Doctrinal Salvation

I had some Mormon missionaries come to my home a few times and they seemed biblical enough. I don't believe we get to heaven based on our beliefs about the Bible but rather our beliefs about our Savior. I'm not saying that other stuff isn't important but that other stuff isn't what determines our salvation.

I haven't met very many Catholic people in person but I have watched many YouTube videos where they talk about their beliefs. They seem like genuine Christians to me. They are definitely not the same as Protestant but that doesn't mean they aren't saved.

I've met quite a few Mormons and they are some of the nicest people I've met. They're always willing to help you with anything and I can honestly sense the Spirit in the before they even mention they are Mormon.

We are supposed to know Christians by their fruit, right? I'd say both Mormons and Catholics have good, if not better fruit than most Protestants. When I was working at the police department you couldn't throw a stick without hitting a "Christian" so why is it that the Mormon was the only one I could sense was a fellow believer?

I don't know who is saved and who is not. God is the judge of that. But from my own experiences, I just can't see how a person who believes Christ is their Savior can go to hell regardless of their other views.

Hello Huntingteckel and what an interesting post and thread. You are absolutely right, only God truly knows but to add weight to the true Christian's belief system if I may. The true Christian's belief system isn't blind faith but something they've actually experienced and continue to experience on a regular basis, moments and events which couldn't have occoured other than the guiding hand of God. Visions and dreams which have no earthly origin and impressions and leading you can't explain yet turn out to be the clear guiding hand of God in your life. The Christian life is a true experience mirroring what God has said in his Word whether that be in your marriage, family or work life proving time and time again the reality of God. What sets the Christian apart is actual knowledge and experience working together not just a head knowledge of God and if these who claim to have Christ in their hearts, yet remain unchanged, then somethings missing.

Regards your thoughts on different interpretation. There's only one interpretation upon any given subject in God's Word and it is a matter of how much effort one puts in to study. If one reads the studies the English translation only in deeper subjects, then their conclusions will be incomplete but to those who take the plain meaning of the text, in context of book chapter and verse, consulting the original Hebrew and Greek and being lead by the spirit, then they will arrive at true interpretations therefore the mind of God. Might sound boring to some but it's the only way to truly arrive at sound doctrine.

I hope this has contributed to your thoughts, blessings...
Maybe it's just me, but I feel the need to actually study other religions and understand them rather than dismissing them because they are false.

Hmmm....what other reason would you dismiss another religion apart from its falseness?

We are all blinded by sin. You see the Bible through your sinful eyes the same way I see mine and Mormons see theirs.

I don't believe Mormon teachings are in any way correct, but I also can't say they don't have salvation because of it.

Those who know Christ are no longer blind, and we do not have sinful eyes. Holy Spirit reveals the truth and has fellowship with us through His word. The LDS doesn't believe the bible, even though they may say they do, as their own particular books contradict God's word in many areas. If they believed God's word, they would HAVE TO renounce Mormonism.

I actually don't feel that as a Christian we need to study anything but God's word. It is too easy to get tangled up in error because the enemy has woven his wiles into it. as long as we are well-versed in the truth of the word of God, then we are armed for anything. After all, the word of God is the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT. W are instructed to put on the WHOLE armour of God, aren't we? Nowhere does the Lord instruct us to be armed by studying the doctrines of demons. His word is more than enough.
No one, I repeat, NO ONE can see into another person's heart! Only God can!!

It is NOT our place to judge. Yes, their doctrine disagrees with ours, but if a member of the LDS church (or ANY church for that matter) believes on Jesus as Savior God will save them. Only God knows. And God will save whomever He pleases.

Their "Jesus" is not the Jesus of the bible. That's the problem.
Hmmm....what other reason would you dismiss another religion apart from its falseness?

Those who know Christ are no longer blind, and we do not have sinful eyes. Holy Spirit reveals the truth and has fellowship with us through His word. The LDS doesn't believe the bible, even though they may say they do, as their own particular books contradict God's word in many areas. If they believed God's word, they would HAVE TO renounce Mormonism.

