Out of curiosity, what denomination/s do you identify with?
I'd set it up as an actual poll, but any list would be far from exhaustive.![]()
I call myself every-denominational, for the following reasons:
When I was "part" of a denomination, I got way too hung up on official statements of faith and creeds and traditions I thought didn't precisely reflect Biblical teaching. I now realize, for the most part, that those official denominational positions were virtually irrelevant in any practical way in how those church's members lived out their faith, and that living out your life with a fellowship of local believers usually has almost nothing to do with accepting official denominational positions.
So I started calling myself non-denominational.
When I thought of myself as non-denominational, I looked down on people who identified with specific denominations, and that made the insights those people had learned from the Spirit invisible to me.
So thinking of myself as every-denominational seems to be a comfortable balance for me.