Denomination Poll

Out of curiosity, what denomination/s do you identify with?

I'd set it up as an actual poll, but any list would be far from exhaustive. :p

I do not claim any denomination other then being a Born again Spirit filled blood washed Believer who takes the written word for what it says.
From my past experience and of those experiences of friends I have found that with denominations come many, many and many more different types of doctrines that in one way or another strip the written word of it's power...

I believe in One God....One Savior....One Holy Ghost or Spirit and One book of the written word of God. I guess for me, I want to truly fulfill the plan God has for my life and I do not want some ones doctrine to slow me down or hinder it from coming to pass.
I sure hope this does not sound pushy. I am just passionant about my relationship with My Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. I wasted to many years listening to way too many people.
Have a very Blessed and Loving 2015
Jim P.S Forgiveme if this was too long for a poll type question. I am new and just thought I could allow others to see where my heart is.
I do not claim any denomination other then being a Born again Spirit filled blood washed Believer who takes the written word for what it says.
From my past experience and of those experiences of friends I have found that with denominations come many, many and many more different types of doctrines that in one way or another strip the written word of it's power...

I believe in One God....One Savior....One Holy Ghost or Spirit and One book of the written word of God. I guess for me, I want to truly fulfill the plan God has for my life and I do not want some ones doctrine to slow me down or hinder it from coming to pass.
I sure hope this does not sound pushy. I am just passionant about my relationship with My Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. I wasted to many years listening to way too many people.
Have a very Blessed and Loving 2015
Jim P.S Forgiveme if this was too long for a poll type question. I am new and just thought I could allow others to see where my heart is.
PERFECT Jim :cool:
edit: On second thought, never mind. Rather than arguing about tongues and stuff, I am going to not reply to it. Have gotten into too many heated arguments over it which doesn't go anywhere.

I know what I believe and my believe and what has been revealed to me by the Holy Spirit and that is what I will stick with.

Good response!
Eh....I wouldn't identify myself with any denomination. I just really love Jesus.

But, I grew up in the Assemblies of God church, but am now becoming a member at a non-denomination church.

But I don't classify myself with any denomination. This is just a church I go to that seems to meet me needs :)
To put it as concise as possible:

Started out CMA -> transformed by teaching and work from Rob Bell and Peter Rollins -> gravitating towards Anglo-Catholicism, straddling the gap between tradition and anarchy.
I find myself with a similar struggle; although my instinctive tendency is to reject tradition, I've been learning to value it in certain instances.

Indeed, Holy Tradition is remarkably beautiful and significant. I think my issue isn't with the idea of tradition, I'm just in a place in my life where I'm reluctant to commit to anything at all.
I'm just in a place in my life where I'm reluctant to commit to anything at all.

I would hurry up if I were you. Time is running out quick. Iran is ready to pounce. Your Muslim president is wishy washy and against modern Israel. Putin will strike against a weak and divided NATO. Turkey is ready to organize Islamic nations to come down on Israel. Netanyahu will probably win the next Israeli elections and the EU ans Washington will support the Palestinians [Fatah & Hamas] again to attack Israel, whilst they put in place sanctions against the only democracy in the Middle East.
TODAY is the day of salvation - tomorrow may be too late.
Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Mark 13: 35-37
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
I would hurry up if I were you. Time is running out quick. Iran is ready to pounce. Your Muslim president is wishy washy and against modern Israel. Putin will strike against a weak and divided NATO. Turkey is ready to organize Islamic nations to come down on Israel. Netanyahu will probably win the next Israeli elections and the EU ans Washington will support the Palestinians [Fatah & Hamas] again to attack Israel, whilst they put in place sanctions against the only democracy in the Middle East.
TODAY is the day of salvation - tomorrow may be too late.
Matthew 24:44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
Mark 13: 35-37
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

Oh please.

President Obama is not a Muslim, it's in poor taste for you to lie about him just because he doesn't share your political views.

I hope Washington supports Israel AND Palestine, there are injustices on both sides that must be answered for. Turkey's not doing anything of the sort.

Don't quit your day job.
Indeed, Holy Tradition is remarkably beautiful and significant. I think my issue isn't with the idea of tradition, I'm just in a place in my life where I'm reluctant to commit to anything at all.
It's customary to write your first message in the new members' section. So may I point out the rules of this forum:

Please read CFS forum rules and getting started threads here
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Again, Welcome to CFS
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Indeed, Holy Tradition is remarkably beautiful and significant. I think my issue isn't with the idea of tradition, I'm just in a place in my life where I'm reluctant to commit to anything at all.
The aspects of holy tradition that draw me are the connection to others and receiving the accumulated wisdom of those who have devoted their lives to discovering and interpreting it in the past.
What I dislike is the rejection of modern thought which I think can be implemented without damaging the essence of tradition.
I think there is a dialectical synthesis of tradition and modern thought that is closer to the truth than either alone.
Waggles, I respectfully ask that this topic remain a focused discussion on denominations and their specific theological aspects.
Thank you. :)
Out of curiosity, what denomination/s do you identify with?

I'd set it up as an actual poll, but any list would be far from exhaustive. :p
Denominations separate us as a body of believers, and they add things to the Bible or leave things out. This is sinful. I am not part of a denomination. I just follow what the Bible says. I am a Christian.
Denominations separate us as a body of believers, and they add things to the Bible or leave things out. This is sinful. I am not part of a denomination. I just follow what the Bible says. I am a Christian.
I agree. The assembling together can be done anywhere. Work, home, out in the streets, school (I put this in for you) ...ect.
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Denominations separate us as a body of believers, and they add things to the Bible or leave things out. This is sinful. I am not part of a denomination. I just follow what the Bible says. I am a Christian.
On one hand, I agree that community and unity are good things. On the other hand it seems that most people would assent that there is objective truth, meaning that one set of beliefs (denomination) is more or less in line with that objective truth than any other set of beliefs.