Drunk In The Spirit Biblical?

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A self proclaimed "righteous" man...hmmm. Not that I like labels, but are Mitspa and Edward charismatics?
Thank you, proud to be on your list, but I won't stop exposing the darkness.

Oh I believe in slain in the spirit, it's just a question of what spirit, I saw the same shenanigans back in the '50s at our local county fair, .....performed by hypnotists, ...you need to do some homework.

Something told me to unignore you just for a second, and I am so glad I did. In one post you say you cant recieve it because its not in the epistles or in acts documented of the early church, and now you say do some homework??? Now I know its the right thing to do to block you because you contradict what you say.
And for the record, when I was slain in the spirit God spoke to me. He asked me why did I smoke. I told Him I didnt know. A month and a half later I told Him I am sorry God but I cant not do this. Then i felt him reach inside me and take my addiction out. only God delivers, all other spirits will put you in bondage.
The only darkness you have exposed is with in yourself.
I wondered because Mitspa's video has a charismatic pastor speaking about how to regenerate a church and he can be seen in part 2 of JPT's video
A self proclaimed "righteous" man...hmmm. Not that I like labels, but are Mitspa and Edward charismatics?

Cant speak for mitspa, as I dont know mitspa. Personally I hold to no labels or denomination or any of that. I believe all scripture is God breathed. I believe in salvation by grace thru faith. I have been baptised by water and fire, which means I have been dunked and had hands laid on me.

And further more, I never claimed to be righteous. The only righteous in me is not of me but of The Lord, Jesus Christ. Even more I will say, I am wretched and have no idea why God had mercy on me. But I am so glad he did.
I don't know what to say......, actually I'm very sad, sad that people are being deceived,

If anyone doesn't think the serpent isn't cunning Gen 3:1 to the point of deceiving people in the name of Jesus......,

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1Pe 5:8

Dear ones, please be discerning, in theses terrible times,

I don't know what to say......, actually I'm very sad, sad that people are being deceived,

If anyone doesn't think the serpent isn't cunning Gen 3:1 to the point of deceiving people in the name of Jesus......,

To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. Isa 8:20

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1Pe 5:8

Dear ones, please be discerning, in theses terrible times,

Gene... I feel the same feelings you do. Deep sorrow for the ones who are caught up in it all.

To reply to others on the post Satan uses scripture and twist it to deceive the many. Satan deceived Eve in the Garden, and G_d walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve. We have read how Satan uses scripture to twist them. For example when Yeshua was in the wilderness for 40 days.

Yeshua said narrow is the gate and few will find it. It isn't about how big the church is or the entertainment they provide. Nor is it about prosperity and riches which is worldly. It is about building a personal relationship with Him; even through our temptations, and struggles. Keeping our eyes on Him, and believing all he said is Truth. We need to let the Holy Spirit mold us and teach us, since the Holy Spirit lives in the believers to teach us the truth in all things. Satan causes division in the church, hints so many denominations today. Something like 45,000 of them. So which one is right? The scriptures tell us we are the church individually that makes up the whole body. I have gone back to the roots. Before Catholicism, and before Constantine. I am talking back to the disciples and apostles. We cannot exalt a man on the pulpit above G_d. That is why we have the Holy Spirit to teach us.

We have to watch the stuff like the kundalini spirit to see the ways of Satan. Didn't the disciples see the casting out of demons, and do it themselves? Also Yeshua told them to wise as the serpent and be gentle as a dove, because they are going out as sheep among the wolves. How else are we to know the enemy and protect ourselves, and save the ones who are Spiritually blind. Like any battle we must be trained for anything the enemy has to throw at us.

Satan has his hand in everything. Politics, religion, TV, movies, music, radio, news, and even cartoons we grew up watching and our children, or grandchildren watch now. You name it. Some are hidden and some are just out plan as day yet all are connected like a spider web to snare us all to get stuck in his web of lies, and deceit. We have to remember Satan is out to steal, kill and destroy all. The ones who turned to Satan that stuff is plan as the nose on ones face. The other stuff in churches are much, much harder to see. Unless you study and show yourselves approved.

