DISCIPLE! - Please Read the OP

Sounds good, BM. My faith has been growing. I've been gradually seeing things in a new light. Your allowing us to see the hunger of the Asians through GFA is helping us. I'm seeing things of this world from Heavenly Father's viewpoint. In these last days, it's a beautiful thing to understand and to know that we can achieve higher heights of spiritual discernment and spiritual knowledge. Oh, to know the thoughts of God. There is no end to the depths of the mind of God. We will never achieve that kind of intimacy umless we believe and pursue it, but we must be inquiring of God and we must be desirous of His calling.

We can enter into heavenly places before we get to heaven in our resurrected bodies. It is such a joy to achieve that plateau with God where you can enter into His realms, into His thinking process. This does not happen at your will because it's not scientology. I've been learning and thinking about this: Entering into the realms of God's thinking; there is no magic formula or magic door. It is at His will that He allows you in. But if you want to grow and go deeper, you must pursue after Him in heavenly places, having this hunger and desire for a closer relationship and to be used of Him. I have that desire, I have for a long time now, but the secret is OBEDIENCE. My love for the Lord should modivate me to obey Him.

If He wants me to be filled with the Holy Spirit, then I should desire that and not be afraid. If I desire to see my friends and family come to Christ, I should obey His commandments and trust that He will not lead me into something I should fear. This takes self-discipline, self-control, and complete surrender. Complete surrender is not something I'm working on, it's a one-time occurrance, that should be reckoned as righteousness as I obey. I know all this, and so I need to act on it, and stop fooling around, trying to "get it all right." RIGHT?! :eek:

Ok, now I'm preaching to myself. I'm putting on the brakes now. This is YOUR site. I just needed to vent. Thanx for letting me . . . for inspiring me. :D I think I will have to repeat this on the main forum. hehe
You're more than welcome, Sweets!!

I love that you're wanting to get into heavenly places where you can KNOW God - actually get to know Him. And this will happen ONLY for those who truly seek for this, and seek for HIM!!

I adore some of the things Paul expresses in Philippians Ch 3. He expresses an earnest desire to WIN (GAIN) Christ (v.8), and then to be FOUND in Him (or known as BEING in Him) (v. 9), and he continues to cry out to God: "that I may truly KNOW Him" (v. 10)... and more. Thus with continued deep PASSION he cries out to God: Philippians Ch 3:10 .. that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.

The HUNGER and DESIRE for the Lord that Sweets wrote about could hardly be more strongly put than Paul has done it above: he wants ALL of Jesus, every aspect, every part, every thing, ALL of Him!!! WILL NOT happen for any of us, however, without our TOTAL COMMITMENT and without a TOTAL determination to be OBEDIENT!!

Great post! God bless you heaps!!

- BM

EDIT! God wants EVERY Believer to be filled with the Spirit! The last R of RBBR is RECEIVE THE FILLING OF THE SPIRIT. Pray DAILY for this in faith - and EXPECT the FILLING: Ephesians Ch 5:18b .. (ever) be being filled with the Spirit. This is a COMMAND of God to be FILLED - once again OBEDIENCE to Him cos we LOVE Him!!!
Hey Sweets Great post!

In these last days, it's a beautiful thing to understand and to know that we can achieve higher heights of spiritual discernment and spiritual knowledge. Oh, to know the thoughts of God. There is no end to the depths of the mind of God. We will never achieve that kind of intimacy umless we believe and pursue it, but we must be inquiring of God and we must be desirous of His calling.

I look back over the past year and my pursuit of the Lord. For me it is being obedient and slowing down to pursue him.. when I take the time in the morning to wake up with the Lord, study of him and such my days are sooooooooo much better.

Yesterday, I did not do that.. my day was frumpy.. I was to go to a doctors appt, then I was going to cancel but I went. God showed me at the doctors office how blessed I was. This woman came in with 4 kids, 2 sets of twins.. first set about 8 years old, second set about 6 1/2 years old. The oldest boy was all over the waiting room and had troublbe speaking. The youngest boy went in with nurse to get a flu shot.. in talking with the mom, he has had 6 open heart surgeries! The oldest boy had Autism.. I listened and watched. As she prepared to leave, I reached in my purse and gave her my Care-A-Van business card. I said I don't know you, but if you ever need anything.. food, conversation , prayer call me..

