Am i just weird?
i've been reading this thread for a few days and over and over i've read how difficult forgiving others can be.
The bible makes clear it isn't optional, but more than that it is inevitable in Christ!
i've never had problem forgiving and i've never held a grudge that i can remember.
i long for reconciliation and restoration in every relationship.
i was severely abused as a child and hold no ill will or resentment for those who abused me.
i've been angry, hurt, jealous etc, but it's always been fleeting and this has been the case since i was a child and
has become even more so as i've grown.
i made a lot of poor choices and suffered a great deal of consequences as a result, but i still have NO IDEA of the depths of God's forgiveness for my sins and transgressions, but even those i remember is enough for me to KNOW that if God can forgive me, who am i to not forgive others and i praise God for showing me that he who loves little has been forgiven (by their own estimation) little, and he who loves much has been forgiven (by their own estimation) much, loves much.
i think the problem is we have a tendency to compare our sins with the sins of others, rather than the fact that ONE SIN of any kind separates us from God and not forgiving puts us in the JUDGMENT seat, which belongs to the ONLY JUDGE, that is Jesus Christ the Righteous, who will judge all things and He will judge those who judge to the same extent they have chosen to judge others.
Jesus said; By your own words you will either be justified or condemned.
So if we say we believe this book, we'd better be sure we're allowing for His Spirit to obey it, especially in this matter of forgiveness, as it is the epitome of grace and has been shown to all and is the only means of salvation.
Jesus didn't die so we could have better lives, but so that He could be our life!
Excellant my friend....I agree!
Nice to have you here.