Follow your dream

We are either walking with God or walking away from him, leading people to him or leading people away from him. I am believing more and more that we have to guard our minds from the enemy and walk in God's love and spirit 24/7. Some would say that is impossible, but I think it's possible. I know we are not perfect, but we can meditate on God all day even when we are stressed, busy, full of distractions, etc. We can have the mind of God in the middle of chaos. The enemy of the world puts the craziest thoughts in my mind sometimes and I have to stand back and not dwell on them, but immediately throw them out. He is so tricky to manipulate our thoughts.
so true about guarding ourselves from the lies! he puts the craziest thoughts in my head too!! I am strengthedn by your openess and advice, thank you coffeedrinker for your edifying words :)
Christina Noble had a dream to go to Vietnam to love the children.
martin Luther King had a dream for the children of USA.

God told Moses to lead His children out of Egypt. God is all about His children.

It didnt enter Moses head to finance anything. He just needed to rely on God and obey Him. Christina Noble had no money, neither it seems did Martin Luther King. George Muller never asked anyone for a cent. GLadys Aylward had only two pennies and she worked as a maid.

The dream isnt about being prosperous so you can 'finance a revival' certainly Jesus, who was born in a stable, wasnt exactly rich, his parents couldnt afford full sacrifice, and his disciples couldnt with their own money, feed 5000 people.

What God asks of us and calls us to do, is not so we can have a good self-image. He calls us for His purpose to love one another...and to show love to those who have not encountered Him before.
Amen to everything you said Lanolin!!!
this is so inspiring...I love the way you share those great stories of great christian dreamer!!

even though it has historical inaccuracies, I love that film the inn of sixth made the beautiful story of Gladys Aylward known to me :)
Have you heard a new song called Fear He is a Liar by Zach Williams? Love that song. I have Alexa play it for me every morning while I am getting ready for work. It's a wonderful reminder every single morning that I will not believe the lies of the enemy of this world. He is a Liar.

I think this is a great post. Thank you.
I love that song!!!

i'm so encouraged that you've been blessed by it too :)