The Lord is always watching over his Word to perform it, and to make sure it is fulfilled (Jer 1:12). For the Word of God to be fulfilled, and or experienced in our lives requires faith. No faith, no benefit of what it promises. Remember, when Jesus (the Word) came to his own home town, he could do no mighty works there because of their unbelief. The Word requires faith for it to be operational in the life of a Christian. If we want the protection of the Lord, then we have to know in the scriptures that it says this, and believe it. It just does not happen automatically. Jesus told his disciples to pray that they enter not into temptation. The Apostle Paul asked the Church to pray that he would be delivered from unreasonable, and wicked men.
2Th 3:1 Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you,
2Th 3:2 and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men. For not all have faith.
Finally, someone has told us the Will of God concerning evil and wicked men. Not only the will, but God is faithful to never fail to protect. Not only that, but we can pray for those who have unbelief, and God will hear and also protect them. I get excited just reading this stuff. Praise God, He is Faithful and good.
Got me thinking that if the snake was not allowed into the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve would probably just be happily doing what they are told to do. Almost as if they were set up to fail. Every man is amounted to just so many gram (or kilogram) of raw chemicals. So why is that David is the man after God's own heart yet Judas became the traitor. There has to be someone to take the role of Judas, otherwise, the salvation will not happen. Who is deciding the role of each one of us and the consequence of what this person do. I heard the rationale of " free will" and " fallen world" so often. But it does not explain why some are saved, some are not.
God told Adam not to eat the fruit, Adam ate the fruit. Adam's fault.
Satan got hammered in the Garden, and cursed by God, so it cost him also.
Notice all 3 were not getting a good job and praises from God for their great obedience that day.
We are drawn away and enticed by the lust of our own flesh. All the devil can do, is package something that appeals to your flesh.
Eve Saw the fruit and that it looked good to eat............ She is looking at the fruit, and it looks good.........
Adam should have steped up and did something but instead blamed God and threw Eve under the bus.
None of that any of God's fault, or plan.
The scripture already told of a person that would betray Jesus. It could have been any number of folks that Knew Jesus and always gathered around him.
Judas though, was a theif. The disciples had large amounts of money they carried and gave to the poor constantly. Judas was in charge of that money. Judas helped himself to that money.
At the end, Jesus gave Judas a chance at that dinner to change his mind. He did not.
Not everyone gets healed, saved, set free, born again. It's no indication all those there are not already there for them though.
Have you ever declined to go somewhere with someone because you thought it would be a drag. Then find out if you had went, you would have got hooked up with some awesome stuff?