She began to cry.. how did you know? come to find out, her husband left her last January, the home is about to be taken away because he quit paying on it etc.. she said her girffriend just told her that morning she needed to surround herself with people that believed in the Lord!
God was sooooo good.. After she left, the door opened and a woman came pushing a wheelchair with a man about in his 40's all slumped over.

I sat there and thought.. Lord I do not have any problems! Lord forgive me! Lord keep showing me! I have been working on when the old thoughts come into my head and my old sins, I ask right then for the Lord to forgive me and I thank him for that forgiveness! Anyway, I could ramble all morning, but I need to get to work, but I really liked your post! and I see more and more where the Lord is giving me discernment. I now take the time to be aware of the needs people have from the Lord.

Sweets I love ya girlfriend! It has been quite the journey. I have not done much writing except for the Care-A-Van newsletter. Miss being on Take root and write.. but right now God has me where he wants me.. not Robin's plan.. the new home is going to be super.. pure! I can't wait! My parents are coming in this week-end to help get it ready.. I am so blessed!

Love ya all!

Speaking of you starting your day reminded me of how I struggled in the past for the Lord to be "top dog" in my life. Now I see SO CLEARLY that it's because He is now - finally - PRE-EMINENT in my life that I'm able to teach others, with some hope they WILL grow in the Lord from that teaching!!

Yes obedience is a major part of this, like Sweets said. Somehow I had to learn for Him to become the boss of ALL of my life, and without being completely obedient how could this ever possibly happen? I think the Power of the Spirit in me is another major part of this. He does things like REVEAL the truth of His Word to me, keeps me calm and free of anger, continues to increase the LOVE I have in my life to give to others.

And wow, you were able to be there exactly for when another soul needed help. Do you realise how wondrous your life is in this respect. Pretty-much the rest of us can only stand back in amazement as you relate your experiences to us. How amazing our God is!!!!


They did - and a lot of other things happened also!

From a previous post I said I'd respond to later, well, it turned into quite an "adventure". I had written the response as a Message, in FrontPage, and it was finished. During the evening, there was this monstrous explosion outside and all of our electricals went ballistic. Never seen anything like it in my life!! Things turning on and off. Lights on, out, dimmed, then on again. Our UPS protections of our comuters, peeping like we'd never heard. Everyone else's place round about was the same.

Long story short, I reported to the power people the explosion in the power transformer near to us - who eventually arrived to fix it. That in itself was quite a comedy watching them trying to figure what was wrong. They finally did. BUT... in the process of everything going crazy I totally lost the Message - because: (a) BM hadn't saved it, had he? - and (b) in the mellée of trying to sort our our UPS thingies I managed to TURN off the one connected to my computer!!! Oh me, oh my!... Message, she gone, fly away!!

So, comments. TRUST AND OBEY is an excellent way to live our lives in the Lord Jesus!! I reckon this keeps us from a lot of sin too, cos it keeps us CLOSE TO HIM!!

DISCERNMENT sure is an important. gift of the Spirit. And the devil can duplicate so much of what is good and Christian. There are eminent pastors for example who can say and do enough to fool everyone into believing they are God's man - when in fact the devil has them there to lead astray those who then seem to be following Jesus. The NT warns us about them. In the last days: Matthew Ch 24:11 And many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error.

And also where you mentioned "sheep in wolves' clothing", this refers to false prophets, where Jesus again warned: Matthew Ch 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

As for illicit sex (sex outside of marriage) many Christian men and women don't realise how dastardly this is, that yes, you WILL GET CONNECTED TO THAT PERSON whether you like it or not! A serious connection that's not easily erased!!

Blessings to you today and in the days to come!

- BM
A serious connection that's not easily erased!!

Got any thoughts on doing of this? I have prayed and asked for forgiveness of the sin, and for the soul ties to be broken.. Am I praying the right thing?

