Economic Downturn Warning

Major thats intereting pov bout socialism but i dont think it works quite that way.

Some people cannot work and need looking after. Eg children, elderly, disabled and then theres wives who work at home and dont get any pay at all. Their husbands support them while they look after the household and nurture the children.

Not EVERYONE can work and earn money like an able bodied man. Just pointing that out in case you forgot.

And there are people like me who is pretty able bodied (one bad hand and two really bad knees), but only work a few hours a week. Not enough to support a family, but enough to pay child support and bills.


I stay home to care for my disabled wife and our two children.

We do receive food stamps and they pay for all our food. We also receive WIC assistance which also helps for some food (things like milk, cheese, baby formula and cereal). My wife is in a Medicare advantage plan that pays for all her medical things and medications. Good thing too since her medications add up to close to $6,000 a month. Our kids get Medicaid.

I am the one without real health insurance as I don't make enough for Obamacare, but the gross household income (my wife receives disability pay) is too much for me to receive Medicaid.

We do not get welfare money however.
I dont know about democracy but greece is important in that it had the language most all of the NT was written in.

Although hellenistic culture gave us many things like...forums..the olympic games, theatre, philosophy to name but a few.
I dont know about democracy but greece is important in that it had the language most all of the NT was written in.

Although hellenistic culture gave us many things like...forums..the olympic games, theatre, philosophy to name but a few.
The Greek of today isn't the Greek of the NT just like the Hebrew of today isn't the same as the Hebrew of the OT.
Democracy doesnt always work lol. Majority rule. Etc. christians havent always been the majority.
But God did say to Abraham if there were 10 righteous people in a town he wouldnt destroy it.
Democracy doesnt always work lol. Majority rule. Etc. christians havent always been the majority.
But God did say to Abraham if there were 10 righteous people in a town he wouldnt destroy it.
Two things about that... first true, which is why America is a Republic, not a Democracy. A Republic will only flourish when the people are active and with integrity. "We the People" are no more in America, hence our impending demise. Second, Abraham was a friend of God and he interceded for them. God is crying out for interceders.
Not sure really what america has to do with any of this. If you talking about IMF or federal reserve, those things controlled by bankers in secret locations not just in america. Or maybe you mean the world bank. But most of those bankers are actually zionists.

So what gives?
Actually its not.
In the scheme of things. You are too focussed on money when you ought to be focussing on loving one another, not money. As Jesus said.
The Greek of today isn't the Greek of the NT just like the Hebrew of today isn't the same as the Hebrew of the OT.
I wish I could get more people to understand this. TYhey run out and buy or google some mordern day translation and think they now have hidden wisdom lost in the ages.
Thanks Abdicate
Abdicate please forgive me for this might not flow with this thread but I wanted to share this.

Largest' Christian Publisher Zondervan, is a Division of HarperCollins, which Publishes the Satanic Bible and also the joys of gay sex.

The NIV has now hasa a lot of words taken out and I have not YET seen one since Harper and Zondervan teamed up HOWEVER it is said thast there are some strange changes in it. This I can not back up but simply what I have been reading. BUT the harper part is true.

Any way this would effect 2013 -14 and up bibles
Just wanted to share this with you in this thread.
God Bless
Abdicate please forgive me for this might not flow with this thread but I wanted to share this.

Largest' Christian Publisher Zondervan, is a Division of HarperCollins, which Publishes the Satanic Bible and also the joys of gay sex.

The NIV has now hasa a lot of words taken out and I have not YET seen one since Harper and Zondervan teamed up HOWEVER it is said thast there are some strange changes in it. This I can not back up but simply what I have been reading. BUT the harper part is true.

Any way this would effect 2013 -14 and up bibles
Just wanted to share this with you in this thread.
God Bless
I have no idea. I never liked the NIV.