No, they were not by any stretch of the imagination Baptist of any kind. We often heard sermons against anything Baptist, and they were very upset with me when I put my children in a Baptist school.I am sorry for such a thing to happen to you. Nothing I say will be able to heal your wound, but may I ask you if the church that asked you to leave was an Independent Baptist church or one belonging to the SBC. It would be very, very strange for an SBC church to ask you not to wear your wedding ring etc.
You see, Independent churches operate on their own authority and that always comes down to what the Pastor says. They have to higher authority for direction and or correction when things of this nature come up.
Knowing the SBC stance on family, marriage and sexual activity, I would be absolutely shocked if you were in a SBC church which asked you to do those heinous things.
So then.........IMHO you should be glad that the Holy Spirit moved you out of a non-Biblical church!!!!
It was a church of a world-wide organization then, started in the early 1900s, which grew like wild fire then (pun intended). It began to dwindle steadily in the mid '90s. The church I attended in my present town is empty and for sale, by the grace of G-d. The one I attended in MPLS is also gone. I don't have enough contact to know how the rest I attended are doing, but it is dwindling nearly world-wide. Last I knew, however, it continuing to grow on the African continent.
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