Fortune Cookies

On the net there is a pic of a typical Tabbie cat sitting on the ground looking up a tree trunk. If you follow where
the cat is looking you notice that there is a bear up the tree. They can be fierce when the mood strikes them.
On the net there is a pic of a typical Tabbie cat sitting on the ground looking up a tree trunk. If you follow where
the cat is looking you notice that there is a bear up the tree. They can be fierce when the mood strikes them.

Well I guess I am back to say Hello to you Larry! Where have you been? We, (I) missed you and I hope you will stay here for awhile this time!

I don't think I've ever been called Larry before, but I kinda' like it.
And thank you! I took a break from here because I took a job elsewhere (a Christian organization actually) which has been more rewarding, but kept me very busy. It still keeps me busy, but there is a sort of "eye of the storm" that I'm caught in at the moment. Next week or so will get pretty hectic. But I figured I wouldn't be gone too long. I'll try to stick around a bit more. Hope all is well with you and the gang!
I don't think I've ever been called Larry before, but I kinda' like it.
And thank you! I took a break from here because I took a job elsewhere (a Christian organization actually) which has been more rewarding, but kept me very busy. It still keeps me busy, but there is a sort of "eye of the storm" that I'm caught in at the moment. Next week or so will get pretty hectic. But I figured I wouldn't be gone too long. I'll try to stick around a bit more. Hope all is well with you and the gang!

Yes, all is well now here at my home.

Do well and be safe!
I had Chinese today for lunch, Mongolian beef made spicy...mmmmm! I got my fortune cookie and just left it there unopened. Yeah. Take that!