Silk Aug 24, 2015 #42 Abdicate said: I put this on my site some years ago... Click to expand... It sounds so beautiful!! It's mostly miss on my shofar, so far (rofl).
Abdicate said: I put this on my site some years ago... Click to expand... It sounds so beautiful!! It's mostly miss on my shofar, so far (rofl).
Silk Aug 25, 2015 #43 Abdicate said: I'm not Jewish and I've never done it. Though I do have a prayer shawl See if this helps Click to expand... Wow!! I had watched a few other of his videos on all the feasts but this one is the best and most relevant to September. He matches scripture (OT&NT) with this "hidden" day being the day of the Rapture. It really is a must watch.
Abdicate said: I'm not Jewish and I've never done it. Though I do have a prayer shawl See if this helps Click to expand... Wow!! I had watched a few other of his videos on all the feasts but this one is the best and most relevant to September. He matches scripture (OT&NT) with this "hidden" day being the day of the Rapture. It really is a must watch.