauma is applied to the lives of people (OK City, 9/11, global warming, all wars, ad nauseum). They reach out for some type of answer to the trauma, and the demons offer some type of answer--so many Hail Mary's, or so many sacrificed cats, or pray to some idol which is a disguised demon. The lies are turned into myths which the people believe. The myths are a blurring of reality that the people on one level may know are false, but their minds can’t break loose of the power of the lie. The power of the myths is fueled by tradition and demonic manifestations and demonic attacks.

Anyone who steps outside of the demonic lie is attacked. The people feel they are being personally attacked when their traditions are ignored. Because a people has willingly sacrificed the truth for the falsehood in their need for relief from their trauma, they have chosen to be deceived. This choice to be deceived has a great deal of spiritual power to it. They are no longer truth-lovers. It is not enough to come to these people with the truth. They have rejected the truth. They must at some point will to seek the truth again. These people can have all the proof shown to them about the truth, and they will continue to reject it. Their demonic bondage needs to be broken somehow. This bondage can be broken in a number of ways. Pointing out the inadequacies of the lies is sometimes sufficient to break the demonic spell over people. But after the lies are broken, they need to be followed by the truth--and the love of truth.