Denomination Poll

Out of curiosity, what denomination/s do you identify with?

I'd set it up as an actual poll, but any list would be far from exhaustive. :p

I call myself every-denominational, for the following reasons:

When I was "part" of a denomination, I got way too hung up on official statements of faith and creeds and traditions I thought didn't precisely reflect Biblical teaching. I now realize, for the most part, that those official denominational positions were virtually irrelevant in any practical way in how those church's members lived out their faith, and that living out your life with a fellowship of local believers usually has almost nothing to do with accepting official denominational positions.

So I started calling myself non-denominational.

When I thought of myself as non-denominational, I looked down on people who identified with specific denominations, and that made the insights those people had learned from the Spirit invisible to me.

So thinking of myself as every-denominational seems to be a comfortable balance for me.
um..born again?
Just belong to Jesus' church, currently attending a baptist. Was going to a presy but..somethings happened and it's ichabod to me.
I like to worship in the open air and also at home or anywhere. I don't get why ppl gather in designated buildings all the time and make it a big issue which one is which name.
So I guess I'm kinda methodist at heart, even though never attended an official methodist church. Cos the original methodists just met anywhere.
Raised Catholic, saved Baptist, and have attended Assemblies of God, United Methodist, non-denominational. Have left several because husband was kicked out for being contentious, and because of that, I have no wish to go through a formal joining anymore. We presently attend a Baptist church that allows clapping and raising hands, and the preacher doesn't wear a suit and tie. The worship draws me in, and my soul is knit to God as I sing to Him with all my heart. I don't like to be disturbed during this time, because there is nothing like it.
I was born and raised in the Roman Catholic church. That is where I received a general understanding that God existed and that He somehow talked to us through the Bible. But it was not until I met some Evangelical Christians that I really began to look into the Bible for myself. These people did not identify what denominations they belonged to. I hung around Pentecostal people and Churches for a few years as I read the Bible on and off, but I was not willing to commit my life to Christ in a personal conversion that involved obeying Him in all things.

Later when I decided to turn to God, I got involved in a local Baptist Church. They were very good to me for a number of years. Eventually circumstances led me to join a non denominational Church from a Christian brethren background, and since about 1998, another non-denominational Church with many members from a Baptist background.
Grew up in and was saved in a independent, Bible believing church. I lean independent but feel at home in any Bible based church. I have been in United Church of Christ, UCC, services and felt uncomfortable. Same with Catholic services. Been to a few Mennonite services and loved it, it's like a breath of fresh air. Currently attend a Church of God denomination, it's very independent minded but follows the Bible. I like Pentecostal and Baptist churches too.
I don't attend any corporate church. I've been to all kinds of churches.

If I had to put a label on what denomination I'm closest to, I'd say Sabbatarian. Kind of strange, the spell checker indicates it is mis-spelled. :/

[sab-uh-tair-ee-uh n]
1.a person who observes the seventh day of the week, Saturday, as the Sabbath.
A for me I was a practising Roman Catholic and repented of my sins and lifestyle on Sundays, but remained worldly and bad.
I was challenged one day when a man opened up his King James Bible and read out scriptures. Particularly John 3 and Mark 16: 15-20.
I put Jesus to the test and sought this truth for myself. Given that the Word of God is truth and the Word led me to salvation I am ever obedient to the Word to keep me saved. Narrow is the gate... So I am in The Revival Fellowship [South Australia] where the Bible is preached and everything is examined against the Scriptures. Pentecostal. Bible believing. Bible doctrine. 1st century gospel. Speaking in tongues. Signs, wonders and miracles. Operating the voice gifts in a church meeting. Testimonies to healings, provision, divine protection, changes lives. This is all possible because we simply submit to the Word of God.
A for me I was a practising Roman Catholic and repented of my sins and lifestyle on Sundays, but remained worldly and bad.
I was challenged one day when a man opened up his King James Bible and read out scriptures. Particularly John 3 and Mark 16: 15-20.
I put Jesus to the test and sought this truth for myself. Given that the Word of God is truth and the Word led me to salvation I am ever obedient to the Word to keep me saved. Narrow is the gate... So I am in The Revival Fellowship [South Australia] where the Bible is preached and everything is examined against the Scriptures. Pentecostal. Bible believing. Bible doctrine. 1st century gospel. Speaking in tongues. Signs, wonders and miracles. Operating the voice gifts in a church meeting. Testimonies to healings, provision, divine protection, changes lives. This is all possible because we simply submit to the Word of God.

The Revival Fellowship church that you belong to is a Oneness Pentecostal church and they believe that in order to be saved you must speak in tongues?
Had a friend who went to revival fellowship in nz, she said was good and saved. But some reason it became too much and her and her mum left it and now they going to a presy.

I guess it dont matter we attend various named churches in our walk of faith its not like God asks us on judgement day what particular church we attended or belonged to or was member of. Guess its irrelevant to him when we are called out we already belomg to Him.

Although..the seven churches in revelation..John says they each had an angel, but they were identified by locale not denomination. Eg. Church in ephesus, sardis etc. So I guess in answer to the question, I belong to the church in Auckland and my faith community is the believers in the suburb where I live who I come into contact with everyday.
I think its more interesting to ask where each of us is living then what kind of church we go to or what belief we subscribe to cos then we can get to know each other and where we come from. If someone says im anglican or baptist or catholic it doesnt mean anything much to me just that maybe they worship in a similar way on sunday. Its not like I ask on meeting someone..hey what kind of christian are you..if you are exclusive brethren Im not gonna talk to you cos Im not?!

