I must agree that your caveat to eschew violence comes from a place of scriptural wisdom, yet may I ask; “What criterion must exist to justify a revolution, or is all revolutionary activity unjust?”
Can there be a moral and just premise for a society to defend itself from a despotic hellion in power, or should society remain passive to complete destruction? Yet also, what of secular society versus the Body of Christ, are ethical requirements the same, and what rules will differentiate, if any?
So... 2 separate questions... I will leave the question of the moral responsibility for Secular revolution out of the discussion.... I have no desire to plow that ground here....
So... The responsibility for the Christian who is obedient to God..... Our SCRIPTURAL responsibility....
We have THE RESPONSIBILITY to defend our Inheritance..... Our God Given Inheritance.....
So... 2 questions....
Where is our inheritance?
What specifically does "Defending our Inheritance" consist of to a Christian....
I sense a loving spirit in your answers, yet may I be allowed to persist harmlessly to antagonize for clarification? You mention our blessed eternal inheritance, then offering me two questions instead of two answers. For clarification are you saying then that defending our spiritual inheritance abandons all possibility of a physical revolution?
If so what ethics from scripture defend that position?
If its tolerated what ethics support it and under what conditions if any?
I can agree with you that defending our “eternal inheritance” moves us all to proper focus in scripture where our missions move to spiritual aggression against demonic wickedness; for in contrast the arbitrary violence of men in the natural will embrace the very evil we are commissioned in scripture to repel using love.
Yet we also live in this natural world and “ethics” is of dire importance when despotism permeates to slaughter the innocent. If “ethics” from scripture matter then actions matter. If actions matter, then to specificity the Christian is strategic to promote “ethical action” as it is his or her Christian duty. Thus if you condemn “a natural revolution in all cases” but without clarification, and then avoid defining what is "good specific action” based on “ethical rules,” then how must one differentiate “good or evil action" coming from scripture when evil despotism shreds the innocent to pieces?
Thus can you break down “grounds” or better yet “ethics” from scripture that will support when or if a revolution in the natural is warranted “morally” when despotism is shredding the innocent with vicious violence to the body?
What is the “ethical” position in scripture for self-defense or is there one? Are the rules the same for society as for the individual, and then also to threaded specificity, are the rules the same for the individual Christian and Body of Christ at large?
Are not ethical rules of engagement complex from scripture and can it be that application is most critical?
The Ethical question applies to Defense of your Inheritance.... Israel was granted an Inheritance - and Israel was responsible before God for claiming and holding that inheritance... There were Conditions - Military obedience, Civil obedience, and Spiritual obedience...
We are also responsible for claiming and holding OUR inheritance... There are conditions here as well....
Are you saying then that there is no “self defense in the natural?”
Also are you saying then there is never a case for "physical violence to defend the innocent from a violent despotic mad-man in the natural?"
What silent activism and acquiescence are you referring to?
Let me state here that both "Political" sides of the coin have blood on their hands.....
I will generalize it to "Silent activism" both Civil, and within the Church whose main modus operandi is to fan the fires of envy, greed, hatred, and division to accomplish it's goals - which may or may not be "Cloaked" in biblical issues..... I bet you and I could both come up with long lists that cover both "Conservative" and "Liberal" viewpoints.....
I will generalize "Silent Acquiescence" as Christians that "Give in" because they "Feel bad", become deceived that they cannot do anything, or are just lulled into complacency..... Once again, we can come up with long lists that cover the political spectrum....
I am assuming that the two sides you mention are “Liberalism” and “Conservatism” based on the two "viewpoints you listed."
Can we agree that “Liberalism” falls to two “primary
philosophical categories,” which are Classical Liberalism and Social Liberalism?
(There are many smaller deviations but will argue that all versions fall into these two)
Can we also agree that “Social Liberalism” is a philosophy where “Individual Liberty is managed into place by government”, and that “Classical Liberalism” is a philosophy where “Individual Liberty is protected by restricting government from taking it ethically coming from Natural Rights Theory?”
Thus what kind of “Liberalism” are you referring to as one of the two sides?
Also again, can we agree that Conservatism falls to six primary “
dispositions,” which are: Social Religious Conservatism, Social Moral Conservatism, Social Cultural/Traditional Conservatism, Social Neo-Conservatism, Paleo/Constitutional Conservatism, and Fiscal Conservatism.
(Again smaller deviations persist yet can these be primary)
There is also “personal conservatism” which persists absent of government intervention.
Thus what kind of “Conservatism” are you referring to as one of the two sides?
Is it possible that secular society is not “bound contractually” to refrain from common self defense, but the Christian is “bound contractually” as the property of our master to suffer persecution in variance with obedience for strategic gains in the spirit? For our demonstration of love in the natural is a just and violent victory against devils in the spirit that first moved to despotic violence against us all.
I would say here.. Mostly yes.... But.....
The thing here that really changed my thinking was.....
What was Jesus' response and command to his followers pertaining to the Organized, Officially Sanctioned Religious Institutional Leadership.....
What was Jesus' response and command to his followers pertaining to the Official Civil Leadership....
Notice how the "Church" leadership would have us turn that around 180 degrees.....
Jesus rebuked the Sanctioned Religious Institutional Leadership, calling them snakes and a brood of vipers, He challenged them publicly that they possibly would not escape hell. They also “were the civil government” which was the sanctioned Sanhedrin delegated into power by Rome. The Sadducee's and the Pharisees managed the law (lawyers), they arrested, they taxed, and they incarcerated any who defied theocratic law.