Well, that's not entirely accurate....
All true Christians adhere to the same set of essential doctrines that are clearly spelled out in the Holy Scriptures. It is what defines us as "Christian", therefore, if someone does not agree with these basic tenents, he or she is not really a Christian by definition.
Within Christianity there are only minor differences that according to Scripture are not worth arguing over. Any major diference is a case of True Christianity vs a cheap immitation of Christianity or a pseudo-christianity.
For example, believing Jesus is the Son of God, vs believing Jesus was just a good man, a prophet of sorts. That's a defining factor. The first group are Christian, but the second group only claims to be Christian.
In contrast, there are petty things people argue over causing division when these issue have no bearing on our salvation. If it doesn't change who Jesus is, if it doesn't change his purpose, if it doesn't change who we are in Christ Jesus, then it is really irrelevent.
All true Christians adhere to the same set of essential doctrines that are clearly spelled out in the Holy Scriptures. It is what defines us as "Christian", therefore, if someone does not agree with these basic tenents, he or she is not really a Christian by definition.
Within Christianity there are only minor differences that according to Scripture are not worth arguing over. Any major diference is a case of True Christianity vs a cheap immitation of Christianity or a pseudo-christianity.
For example, believing Jesus is the Son of God, vs believing Jesus was just a good man, a prophet of sorts. That's a defining factor. The first group are Christian, but the second group only claims to be Christian.
In contrast, there are petty things people argue over causing division when these issue have no bearing on our salvation. If it doesn't change who Jesus is, if it doesn't change his purpose, if it doesn't change who we are in Christ Jesus, then it is really irrelevent.