Fibonacci Numbers Sequence

Amen and so since "time" (Chronos) began at that moment one cannot rightly speak of a "before". There was God, and whatever was created...timelessness was...then when God said let there be light there was light....bereshith...

Human language and ability to cognitively conceive is too limited to actually grasp it...
When God said "light be" it had nothing to do with physical light, as it was not until day three that God set the stars and sun to shine upon the earth, and its purpose was to measure time, seasons, and days.

Gen 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,

The New testament gives us insight into what the Lord God was doing when he said "let there be light"

2Co 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Haven't you ever wondered when God caused his grace to appear unto all men?

Tit 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

God was shining his light throughout all time into the hearts of all men that would be born on planet earth so they could be saved, and not have any excuse because God has shone it to them from the beginning.
Roger dodger.
Really, all levity aside, I use midnight as a day divider. I can see how in a world without clocks and electric lighting it would be more convenient to go by sunset or even sunrise as a day to day marker.
I think the ancients (Hebrews at least) used sunset on their own authority. The Lord as far as I can see never stipulated what part of a 24hour day would herald the changeover point.
To have used sunset as the marker is logical to my mind as people could work during daylight, then come sunset, their day was ended. The nighttime was when they slept and dawn of the new day summonsed them to a new day's work.
Really, all levity aside, I use midnight as a day divider. I can see how in a world without clocks and electric lighting it would be more convenient to go by sunset or even sunrise as a day to day marker.
I think the ancients (Hebrews at least) used sunset on their own authority. The Lord as far as I can see never stipulated what part of a 24hour day would herald the changeover point.
To have used sunset as the marker is logical to my mind as people could work during daylight, then come sunset, their day was ended. The nighttime was when they slept and dawn of the new day summonsed them to a new day's work.
Actually, God started with Evening and Morning, Day One, Gen 1:5. So the Jews kept it that way until today. The calendar changes at sundown according to God and thereby the Jews :)