I watched the Ragamuffin Movie last night about Rich Mullins. It's rated PG-13 and I didn't know why. We watched if carefully, ready to stop at any moment, but it contains his drinking and smoking problem with some cussing. I can understand, but I loved the movie and I loved his music. Why? Because he was a man like us, trying to do the right things, but he had his vices. It was a very good movie, not some low-budget church film. It was very well done. Get the tissues ready too…
The point is, no one is perfect, but we're always ready to pounce on someone for some insignificant infraction. (I’m guilty too and don’t always catch myself either). At the same time, we are to help each other and rather than give the speaker the benefit of the doubt, we immediately reject their words, even if they may come from God Himself. I ponder everything, mull it over, swallow if it’s for me, spit it out if it’s not, after honest reflection. Am I always right? Never! God’s the only one that’s perfect. I just know I won’t be judged by God for it
The point is, no one is perfect, but we're always ready to pounce on someone for some insignificant infraction. (I’m guilty too and don’t always catch myself either). At the same time, we are to help each other and rather than give the speaker the benefit of the doubt, we immediately reject their words, even if they may come from God Himself. I ponder everything, mull it over, swallow if it’s for me, spit it out if it’s not, after honest reflection. Am I always right? Never! God’s the only one that’s perfect. I just know I won’t be judged by God for it