Do you think God is really coming back?

I'm not playing with god, its just things happened..and life did trying to find my way back to Him but its not as easy as it seems... :/
I applaud your understanding of your state. We all do fail and, if we're honest, we've all doubted when it seemed like He was not in a situation. We, however, server a God who never sleeps nor slumbers. There are times that His ways are so far above ours that we can never understand why things are happening. Don't forget Paul's inspired statements:

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:3-5)

Most people will honestly tell you that there are times they know persecution is happening, and they don't grasp it. Personally, when this happens to me, sometimes I am girded by my faith in Him and I communicate more regularly with Him (already a benefit of the persecution ... it definitely can bring us closer to Him) and trust Him. Sadly, even when He delivers me and I see how he was sanctifying me ... there are other times when I get frustrated and question Him.

You seem like an honest person with honest questions and doubts. Bring them to Him. He does not fear your doubts nor is he angry about them. Go to Him as your loving Father and you can regain that closeness. Being in a good body of believers where the Gospel is preached in its entirety (along with the rest of scripture) is definitely a step in the right direction. If you find a perfect church, they can't let you in (or me) because we are all imperfect and would thus ruin that perfect church.

Back to your original question, His word said he is coming back and I believe his word in inerrant. Will it happen in 6 years or 6000 years ... I can't say. But for thousands of people in the US every day, His coming becomes far less important than their going. So being ready is not just a statement about His arrival ... people old and young pass away from their earthly existence every day. Being prepared to meet Him is always a good idea. If he comes back tomorrow ... that will be great. In spite of being a highly imperfect parent, I am thrilled that my sons and their wives know the Lord (praise God as better parents than I can't claim that). But if He does not come back for 6,000 years (or 6 million for that matter) ... our lives down here are but a vapor ... and being prepared is never a bad idea. God bless.
I'm not playing with god, its just things happened..and life did trying to find my way back to Him but its not as easy as it seems... :/
If I recall rightly, I'm pretty confident that in a previous post/thread you shared with me that you were Spirit-filled and could pray in tongues.
And said something along the lines of 'I should get back to praying in the Spirit more.'
God has given unto you the most powerful working gift in this universe... the Holy Spirit. Avail yourself to the power, strength and work of the
Spirit within you. Do not squander your inheritance. Do not shipwreck your faith. Salvation is all there is. The greatest prize to gain.
Find where you belong - with other Spirit-filled Christians who are truthful to the original gospel preached by Jesus and the Apostles.
Yes I know its on his time... I remember when I did go to church ECT..

There were these signs / dates... Like the Oct. Bloodmoon or whatever many times I heard he was so close, so at the door...yet..

Nothing has happened...not that I want him to..bc I'm no where near ready... just seems like it'd be a millennium before he returns.

What do you think :)

The blood moon and such were just very interesting events. It is in His hands as you said.

I think He will return before things are completely unbearable for us. He wants as many saved as possible.

Things are getting there. Matt 24:9 is slowly coming to full fruition.

The next 'prediction' as far as I know is for 2017. Said to be a 'Jubilee year'. Here is a good article on it
Before we get too far of the rails, I would like to say that some major 'strides' if you will were made last September. It may not have been an apocalyptic event, but many things in the financial, technology, and world governance realms were accomplished. And the full fruit of such changes is yet to come to fruition. Woe to this generation for the things to come....
The blood moon and such were just very interesting events. It is in His hands as you said.

I think He will return before things are completely unbearable for us. He wants as many saved as possible.

Things are getting there. Matt 24:9 is slowly coming to full fruition.

The next 'prediction' as far as I know is for 2017. Said to be a 'Jubilee year'. Here is a good article on it
We're in the Jubilee year right now. It started on 14 Sep 2015 and ends 2 Oct 2016.
Jubilee = 50th year. Last year was the 49th shmita making this year 5776 a Jubilee year making this year a shmita too. See Lev 25.

Yes sir. But I was thinking that you might put that in lay mans terms so that the people reading this would be able to understand the meaning.
Yes I know its on his time... I remember when I did go to church ECT..

There were these signs / dates... Like the Oct. Bloodmoon or whatever many times I heard he was so close, so at the door...yet..

Nothing has happened...not that I want him to..bc I'm no where near ready... just seems like it'd be a millennium before he returns.

What do you think :)

With out a doubt He is coming my friend.

Matt 24:8 "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;"

2 Peter 3:4 - "And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation."

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. - 1 thes 5:3
And just why not???? Don't they pay you extra for such stuff????

Philippians 2:12 (KJV)
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.​
I think the thing that really bothers and confuses a lot of people, myself included is when people say he's coming "soon". Not talking about those that predict specific dates and get it wrong, but every generation quite a lot of people believe and say that he's coming "soon", as in, their lifetime. And then their generation passes and the new generation says the same thing, and so on and so forth.
I don't even know or trust the word soon anymore. People use it way too much in more than just Christ's return to the point where the word is pretty much meaningless and the growth of doubt starts.
I think the thing that really bothers and confuses a lot of people, myself included is when people say he's coming "soon". Not talking about those that predict specific dates and get it wrong, but every generation quite a lot of people believe and say that he's coming "soon", as in, their lifetime. And then their generation passes and the new generation says the same thing, and so on and so forth.
I don't even know or trust the word soon anymore. People use it way too much in more than just Christ's return to the point where the word is pretty much meaningless and the growth of doubt starts.
If you knew without a doubt the Lord was coming in 12 hours, it would affect the way you live compared to if you knew without a doubt He wasn't coming for 12,000 years. It's human nature. God makes it so you need to live His way and be ready no matter when He actually comes. If you knew a cop was around the next turn, you'd slow down. If you knew there wasn't a cop for 100 miles you might drive faster knowing you wouldn't get caught. That's all. Live in the moment believing that Jesus is with you in all that you do, and it will change how you act compared to when you're alone or among total strangers.