Do Christians Have To Follow The Old Testament?

You're missing the point. Let's say my dad was a total hypocrite and claimed to be a Christian but believed that even children at the age of 4 years could be aborted, would his behavior change God?
no it doesn't.

But God himself said to kill people working in the Sabbath, does that still hold today?
No... seriously, you don't get it.

God ordering the stoning or killing of someone back then was justified, considering he is a Holy God, and we are just sinful people. The OT is there to show us that we could never be Holy on our own, and that we all deserve death. But God, in his great Love, sent Jesus to die in our place. So now, we don't have to stone or kill anyone, because God offers us righteousness apart from the law.

You have the Holy Spirit right? This should be easy to understand.
Why do we all deserve death? I think I deserve to live, is that wrong of me to think?
no it doesn't.

But God himself said to kill people working in the Sabbath, does that still hold today?

No, the MOSAIC Law does not hold today. That is the law of the old covenant. The law has been fulfilled through His son bringing forward the New Covenant. But this doesn't mean God has changed. What it DOES mean is that divine law has brought to fruition.

Do you believe God is capable of changing?
No, the MOSAIC Law does not hold today. That is the law of the old covenant. The law has been fulfilled through His son bringing forward the New Covenant. But this doesn't mean God has changed. What it DOES mean is that divine law has brought to fruition.

Do you believe God is capable of changing?
I know God doesn't change. But why does God tell one group of people (the Jews) to keep the Sabbath but then tells everyone else they don't have to. If the Sabbath is so holy that God wants you dead for not keeping it, wouldn't God always consider the Sabbath holy?
Ok lets both put ourselves in the shoes of a Jew.

"Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day. 33And those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation; 34and they put him in custody because it had not been declared what should be done to him. 35Then the Lord said to Moses, "The man shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp." 36So all the congregation brought him outside the camp, and stoned him to death with stones, just as the Lord had commanded Moses."

Now we are standing there with Moses and he tells us that God told us to stone this guy collecting sticks. We are both standing next to rocks at our feet and the sinner is standing in front of us, do we pick up a stone and throw it at this guy like God commands us to? This guy is a clear sinner and doesn't keep the Sabbath holy, so we definitely should kill this guy right?

Your posts seem pre-meditated and clearly show you have grasped nothing said to you. You seem like a troll. Not a good start to this site. Goodbye.
I know God doesn't change. But why does God tell one group of people (the Jews) to keep the Sabbath but then tells everyone else they don't have to. If the Sabbath is so holy that God wants you dead for not keeping it, wouldn't God always consider the Sabbath holy?

I never said that we aren't to keep the Sabbath. God still commands this. The ten commandments extend to Divine Law. We are still bound by the commandments.
I never said that we aren't to keep the Sabbath. God still commands this. The ten commandments extend to Divine Law. We are still bound by the commandments.
So we have to keep the Sabbath, but the punishment is no longer stoning? So the commandment stays the same but the punishment changed because of Jesus?
Believe me, sin matters. But our faith in Jesus covers our sins thanks to the Love God has for us.
So since I believe in Jesus, I can work on the Sabbath day and not worry about being stoned? But before Jesus if I worked on the Sabbath day I would be stoned? But Jesus is God so God used to have people killed for working on the Sabbath day but then when God turned into the human form of Jesus God no longer wants that?
So since I believe in Jesus, I can work on the Sabbath day and not worry about being stoned? But before Jesus if I worked on the Sabbath day I would be stoned? But Jesus is God so God used to have people killed for working on the Sabbath day but then when God turned into the human form of Jesus God no longer wants that?

But God has never wanted us to die, he never wanted us to sin, but since we did, he had to punish us because he is Holy. God from the beginning planned to put Jesus on the cross, but he had to show us why first.

But God has never wanted us to die, he never wanted us to sin, but since we did, he had to punish us because he is Holy. God from the beginning planned to put Jesus on the cross, but he had to show us why first.
If God never wanted us to sin then why did he put that snake in the garden?
What do you believe the punishment is for our sin in rejecting God?
I heard its hell but I don't know if that's fair because some people get to witness miracles like splitting the red sea which makes God's existence obvious, but people in China for example never get to sees God's miracles so I don't see how God could put the Chinese in hell for not believing.
Are you suggesting that God tempted man?
Well God created everything, including that tempting snake. So if the snake tempted man, and god made the snake and also made it the only talking animal in the garden and the only think it talked about was tempting man, then yes I would say God tempted man.
I heard its hell but I don't know if that's fair because some people get to witness miracles like splitting the red sea which makes God's existence obvious, but people in China for example never get to sees God's miracles so I don't see how God could put the Chinese in hell for not believing.

I don't think God would do that either. I believe because God is merciful, He would not condemn those who had no chance of coming to Him. I had a discussion with a colleague of mine who is a Liturgical Theologian -- so it's not his expertise, but was a good discussion nonetheless.

God's mercy is constant and more powerful than we can even understand. My question is when we actively disobey God and reject him. That's different from being in ignorance of Him.