Gird yourselves, for the time is at hand and we have yet to see the tribulations. We don't know the hour, but we know the times and seasons. Also Yeshua has put it in writing for us so we may be watchful. Aren't there earthquakes almost daily now? Birds, fish, deer, cattle, and pestilences going on? The Blood moon tetrads falling on the feast of the Lord. War in Israel right now. The world is turned on its head economically and they are wanting a one world religion and government. The time is now to wake up and seek Yeshua. Seek the Truth and pray He lifts the veil from your own eyes, or the ones you love who are lost in the web Satan has spun.

We are battling not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. The time at hand... Everything is coming together in the world lining up with scriptures. It will be like the days of Noah. Everybody going about their everyday lives then the wrath of G_d comes. I am trying to be a watcher. I get snared still from time to time. I just learn from it and get back on my feet to fight another day. I am far from perfect. I am a sinner saved by the blood of the Savior.

Sorry if I have typos. It is late here. May the Lord bless and Keep you. Amen.
Brother, thank you for the confirmation, I'm all alone, with the exception of my wife, in our church, and feel that way here sometimes, so much screaming and yelling for what is clearly evident is not of our Lord.

The Jesus Culture vid knocked the wind out of my sail, I hadn't heard about that, it's new to me, but that's exactly the theme present in the church, not the bizarreness, but the focus on the Holy Spirit and worship, and the emphasis of changing the names, not evangelist, but revivalist, not speaking about Jesus, unholy concentration on the Holy Spirit, no hunger for the Word, ...our youth are away for camp on another island, who knows what is being taught, we were against it, but then we are always accused of being the bad guys, going against the things of God, quenching the Holy Spirit, ...just like I have received here on this thread.

Funny coincidence, I was talking with a dear sister here about the flowers in Tahiti and how Father used numbers in their creation, there is one called Tiare Tahiti, on the bush there are up to a hundred flowers, I find flowers with six petals, seven petals and eight petals, six in the Word is used to represent the number of man, seven is perfection and eight is resurrection or new birth, while at work this week I took some pictures of them, found lots of six and seven petal flowers, but not one with eight, I went and searched another bush and none there either, ....yes, narrow is the gate and few are those that find it.

Paul said to young Timothy he didn't have any like-minded with him and encouraged him to fight the good fight and keep the faith, ...sadly the most are either in bed with the devil, chasing after him or seeing him in every corner when the real battle is keeping the Light of the Word pure and shining bright. All this emphasis to be like Jesus, ...healing, miracles, blabbering, moving mountains into the sea, ...I must say this thread has done a lot to conform me into the image of Jesus,

...a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: Isa 53:3


Did you watch the video, WBC is an isolated incident, this silly kundalini thing is spreading over the world like wildfire,

so, what you are trying to tell us what we are watching sweeping through the church is the Holy Spirit?
I dont think some of you would understand , no matter how much time or effort was taken to explain. I dont know anything about this kundalini thing, it cannot come into a true assembly of saints where the Holy Spirit is. You people are so afraid of the devil, because you do not know God or His power.
1Co 2:4
And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1Co 2:5
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

Here is the biblical standard, dont be drawn into dead and powerless religion by those who believe the devil has more power than God.
I believe my only run-in with that k. stuff happened in the local church when I was looking for my friend. Just to explain, upon entering that church, I was surprised to find the church entrance floor literally covered with bodies who were supposedly "slain" in a spirit. I saw others standing, waiting to be "slain," and a couple people were "praying" for them, one standing behind the person and one in front of the person with their hand on their forehead. As I watched, the person being "prayed" for fell backwards. I thought this was interesting, because in the Bible, the L-rd causes only His enemies to fall backwards.

But I had seen that falling-backwards stuff before while watching that white-suited, funny-haired man on TV (whose name I can't recall right now) blow people who fell backwards. I had also seen, on Youtube video, those "evangelists" who barked, hissed, and cackled in their gatherings, cause people to fell backwards. Seeing it in person, however, was mildly humorous, as I saw these same individuals seemingly nonchalant after the experience. Well, just my perspective after a short time in that room.