Sorry just musing on why we might do this...
Its not like I ask on meeting someone..hey what kind of christian are you..if you are exclusive brethren Im not gonna talk to you cos Im not?!
Sorry just musing on why we might do this...
I could not agree with you more it is strange to me that anyone would choose to identify themselves anything other than Christian. There is no greater banner to carry before you than the banner of Jesus and if there is enough of Him in you it will show on the outside.
What an Awesome God is He!
Never stop the musing as long as they are entertaining your walk with Him.
The Revival Fellowship church that you belong to is a Oneness Pentecostal church and they believe that in order to be saved you must speak in tongues?
This "Oneness " Pentecost I do not know of. The Revival Fellowship is a worldwide revival movement that always keeps the same name plus a location name; for example; Adelaide Revival Fellowship or Fresno Revival Fellowship or Revival Fellowship Papua New Guinea.
Speaking in tongues is the prayer language of the Holy Spirit and conforms most clearly with the early church and the New Testament. God is not the author of confusion. He has given one sign written of in the Scriptures. Unfortunately, people as usual find doctrinal excuses not to be obedient to the Word of God, and come up with many variations as to what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is about, or deny the need for such.
The multitude of faiths and denominations (some 1800 last count on Wikipedia) is a shame to Christianity, considering it all started with one church, one gospel, one faith, one baptism, one experience. one salvation message.
Acts 2: 37-39 is still the formula, the template, the highest level of obedience to the scriptures. To be Spirit-filled with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues is the most scriptural obedient form of Christianity. It is what the epistles and the Gospel of John are all about.
This "Oneness " Pentecost I do not know of. The Revival Fellowship is a worldwide revival movement that always keeps the same name plus a location name; for example; Adelaide Revival Fellowship or Fresno Revival Fellowship or Revival Fellowship Papua New Guinea.
Speaking in tongues is the prayer language of the Holy Spirit and conforms most clearly with the early church and the New Testament. God is not the author of confusion. He has given one sign written of in the Scriptures. Unfortunately, people as usual find doctrinal excuses not to be obedient to the Word of God, and come up with many variations as to what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is about, or deny the need for such.
The multitude of faiths and denominations (some 1800 last count on Wikipedia) is a shame to Christianity, considering it all started with one church, one gospel, one faith, one baptism, one experience. one salvation message.
Acts 2: 37-39 is still the formula, the template, the highest level of obedience to the scriptures. To be Spirit-filled with the Bible evidence of speaking in tongues is the most scriptural obedient form of Christianity. It is what the epistles and the Gospel of John are all about.

edit: On second thought, never mind. Rather than arguing about tongues and stuff, I am going to not reply to it. Have gotten into too many heated arguments over it which doesn't go anywhere.

I know what I believe and my believe and what has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit and that is what I will stick with.
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I prefer (and attend) a non-denominational church. I was raised in both an Episcopal and then Lutheran churches, but found the non-denomination option when I went to college. My church is not perfect (what church is - LOL) but it offers me many options to serve, meet others and learn. :D
I prefer (and attend) a non-denominational church. I was raised in both an Episcopal and then Lutheran churches, but found the non-denomination option when I went to college. My church is not perfect (what church is - LOL) but it offers me many options to serve, meet others and learn. :D
Each to their own. I do not condemn people for not being in a well behaved Pentecostal Church. I do not condemn people for being Lutheran, or whatever. All I know is that Jesus himself brought me out of the wilderness and into a most spiritual sanctuary that we call The Revival Fellowship. And yes, you are right even we as called to be saints are not perfect, and many walk in the flesh to their shame.
I have found my place and I enjoy it very much because it is so strongly scripturally based and promotes obedience to the Word. As far as other people go, I am always happy to witness to them on my testimony to being converted [have a look at my profile page, information] and to preach the gospel and the wonderful experience of being born again by the Holy Spirit. I do not argue and debate the scriptures. If people don't want to listen that's their choice. I move on.
In the end Jesus will deal with and judge everybody who has ever lived in the entire history of the world. What he decides is right and wrong, good or evil is of his authority. I myself will undergo judgment. But the advantage I have is the preaching of sound doctrine that closely corresponds to the scriptures of the New Testament. Obedience to the Word is my daily sacrifice, I put aside my own thoughts and philosophies. I put down my own self will. I submit to my Lord.
I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. Psalm 40: 8

I received preschool christian teaching at a Methodist church, Spent some time in a young peoples group at a Lutheran church, Accepted Christ and began my committed Christian life at an American Baptist church, when I was in the Air Force, the closest off base church was Free-Will Baptist, which I went to for a while. Back when I was living at my prior home, I attended an Independant Baptist church for some time but then became involved in a Southern Baptist church. I have been a regular attender at a Presbyterian church...

I understand many of the differences among these groups and can appreciate each viewpoint. My problem with not settling down is my own, and not a problem with any of these fellowships.

I have also had friends that attended more charismatic churches and enjoyed visiting their services.

My wife & I now divide our time between our present home and the home she grew up in and I would like to find a church home there.

It all looks a little jumpy when it is all put in one note, but there are a lot of things that happen in a life. I have been blessed by each.