Of course Marx and Engels had a flawed idea in communism. It is an utopian ideal that can never work because of people will not want to release control of the tiny central government (this is made true by every instance so far), lazy people that do not want to help, greedy people that are self-entitled and will not share, and isolationists and elitists that cannot comprehend that we are ALL equal.
I agree that utopianism is not possible, nor is it ethical for any group to force society to attempt it.
Can we also agree that we are not “economically equal?” For equality is for “justice” where our natural rights are equally delegated by God. For many today do not know how to separate “justice which is virtuous” from “social-justice which is economically despotic.” Can we agree that social-justice is compulsory despotic fairness?
But getting back to the meritocracy, you asked "Yet “who” will choose demonstrated abilities?". I think your answer is in the last two words. Results driven people would be selected to put their candidacy forth. That way the people can vote on them.
Please forgive my repetition, but you recycled the point, from “who will choose demonstrated abilities” to “who will select results driven people?” Thus the authority must reside “somewhere,” and its in this “illegitimate authority” that I am a meritocratic antagonist.
It is NOT about money at that point, nor cronyism. It is purely about what the level of experience is.
In all governments where “intervention exists” it must be paid for, and how is this done? All money “is taken using force” to finance the intervention. Thus economics are at the heart of all intervention, even a Meritocratic selection process. For the process will have committees, oversight, funding, legislation, and law; all of which require money, higher management and higher oversight, and this money must be taken from someone else immorally.
The most important question is then, “who” will be in charge and by what authority will they be in charge? Who's interest will they have in mind? For all taken money allocated to socialism requires oversight. For I contend that “ethics” are thrashed to fund any socialistic method and will empower a few to gain the system over the many. Thus if any “laws” are made to construct a Meritocracy then the new socialism transfigures to legal-plunder like all socialism does; for there is no “ethical restraint” that says “thou shalt not steal.”
When ethics are lawfully established, illegitimate authority will be restricted. This ethical restraint if established using solid strategy will forbid the despot from engaging in legal-plunder and to gain all things using unjust law. For no matter how good the rules are or even the ideas, the despot moves in the dark to subvert all economic transitions in the confines of unjust law. Thus restraint is our greatest strategy and not more good ideas for him to twist to his own favor using unjust law; for good ideas forced in the law without ethics is despotism manifest.
The general or admiral that has years of experience in command would be ideal for any war position. There are very few at the top of that group so the pool would be small. Same with commerce, transportation, legal matters, etc. There are very few at the top of the tops of each field. Those are the ones that exhibit a valid reason to be considered.
Yet remaining respectful and pointing to more endless repetition kindly, “by what authority?” For who will keep it honorable, keep it free of despotism, and ensure it operates properly? I should say “the same few that ensure it now, or eventually someone of the likes of Stalin,” who then will cause a fouled electorate process to appear similar to the one we have now or far worse. It will only engineer new laws even more compulsory than they are now, also laced with furthering interventionist control, and will continue to push away even more liberty from the individual.
An election is held and they are chosen. They lead the nation and we profit from their experience, not who they know or how much money they have. You will not wind up with a vapid talking head.
It would not dim at all the idea of parents raising their children as they see fit. As parents want their children to be the best and that would be rewarded based on what they do and how well they do it. It will increase the chances of children growing up and being recognised for their skills and talents. Far often in the US, people's skills go untapped when they could be of great benefit. Society will seek to create generations that as The King said are teleios, perfect in completeness. All will be inspired by these people to better themselves because it will be a trickle down to daily life and business.
I will agree with you that all these ideas “are good,” yet I will argue that all of them are evil if “man uses illegitimate authority not granted by God to lawfully force any of these things upon other people.” I hold to the “ethical position” that you cannot “manufacture good ideas using despotism in the law.”
For why is Natural Rights Theory so important? Why are ethics so important? Because “life” is important, and no political configurations of mankind has ever valued it when Natural Rights is abolished. Natural Rights Theory is the only ethical foundation that stands rigid against, legal-plunder, economic collapse, starvation, genocide, mass-murder, mass-rape, sanctioned brutality, poverty, and crimes against humanity.
If you allow “ethics” to be crushed in the confines of the law, then life, liberty and property will be crushed in society.
The bold and skilled will be rewarded and the lazy and timid marginalised or made to improve themselves through social ques. We will have less people gaming the system and not contributing. And ethically, we will be better off because it is all based on service, honour and dedication.
Yet can it be that we should not ethically support “anyone” to game the system despotically? For if we support a single soul to act with illegitimate authority, then are we not also aligned with despotism?
As a Christian do you feel we have a duty to ethically repudiate any force, power, institution or person who would bring despotism to another? Thus also for government, are we to repudiate despotism as well, and then support ethics unto “life instead?” For what man is worthy to sit upon Gods throne and act with authority to commit arbitrary acts of violence against person or property?
I do not see a downside to a meritocratic republic. Sure beats the current oligarchies we have now. They are wasteful and ineffective.
I will agree readily that our current system is highly flawed, plagued with legal-plunder, and will pray always that our country will return to ethical considerations; yet we must agree to disagree on a Meritocracy; for I see it highly “unethical.” Though it is full of good ideas, so is Communism, Collectivism, Socialism and Corporatism, yet all of these route the economy immorally with legal-plunder and violence; not because of the variation of ideas, but because ethics are choked out.
I will say though Dave, I see in a lot of your postings, a sincere desire to establish liberty, and that makes us both advocates of a thing in common; we just may have differentiating views for accomplishing it.