For the Moment, No Perfect One
Wrote this last night and thought I would share with you Bondman.. you know me..
For the Moment, No Perfect One
Jeepers! I just did not know what to title this little blog post as. I had so many choices to choose from- For the Moment, No Perfect One, Love is Blind and the list goes on.
First and foremost just so you know, I should be packing up my apartment to move as Saturday is moving day. As I sit here, admist half packed boxes, I said no, I have to write these thoughts down.
So ladies and gents too, grab your coffee cup and read on!
I will set the stage first. We have 3 characters in this post, Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C.
Oh, and I will tell you, that I am a single divorced woman who was seeking love in all the wrong places, until I found Jesus.
Meet Mr. A. I met him on the street in front of my house one morning as he was picking up cans from the garbage bins. I thought he was homeless, but found out he had a room in a local boarding home, had just gotten out of prison last December and had found his salvation with the Lord. God was so good in bringing Mr. A into my life as he ended up being the handyman and did all the painting and work done at my new apartment. I wanted to bless him for his work, so I stopped by to give him some money. As he came out the door, his head was hanging low. I said “what’s up”? He said please do not be mad at me, my girlfriend is upstairs and she is pregnant. Why would I be mad was my response? Here was a man that loved the Lord, prayed all the time with me and was working on changing his life around. His comment was “Love is blind”. I thought to myself – no Lust is Blind! Now mind you, I am not judging Mr. A for the predicament he is in, as we all get tempted and some are stronger than others when those moments come.
So just for a moment, Mr. A had his pleasure and now the consequences are a child on the way to a woman who already has 5 kids. He had this girlfriend for 3 weeks and was hiding it from me for whatever reason, not that it is any of my business what he does, but I think he knew he was not living for God and maybe was ashamed to share that?
Meet Mr. B. I met him 3 years ago when I was just starting to hear about the saving grace of Jesus. We prayed together went to church together, but still had our “just for the moment” sinning ways. As our relationship continued, I was the biggest snoop queen of all because I did not know the Lord and trusted no one. Throughout my old snoop days and looking at his cell phone bill, I saw where he would frequently be calling a past woman from his life. There was a lot of muck and mire going on. As I searched for God and God revealed so much to me, this relationship ended. However, tonight as well as last week my cell phone rang with calls from Mr. B. Now mind you he has a new girlfriend but is calling me stating they are “just friends” and it is ok to call me... hmmmmm
In my lust days, I was blind, but now with Jesus in my heart, my eyes are wide open to God’s love for me. I no longer need to be on the receiving end of “just for the moment” calls. I actually was strong tonight and did not answer.
Meet Mr. C, who is a great friend of mine, I met through the ministry. He is a single father of two teenage girls who now live with their mom. When I first met him, he did not even like to receive a hug.
He is a quiet soul but hurting within. As I was walking through Wal-Mart to get a new coffee maker, my cell rang and it was Mr. C. He stopped by my new apartment to see how things were going. We chatted and visited and I prayed with him for the situation going on in his life. I sometimes just wish he was a little more talkative, as you can tell by my writings; I love to talk... lol! We shared of the struggles and frustrations of life.
I got to say, he is a handsome one. He stated you know, it is one year this month that we met through the ministry. As I write this, I thought the old Robin would have been doing more in a year than an occasional hug and talking.
Now that we got a little background on Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C, I just sat back and gave the Lord thanks for opening my eyes. You see for way to long, I was looking for Mr. Right.
Yes a man, the perfect man to make me happy. When the Lord opened my eyes and I was no longer living in lust and just for the moment, my life completely changed.
I realize no one is perfect. I realize I cannot be the judge at all. But I do know that Jesus is perfect, he is my Mr. Right and he is the judge of all people. I love my new boyfriend!
He never leaves me, he never cheats on me, and he is always there when I call out to him.
Yes, with my new “boyfriend”, Jesus, there will never be “just for the moment”. No it will be a lifetime of joy and peace even on my darkest days.
So for Mr. A, Mr. B and Mr. C, thank goodness there is a Lord that gives us unconditional love and forgiveness. I pray for each of these men that God brought into my life, that they can all come to have a loving relationship with our Lord and when temptations of the world come to them, that they shall resist and flee.
For me, I just sit still and patiently wait for God to bring my husband to me, the perfect one he has chosen. It says in God’s word, he who finds a wife, finds a good thing. Just wait until he meets me! I have been enjoying the journey with more discernment in my life now and allowing God to reveal his will , not mine.
Thank you Jesus! Ok back to packing now!
Hugs Faithwoman