But upon opening the door to the next room -- the main assembly room -- a nasty electricity swirled toward me, hitting me, making my hairs on my arms, neck, and head stand on end. It was a crude and ugly feeling, making me want to run from the building, but I stood my ground.
1. I thought, "He Who is in me is stronger than this ugly ridiculousness."
2. I wanted to find my friend. I feared for her. After exiting an abusive marriage, she had just disappeared.
She was there. I spotted her across the platform, rising from the floor, holding a blanket that had been over her. She smiled nervously when she saw me. A couple years later, she was dead -- my friend who was about 15 years younger than me, the picture of health, although both her husband and her parents had abused her. Something was wrong with her death, and everyone spoke of that. Doctors could not explain it. Just wrong. However, one must consider that surely not everyone who was in that large building is dead . . . .

As I have written, I was reared around Pentecostalism and experienced the people of '70s-type charismata, but the above was my first experience like that -- and the worst.

When a child, in California, I saw plenty from a particular brand of Pentecostalism, including a particularly cruel pastor who would scream at us from the pulpit until veins stood out on his neck like thick red rope, and his face turned purple, splotched with red. It was the early '50s. When I got older, I realized he was emulating Hitler. And I saw the fear he commanded in the congregation, the way he made grown men as well as teenage girls cry. I was little, and I remember looking in his church office with the paisley oriental carpet, calling back to mother, "Is this where he calls people on the carpet?" My parents, embarrassed and fearful, rushed me out the back door of the church. He left this church not long after this, and within 5 years, that little Pentecostal had several pastors who all tried to heal that church. My parents didn't want any of them. Still, through all this, the people held tightly to their experiences and made sincere excuses for the things they saw that they knew were wrong.

We moved to Mississippi and saw a gentler type of Pentecostalism, with only a couple like that above. Gentler, kinder people -- for the most part -- waited expectantly for experiences, excitement, assurance, the spectacular, so that they could carry on through another week. Father had been called, by Mother, to start a church there, but it didn't happen. We only did house-church, and usually, it was just Father, Mother, my sister and me, so we went from church to church. Those worst of churches were loud and belligerent, like my first church. A gathering of mean people whose spiritual gift seemed to be squinty-eyed criticism, like my first church.

We went from there to Kentucky, where Father pastored a church, then to Missouri, where we went back to the organization we'd belonged to when I was little. In Missouri, I remember one lady who, when "speaking in tongues," merely grinned, looking around at all of us, joyously saying merely, "Malarkey! Malarkey!Malarkey, malarkey!" Now, I am part Irish. . . .

Then, there were the experiences I have mentioned regarding the fear-riddled Charismatics of the '70s and more stuff. . . .

I am just unconvinced that any of this glorifies G-d. In fact, for me, it is quite disturbing.
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I dont think some of you would understand , no matter how much time or effort was taken to explain. I dont know anything about this kundalini thing, it cannot come into a true assembly of saints where the Holy Spirit is. You people are so afraid of the devil, because you do not know God or His power.

You are right Mitspa, I don't understand and I'm not afraid of the devil, but I do respect the authority he has Jude 1:8, 9, the other side of this thing is the camp of people proclaiming they themselves have authority over the devil and demonic forces with special Apostolic authority, which we saw in the video, Wagner, Joiner et. al., endorsing and approving this occultic practice, walking hand in hand with the Kundalini camp.

You posted a video of a man that is definitely in the second camp,so I assume that is what you believe in faith and cling to, claiming that if someone doesn't speak in tongues they aren't saved who is undoubtedly deceived and confused with what he himself believes, because he used a quote from Spurgeon and Spurgeon didn't believe in speaking in tongues and never taught it, ...would he claim, are you saying Spurgeon isn't saved(?), so yes I don't understand, why would the man in the video use him as a reference, ...so I ask, who is the one confused here?

We have seen that the Kundalini camp and what you believe are together, ...I asked you a simple question and you won't answer it, ...is the occultic Kundalini force coming from the Holy Spirit?

And now a second question, since you posted a video of what you endorse and believe, is the second camp of Apostolic authority, along with having to speak in tongues to be saved from the Holy Spirit too?

Please don't tell us we don't understand, we don't get it, please don't give the impression you have some higher form of spirituality than me or us, just answer the questions with Scripture, not experience, showing us where these forms of worship, teaching are practiced in the Word and explain the verses to us in their Biblical context, ....please.