I actually don't feel that as a Christian we need to study anything but God's word. It is too easy to get tangled up in error because the enemy has woven his wiles into it. as long as we are well-versed in the truth of the word of God, then we are armed for anything. After all, the word of God is the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT. W are instructed to put on the WHOLE armour of God, aren't we? Nowhere does the Lord instruct us to be armed by studying the doctrines of demons. His word is more than enough.

If we want to convert people we need to understand where they are coming from. I don't think we can effectively convert people from other religions unless we know what those religions teach.
You ask for proof of Mormon doctrine, well here it is straight from the horses patoot:

"Christ, as a pre-existant spirit was not only the spirit brother of the devil, Pearl of Great Price Moses 4:1-4 (written by Joesph Smith), and later reaffirmed by Brigham Young (his successor after he was gunned down for being a pedophile) in the Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 282, ...but celebrated his own marriage to both the Mary's and Martha - that way he could see his seed before he was crucified, as written by the apostle Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 259-260, "

need I go on??????

Quoting from their own literature the Mormon Jesus is a creation, equal with his brother the devil and was married here on earth as a polygamist.

That is enough to prove their Jesus could not atone for my sins on the Cross!

Now, I say this humbly and in love, ...if that is your Jesus then you are a mormon destined for Hell and in need of receiving the True Jesus.

In His Love,

If we want to convert people we need to understand where they are coming from. I don't think we can effectively convert people from other religions unless we know what those religions teach.

No, we need to know what the truth is so that we can, with all confidence that Christ gives us, refute it. We don't need to know anything about false religions to be able to present the truth. It is Holy Spirit that does the convincing and the converting. His word is enough.
If we want to convert people we need to understand where they are coming from. I don't think we can effectively convert people from other religions unless we know what those religions teach.
Well they are lots of info about the errors of Mormonism, and how it rejects the gospel taught by the Apostles and Christ Himself...have you taken the time to study out these issues?
Well they are lots of info about the errors of Mormonism, and how it rejects the gospel taught by the Apostles and Christ Himself...have you taken the time to study out these issues?
I've said many times that I disagree with their beliefs and I don't think they are anywhere near accurate. I want to understand all religions to be better at evangelism.
I've said many times that I disagree with their beliefs and I don't think they are anywhere near accurate. I want to understand all religions to be better at evangelism.

I totally understand where you are coming from, and don't necessarily disagree that it would be good to better understand someone I'm witnessing to. I think it could fall under the second most important commandment, loving your neighbor. It's easy to say "shut up your wrong." But if we want to show love, and compassion, it would be smart to learn a little more about someone, and what they have gone through. That would be showing love, and we know scripture says love can conquer a lot right? :)

However, for me personally, my focus has been trying to learn more and more about the Holy Spirit. So that it would be by His power that someone is saved and not my knowledge.

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
I totally understand where you are coming from, and don't necessarily disagree that it would be good to better understand someone I'm witnessing to. I think it could fall under the second most important commandment, loving your neighbor. It's easy to say "shut up your wrong." But if we want to show love, and compassion, it would be smart to learn a little more about someone, and what they have gone through. That would be showing love, and we know scripture says love can conquer a lot right? :)

However, for me personally, my focus has been trying to learn more and more about the Holy Spirit. So that it would be by His power that someone is saved and not my knowledge.

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
I understand what you're saying. I don't think anything should go above our learning of the Bible and prayer.

The main reason I think that it's important to have a good understanding of other religions is that you will probably have a better idea of what topics should be focused on. For example, a Buddhist may never be able to accept the Divinity of Christ at the beginning but may be completely able to accept the creation so that could be a better place to start because of their religious teachings. I'm just using that as an example. I don't know anything about Buddhism yet.

Sorry it this makes no sense. I just got back from work and I'm exhausted.
I've said many times that I disagree with their beliefs and I don't think they are anywhere near accurate. I want to understand all religions to be better at evangelism.
I think almost all these false systems come down to one issue..who is Christ Jesus? Is He God manifest in the flesh?
Again, only God knows their heart and who they are crying out to.

The word says that when one seeks for Him with all his heart, He will be found by him. To a Mormon, he thinks he has found Jesus, but it isn't Him---that is why it is so very dangerous, spiritually. As right-thinking Christians, we need to be better at presenting the real Jesus to these people.