Do Christians Have To Follow The Old Testament?

God knew that Eve was too weak to ignore the devil. God knew that Adam was too weak to ignore Eve. God knew that Adam and Eve would both eat from that tree. If God didn't put that snake there they probably would have obeyed God. So God made it impossible for Adam and Eve not to sin, therefore it was God's intention for man to sin.

The truth of the matter is God told Adam to keep, and protect the garden. That was his first commission from God to do, before God commanded them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam failed in protecting garden which lead to Adam and Eve being tempted to sin. It was not God's fault but Adam,s for disobeying his first job. We are told as Christians, "not to give the Devil a place" like Adam did.
God knew that Eve was too weak to ignore the devil. God knew that Adam was too weak to ignore Eve. God knew that Adam and Eve would both eat from that tree. If God didn't put that snake there they probably would have obeyed God. So God made it impossible for Adam and Eve not to sin, therefore it was God's intention for man to sin.

That is not the truth. Adam and Eve were both equipped with the ability to obey God. They had a relationship with Him to rival any human being. Although God knew that He was risking everything, He was willing to allow His beloved creation to possess a will of His own. It was never His intention for man to sin! It was for man to love Him and walk with Him as friends forever.
So we have to keep the Sabbath, but the punishment is no longer stoning? So the commandment stays the same but the punishment changed because of Jesus?

The commandments came to show man exactly what sin is, not to stop men from sinning. The law has no power in that regard. Sin's punishment is always death, but Jesus came to pay that penalty once and for all.

Hebrews 7:26-27 (NLT)
He is the kind of high priest we need because he is holy and blameless, unstained by sin. He has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place of honor in heaven. 27 Unlike those other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices every day. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he offered himself as the sacrifice for the people’s sins.
To begin, God wouldn't change His mind as God is unchangeable. In fact, there are some things God is incapable of -- He cannot be both logical and illogical. He cannot NOT exist. And because He is all-perfect, He cannot change.

Mosaic law, things like wearing certain clothing and not eating certain foods, were given directly to the nation of Israel. But it wasn't strictly things like this -- it was a predecessor for the bearing of Christ, who fulfilled the New Covenant. We are still bound by divine law, but not Mosaic law.
To be honest, even though eating pig may not be a sin anymore, it's still a good rule to follow since most of the effects of eating pig are negative such as getting higher cholesterol and blocked arteries.
To be honest, even though eating pig may not be a sin anymore, it's still a good rule to follow since most of the effects of eating pig are negative such as getting higher cholesterol and blocked arteries.
Eating pig is not near as harmful as living in fear and unbelief... Eat pig in moderation and give thanks unto God and you need not worry about this sort of thing.
Some people say God doesn't need us to follow those laws anymore but I don't understand why God would change his mind. Would someone be so kind and enlighten me, thank you in advance.

Hello HolySpirit1000 and I hope you are well. I get the feeling you've got a pretty good idea of the answer so far so I'll just add a little. Jesus said he didn't come to destroy the law but to fulfill (bring it to completion) and when he was on the cross he said 'it is finished' meaning it's perfectly perfect it's completely comlete. What he did was to fulfill his priestly role in obeying every law and precept of God from his birth to his death in thought, word and deed and by doing so, he brought the Old Agreement to an end ushering in his NT in Grace through Faith. He completed all those laws on our behalf and as Paul the Apostle argued countless times in the NT, sin cannot be inputted where their is no law......This belief is the foundation of what we believe and the basis of the joy we have in Jesus Christ, for any to say we need to life by these laws and not the law of Love in Jesus Christ, well what they're saying is that the sacrifice was not enough, that God's plan of salvation was not enough, it was, it was perfectly perfect, it was completely complete. Through his grace now we can obey from the heart and live a righteous life in him not because of what we've done but what he did for us, don't let anyone tell you any different from the absolute foundation of God's Word, Jesus came to give you life and liberty, not rules and regulations.......God bless...
Eating pig is not near as harmful as living in fear and unbelief... Eat pig in moderation and give thanks unto God and you need not worry about this sort of thing.
I don't know about that sir. I just had a pork chop for the first time this year, and I'm feeling pretty sick. Going back to the blackend salmon. Please do not post anymore pork chop recipes on this forum Mitspa.
A wonderful, strong Christian man from our church who is a successful pig farmer would not like this too much!
" and pork is not based on my google research"
Well I would hope not. I would hope that the pork you eat came from an animal, not an internet search engine.
I really really like pork chops, and bacon....yummy. My daughter in law has taken the task to try and save pigs. I dont know why, but she will not eat any kind of pork, and she likes to collect pig figurines, so I bought I her a huge pink piggy bank filled with quarters for Christmas.