Trust and Obey , there is no other way.. just really keeping my head above water.. can't wait until I am in the new apartment. New carpet comes tomorrow for the bedroom.. I just want a peaceful pure home.. a home of comfort and coziness... I saw an electric fireplace that would be really great and maybe help with the heating of the home as well. So we shall see.

Have a wonderful day in the Lord !
If you've CONFESSED and REPENTED of the sin (you're ALREADY forgiven remember!!) then it seems to me that you've done about all that you can. I'm sure that asking the Lord to break the ties is also fine. From there REST in His love and forgiveness and grace.

You need to accept that this is a CONSEQUENCE of your sin, and God often does NOT take consequences away (even when we wish He would!!)

Ahh, the Lord just put into my head that the more you fall in love with Jesus, the LESS with be the former 'ties'. Sounds good to ME!!!

With much love!!

- BM
Discipleship Message #29


Getting Ready for the Tribulation

Many today believe that we're in the last days. There certainly are more and more signs, and my mentor says that most of the prophesies concerning this time have been fulfilled (but not all).Times will get tougher and tougher for us the closer we get to what we call the Tribulation.

Many today ALSO believe that all Believers will be taken out of the world (in what we call the Rapture) BEFORE the Tribulation. Humanly-speaking it's pretty reasonable to wish that this will be the way of it. I mean who wants to go through the Tribulation?!!! So no need to wonder if it's FEAR that has so many believing - and certain! - of THIS: that Jesus WILL return prior to this 7-year period.

I've said here more than once that I do NOT get much into prophecy of end times, for so many disagree so MUCH about it all that it's quite astonishing. However in re-reading Revelation recently, and in conjunction with my mentor's decades of very careful searching of the Scriptures, I have a strong feeling that Believers will still be here during the Tribulation!

One thing the last days and the Tribulation will do that may be seen as a good thing, is that the nominal Christians will find the pace too hot, the going too hard, AND WILL LEAVE THE CHURCH. That is, a cleansing of the Church, pruned right down to only the REAL Believers!!! Will you still be there? I sure pray so!! For you know what I've quoted quite a number of times: ENDURING!!

Nearly a dozen times in the NT, from Jesus to Paul to the writer to the Hebrews and James, we're told we must ENDURE!! Only in and by His Power by His Holy Spirit is this possible!! By this we shall be OVERCOMERS and in the end we SHALL live in peace and joy and love WITH GOD FOR EVER!

Concluded in the Next Post...
... Concluded from the Previous Post

But during the Tribulation period God is our God, i.e., we will NOT be alone at any time. I would expect that real Christians remaining will work together, caring for each other (like we should be NOW!!...) We'll learn to fend for ourselves when unable to use money to buy things. But make NO mistake that this will be tribulation and persecution on a GRAND SCALE (world-wide) - yet really NO DIFFERENT from persecution of Christians down through the ages!!

If there's one thing that's clear as can be, it's that to stay out of HELL we simply must NOT take the Mark of the Beast at any time!!!! God will be TESTING the world of Believers to see who is worthy! These will be REWARDED to such an extent as we cannot even begin to imagine! And THEY will be those caught up in the air to meet the returning Jesus - what a wonder and a glory THAT will be!!!

Yes, hard times and big troubles are coming!!! If we're to ENDURE them (which we MUST do), then NOW is the time to start getting ready. How? By so ordering our life with the Lord that He can bring to us and into our life little troubles. We need to LEARN by them. This is how the TRUE CHRISTIAN must and DOES live anyway, so it's hardly something new and surprising!! Please prepare yourself. Remember the five wise Virgins who were ready, and the foolish five who were NOT ready when the Bridegroom (Jesus!!!) came! Will you be wise or foolish??

So tell the Lord that you are ready, that you are His, and that you're WILLING to endure hardship and tribulation like He promised us! You see, He will NOT over-ride your free-will. If you don't want tribulation, then He's not going to allow or send it into your life.

