Why did I have to get an X on my post? I don't go around putting X on people's post. That was NOT nice!!!! (you know who you are.)
I want to say the eye disease issue was after he was left for dead? He was stoned so I'm sure he looked pretty bad. I thought this was right after it. If I'm wrong please correct me.I always thought it was a disease related to his eyes. There are two verses that seem to indicate that Paul couldn't see very well (Galatians 4:15 and Galatians 6:11).
I want to say the eye disease issue was after he was left for dead? He was stoned so I'm sure he looked pretty bad. I thought this was right after it. If I'm wrong please correct me.
I'll ask him when I see him in 50 or so yearsI think you are right (that's what I read in a website). However, after being stoned all his face (not only his eyes) would have looked really bad. So, why did he specifically mention his eyes?
When I was very young in the Lord there was a lady I knew who sang in the choir, and she told a couple of us that she thought she had a demon. She asked us to come over and pray for her, so we said sure. As we began to pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ, she began to speak back to us in very scary voice saying, "you can not have her she is mine" We continued to try and cast this demon out of her, but it would not go. So, we took turns thinking maybe one of us has more power than another. She would throw up weird looking stuff, and we could not figure why this demon would not leave her. There was another Christian sister who did not participate in what we were doing, she stood back praying. Finally the Lord gave us a "word of knowledge" as to why we could not cast out the demon. The reason we could not cast this demon out was because it never was inside of her, it was only oppressing her from the outside. This Christian woman had been operating in "fear" thinking she was possessed which allowed this demon to operate in our midst. Once we understood that we rebuked this demon from our midst and it left. We are told in scripture to not yield our members unto unrighteousness, but unto God.
When I was very young in the Lord there was a lady I knew who sang in the choir, and she told a couple of us that she thought she had a demon. She asked us to come over and pray for her, so we said sure. As we began to pray for her in the name of Jesus Christ, she began to speak back to us in very scary voice saying, "you can not have her she is mine" We continued to try and cast this demon out of her, but it would not go. So, we took turns thinking maybe one of us has more power than another. She would throw up weird looking stuff, and we could not figure why this demon would not leave her. There was another Christian sister who did not participate in what we were doing, she stood back praying. Finally the Lord gave us a "word of knowledge" as to why we could not cast out the demon. The reason we could not cast this demon out was because it never was inside of her, it was only oppressing her from the outside. This Christian woman had been operating in "fear" thinking she was possessed which allowed this demon to operate in our midst. Once we understood that we rebuked this demon from our midst and it left. We are told in scripture to not yield our members unto unrighteousness, but unto God.
I'll ask him when I see him in 50 or so years![]()
And like I said I totally agree. Definitely God through Paul. It's just in my mind that seems like a given, that even if someone says Paul we know its God through Paul especially since Paul always was referencing the power of the Holy Spirit. I could be wrong to assume its a given thoughIn my opinion, God won't be happy if a Christian says "I healed John" or "I brought down this revelation" or "I multiplied the bread".
Here's a thought, I know this is a contentious issue and some might not agree but I would say Paul's thorn would have been eye issue, it's the only real option when it's studied great depth. many have issues with this as Paul could heal in the name of the Lord so powerfully however it is termed as a messenger of Satan so it couldn't have been good. Rememberlay too....he was blinded for three days!
Here's a thought, I know this is a contentious issue and some might not agree but I would say Paul's thorn would have been eye issue, it's the only real option when it's studied great depth. many have issues with this as Paul could heal in the name of the Lord so powerfully however it is termed as a messenger of Satan so it couldn't have been good. Remember too....he was blinded for three days!
Did not Ananias lay his hands on Paul so he could receive back his sight? I would not think the Lord would do a half job in restoring Pauls,s vision.
Act 9:17 So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
Act 9:18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized;
Paul's thorn was an evil spirit sent forth from Satan to harass him every where he went by stirring up the people to come against him.
2Co 12:7 So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. (ESV)
And like I said I totally agree. Definitely God through Paul. It's just in my mind that seems like a given, that even if someone says Paul we know its God through Paul especially since Paul always was referencing the power of the Holy Spirit. I could be wrong to assume its a given though
Many have had side effects of encountering the living God not from book-learning but from actual powerful experiences. Encountering God in a poweful way can leave you shaken for sometime, in a good way of course, but it changes your life in many ways. I have exeperienced God in this way in the past, it left me near depressed for amost 18 months because life seemed a bit bland. Encountering the power of God is something which shakes you and it can leave you with the odd issue or two....
I don't know but I would feel very uncomfortable saying that a human performed a miracle, even if it is generally understood that he was only a mediator. Maybe I am wrong.
I think every one who experiences the Glory of God through visions all had the same reaction. The prophet of God said he was a man of unclean lips, Paul confessed he was the chiefest of all sinners, and John just fell at Jesus,s feet like a dead man. As a human being I think we automatically compare ourselves to others when we see them, which the Bible tells us is not wise. We are only to compare ourselves to Jesus. When we see the Glory, holiness, and beauty of God through visions we compare ourselves to him and we see how far short we fall from his holiness. That will for sure cause one to reexamine himself.
Are you responding from aplace of having experienced this for yourself?
I have had several visions of the Lord through the years, and I do not speak a lot about them because some would say you are boasting.
I think it should be common place for all believers to have vision of the Lord. Paul said, "I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord" He had them all the time. It is really according to one faith that these things happen. If we do not believe it possible then we will never experienced them until we do.
I was not inferring you were boasting at all. I have shared my experiences before and there will always be those who will discount it.You imply that I boast yet I was merely answering your questions. You will find despite your comments in you last post that both Apostle Paul and John had great a physical overwhelming and yet Jesus did not when he encoutnered the Glory of God. Experiences on those levels as confirmed in the scriptures, can leave an individual extremely overwhelmed. Like I said, a very contentious issue but a secondary one by all account in his word.....
I was not inferring you were boasting at all. I have shared my experiences before and there will always be those who will discount it.
Jesus did not encounter overwelming physical anything as he is the Glory of God!