The power and authority we have as a Christian over the Devil and evil spirits does not come from ourselves, but from our head which is Christ. He is our head and we are his body. If we the Church do not open our mouths and lift our hands then how is God going to work on the earth? He never does anything outside of his body. Like Jesus said, "I can of my own self do nothing"
It was His Father that worked through his Son and now Christ works through his body which is us his Church.
The power and authority we have as a Christian over the Devil and evil spirits does not come from ourselves, but from our head which is Christ. He is our head and we are his body. If we the Church do not open our mouths and lift our hands then how is God going to work on the earth? He never does anything outside of his body. Like Jesus said, "I can of my own self do nothing"
It was His Father that worked through his Son and now Christ works through his body which is us his Church.

Are you speaking of our God, the creator of the universe, can do nothing without human beings?
Something told me to unignore you just for a second, and I am so glad I did. In one post you say you cant recieve it because its not in the epistles or in acts documented of the early church, and now you say do some homework??? Now I know its the right thing to do to block you because you contradict what you say.
And for the record, when I was slain in the spirit God spoke to me. He asked me why did I smoke. I told Him I didnt know. A month and a half later I told Him I am sorry God but I cant not do this. Then i felt him reach inside me and take my addiction out. only God delivers, all other spirits will put you in bondage.
The only darkness you have exposed is with in yourself.
I've been slain, I've been baptized by fire and water, what Gene is talking about is different. I was ready to comment on his first post immediately, then I was obedient and researched what he was talking about. "Drunk in the Spirit" does not mean the same to me as it does these folks, and it may not mean the same to you. If you haven't watched that video, give it a chance first.
The power and authority we have as a Christian over the Devil and evil spirits does not come from ourselves, but from our head which is Christ. He is our head and we are his body. If we the Church do not open our mouths and lift our hands then how is God going to work on the earth? He never does anything outside of his body. Like Jesus said, "I can of my own self do nothing"
It was His Father that worked through his Son and now Christ works through his body which is us his Church.

Brother, I respect you, but what you are saying is just not correct, in my own life God saved me from an overdose of drugs and I can assure you the church was no where to be seen, also it is commonly reported by respected sources that the Lord is speaking to Muslims in dreams and they are turning from the Moon god to the True and living God,

But more important, the works we, as the Church, must be done in Faith and faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God, so in reference to the works the Church will do for the Lord,

Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do: for what things soever He does, these also doeth the Son likewise. John 5:19

So I reiterate, I have never seen in Scripture the Father doing or teaching any of the works we have seen in the videos posted above, .....have you?


You are right Mitspa, I don't understand and I'm not afraid of the devil, but I do respect the authority he has Jude 1:8, 9, the other side of this thing is the camp of people proclaiming they themselves have authority over the devil and demonic forces with special Apostolic authority, which we saw in the video, Wagner, Joiner et. al., endorsing and approving this occultic practice, walking hand in hand with the Kundalini camp.

You posted a video of a man that is definitely in the second camp,so I assume that is what you believe in faith and cling to, claiming that if someone doesn't speak in tongues they aren't saved who is undoubtedly deceived and confused with what he himself believes, because he used a quote from Spurgeon and Spurgeon didn't believe in speaking in tongues and never taught it, ...would he claim, are you saying Spurgeon isn't saved(?), so yes I don't understand, why would the man in the video use him as a reference, ...so I ask, who is the one confused here?

We have seen that the Kundalini camp and what you believe are together, ...I asked you a simple question and you won't answer it, ...is the occultic Kundalini force coming from the Holy Spirit?

And now a second question, since you posted a video of what you endorse and believe, is the second camp of Apostolic authority, along with having to speak in tongues to be saved from the Holy Spirit too?

Please don't tell us we don't understand, we don't get it, please don't give the impression you have some higher form of spirituality than me or us, just answer the questions with Scripture, not experience, showing us where these forms of worship, teaching are practiced in the Word and explain the verses to us in their Biblical context, ....please.

I don't accept that anyone on this forum is some kind of expert in the Holy Spirit and decides who is of God and who is not? I don't have anything to do with anything ungodly or this kudela thing you guys seem to be so afraid of? I know the real power of God and knowing and having the real is the only way to really discern the false.
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