He needs your "GO AHEAD!" I've had this for *counts on fingers and toes - runs out of toes!*... it's 32 years now. It's been like living in the desert! It's felt like it would never end (it hasn't!!) - but it also seemed something like what men of the OT experienced PRIOR to and to GET THEM READY to be USED OF GOD! Now, here, He IS using me. Bless His Name!!! Without all of that I would: (a) NOT be here, and certainly (b) not able to TEACH like I do.

Jesus suffered for us HORRENDOUSLY!! In order to follow Him He calls us to suffer for His Name!! Much GAIN if you do; great LOSS if you don't! Get yourself ready to live so as to please and glorify Him! Romans Ch 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing diligently in prayer. 2 Thessalonians Ch 1:5b ...that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer.

- BM (with his Lady)

Aghhh!!! I HATE mistakes - but make 'em anyway!! Doesn't seem to matter how many times you proof read, they still sneak through. Then as for incorrect links to Messages, they seem to plague me the most of all!!! I think I'll add to the "Aghhh" with a "Grrrrrrrr!!!" *okay, now I feel better!*

Thankyou for forgiving me and putting up with my errors...

Oh, I just noticed the new smileys, er, emoticons! And there ARE some new smileys. I know I seldom use 'em, but I've always liked a good selection of smileys, just so you could pick the EXACT one you want! ;) And what's more :dance:cos that's exactly how I feel right now!!!

- BM

EDIT! If I have a mistake above, please do not tell me... *hehe!!*
I've just been reading some of GFA's newsletters, and coupled with BM's last posts, I have a few comments . . . well maybe more than a few. :smiley100:

We have sooooo much to be thankful for and with Thanksgiving coming up, sometimes I wonder why we continue to struggle in our spiritual lives when we are aware of others who do not even have the resourses behind them to survive. Why do we continue on as if we had all the time in the world and think only of us.

I have found a cleansing that keeps me from thinking so much about my problems. And that is my viewing of Gospel For Asia's struggling missionaries. When I see their determination to win others to Christ and the sacrifices they make, it puts things in priority. We have so much offered to us in the way of ministry here in the West, and yet we struggle with ourselves.

It opens my eyes as to who will be the "rulers of nations" when we get to our eternal abode. It will be those simple missionaries who were determined to show others how to live victorious lives, and who sacrifice their lives to share with them. If we could only humble ourselves enough to consider what our real purpose is in this life, and turn our eyes upon Jesus, our problems would seem small compared to the sacrifices others make.

I watched a video of an Indian GFA missionary named Joseph, who tried for two years to make a dent in a town, only to be turned down again and again. After two years, he cried out to God and asked Him if he was supposed to go some other place. He felt a check in his spirit, that God wanted him right where he was. He started ministering to the only group in that town who would listen to him. . . the children. He taught them gospel songs and read Bible stories to them. The children took it all home with them and the parents started coming to Joseph, asking to know more of what he was teaching their children.

What a humble man Joseph is and he will surely be rewarded for his sacrifices when he gets to Heaven. The only way we will ever be able to be a part of this is if we use the resourses we have to support these Saints, since they are the best ones to take the gospel to their people. I don't mean to take over BM's passion, I just wanted to share what is on my heart. Sweets
Amen Sweets!

How true how true! As I am packing up some stuff this morning, then read your post..

Amazing is it not... really makes one think.. all we can do is go forth , read, comprehend it and live it.. then SHARE!.. one soul at a time.. just think. Bondman is reaching you, me.. then we get it.. go out and share, and hopefully more and more will come on board to whatever mission field they are called to.. but honestly the GFA.. amazing.. shame on me for having any Whoa is me moments at all! Thank you Lord for opening my eyes!

Hugs and love Sweets! :smiley90:
Wow, yes!! That is an AMAZING post, Sweets!!!

(I'll be in touch with you to ask if I may use it further.)

Lots of love n hugs!!

- BM
Discipleship Message #30


It's CRUNCH Point: SERIOUSLY Getting Ready for Our
Total Future with God - Part B

...Continued from Part A

Folks, I'm currently in a state of spiritual SHOCK!! Because God has shown me with a SHOCKING clarity like never before that we are living in a pure fool's paradise as HUMAN Believers here on EARTH. Supposed to be living as Spiritual Beings - we're about a MILLION MILES from this. Living also as if we have a million tomorrows yet to go before entering ETERNITY. Acting like it will all be OKAY... NO, IT WILL NOT!!!

In Eternity things of the earth that we know so well will no longer have ANY relevance whatsoever!! But right NOW, things of earth should have just the ONE relevance. Instead of the temporal around us grabbing our mind, body, spirit, like we allow it to, what we SHOULD be using it for is actually clear as crystal - PURELY as a means of growing the SPIRITUAL in our OWN lives (e.g., read your physical Bible) AND in the lives of OTHERS (give physical money to help others to live)... ALL OF THIS MUST be via our

100% COMMITMENT to GOD!!! And THAT'S IT!!!

I'm pretty sure we all know in our head that spiritual growth cannot take place down here while the temporal is of such HIGH importance in our lives. And that NOT until we take the imperative of actually starting to RELINQUISH the things of this world can the spiritual begin to GROW. It's kind of like a BALANCE - one will be UP as the other is DOWN:

Spiritual has become STRONG here when the Temporal has been relinquished!

Here Spiritual is very poor, because the Temporal is still there, and it's very STRONG.

For the Christian, our focus can ONLY be that
our life here on earth is
for life with the LORD for ever and ever...

Thus EVERYTHING in our life should revolve around THAT!! And EVERYTHING that is NOT should be RESOLUTELY EXCLUDED!!! And that includes a whopping great PILE of things that we're DOING that have nothing whatever to do with eternity. And basically have nothing to do with God either – but still everything to do with US, which is not living the Christian life at all!

You see, THE WORLD truly HAS GOT Christians in its clutches. And it's not, repeat NOT at all EASY to get away from it - after all we're still LIVING IN IT! (I suspect many of you didn't need me to say any of THAT!) SOLUTIONS:
1. You have to become most EARNEST and SERIOUS with the Lord Jesus!
2. However, our FLESH does NOT WANT THAT AT ALL - and will FIGHT HARD against this!!
3. You will find it INCREDIBLY EASY to find reasons (and excuses!) why NOT to change your life and life-style!! - (OR your attitude to it).
4. So you have to really, really, really WORK AT IT - with ALL of HIS HELP that you can possibly GET!!

This is our determined route. Let's travel TOGETHER!!!

Continued in Part C...

- BM (with his Lady)

Hon, it's utterly fascinating to me to see the new things the Lord is giving me, bit by bit, as it were..

Pretty-much micro ones (rather than macro) - which means that I'm slowly being moved to new insights, newish concepts, and new understandings, and thus continuing to GROOOOW!!!
And THAT'S a very definite

Lotsa luv!!

- BM
Discipleship Message #31


You and Me - DECISIONS! - Part C

...Continued from Part B

A. I will no longer allow the WORLD to control my life and dictate to ME how I shall live! I surrender all of me to You, including all that I own, all my money, and all that I am or could hope to be.

B. I will no longer allow my FLESH to rule my life - controlling my life, my desires, my wants, my wishes, my plans and visions. Instead, I'm all Yours, Jesus - to do with me what You wish. Use me, and use me up. I live no longer for myself, but to serve You alone.

C. The DEVIL has no right whatever to control my thoughts, my actions, my deeds my feelings. He is NOT in control. Whenever, from outside, he throws a thought into my mind I immediately reject it, quoting to You, Lord, that I am wholly submitted to You, and I resist and reject the devil, and according to Your Word (1) he WILL flee from me - because he was defeated at Calvary!!

My AIMS include:

.. becoming completely obedient to the Lord (2)
.. getting to know my Lord much better (3)
.. growing to maturity in Christ (4)
.. learning to become an overcomer (5)
.. and especially to learn how to ENDURE temptations, sufferings, tribulations, persecutions and the like - that I may be truly HIS to the end!(6).

These are ALL decisions of the mind and of the will. You make each decision to and with the Lord, telling Him your wish and desire and determination. Do not expect it to happen by this time tomorrow! Because only HE can make it happen - with you cooperating and working with Him. Look to His strength and power via His Spirit in you. But make the DECISIONS TODAY!!!

(1) James Ch 4:7 Therefore submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
(2) John Ch 15:14 You are my friends if you keep doing the things I command you.
(3) Philippians Ch 3:10 .. that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
(4) Ephesians Ch 4:13b ..and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
(5) Revelation Ch 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.
(6) James Ch 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

I'm praying for you as with your God you make... DECISIONS!!!

- BM (with his Lady)

This prayer and the way you expressed taking definate steps to submit to God are awesome, Bondman! It's right on. Now, if I prayed this prayer and meant it from my heart, is it something like a covenant that you should not make unless you absolutely mean it? I can't seem to explain it like I want to. But I just recently learned that you should not make promises that you can't keep or something like that. We should all make this our prayer, but it is definitely quite serious and should be taken that way, and not prayed lightly. :sad01_anim:

I wish I could share this with dh and he would see how important my walk with God really is. He went to church with me Wednesday and sat in on a class, where they announced a men's retreat, where there would be fishing, hunting, and other activities. He said he just might go to it. Can you believe it?! I soooo wish to be able to share spritual things with him. Thanx for all the prayers that have gone up here on this forum.

I agree. Absolutely we have to MEAN what we say (promise) to the Lord! (You explained it perfectly well and your Spiritual insight seems to be growing and growiing). A Message on what you said I expect to put up tomorrow.

You can only trust God for Norm. He can maybe see more of your walk with God than you think. Which is not the same as saying that he wants it too, of course. But we feel encouraged at him going to church and maybe going with the guys. Man, that would probably blow his brain!! Praying!!

Lotsa love!!

- BM
Discipleship Message #32


How Do You Eat an Elephant?

Hmm... I think what's below is probably PRETTY IMPORTANT!! Thanks to SweetSurrender's post I'm writing this about Message #31. She was commenting how you shouldn't pray something unless you really mean it. I totally agree. The words I wrote in #31 are indeed something like a Covenant with God (I hadn't seen it that way till Sweets said this) and that certainly is very SERIOUS! So we don't want to do ANYTHING lightly in our Christian life and in our incredibly important Spiritual relationship with the Lord God, right?

Thing is, I have to continually be writing things that can never POSSIBLY hope to meet each one of you at the exact place you are in your Christian growth! So to try and "cater for all", as it were, I go for the best - and even for 'perfection'!! Which means that many may not be able to actually do anything with what I've said!! Yipes! So how DO you eat an elephant? A bite at a time! - and to grab a hold of, let's say: "I will no longer allow my FLESH to rule my life - controlling my life, my desires, my wants, my wishes, my plans and visions," requires one bite at a time, i.e., NOT trying to do that all at once, which is most likely impossible!!

A working SOLUTION: what I've personally done over the years is effectively change just a word or two in order to fit just where I am, e.g., instead of "Lord, I will no longer allow my flesh...", change it to: "Lord, I WANT to no longer allow my flesh..." (pretty easy, hey!) thus expressing your deep desire to the Lord of where you WANT to be, and what you WANT to do. I can assure you that this works!!

FACT: We can only grow in Christ slowly, pretty-much just one step at a time. BUT DO NOT EVER ALLOW THE ENEMY TO TELL YOU THAT YOU CAN NEVER HOPE TO DO [WHATEVER] (SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER TO TRY!!!) Try already!!! (satan is a LIAR!!!) Set your sights firmly on "the prize" as Paul was known to say, and don't EVER quit, or give up working at moving towards the goal.

If all of that was totally OBVIOUS to you, then please forgive me! It's just that I well KNOW how the devil will do all that he can to put into your mind DISCOURAGEMENT as to your walk with the Lord. So I reckoned it was worth doing this Message. FACT: He CANNOT discourage you unless in your MIND and heart you LET him!!

Let's all keep pressing forward and upward like Paul said: Philippians Ch 3:13 ... but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize to which God is calling us upward in Christ Jesus. Works for ME!!

- BM (with his Lady)
