
I almost posted something about Abel's murder and Cain's lie about it. Able's death was a homicide, but there was no king or legislature to make the law. So maybe it was not a murder.

In a world without law, revenge becomes the law. Genesis has other examples. I have no personal experience with revenge, but I do have an odd connection with it.

I'm adopted. Genetically, I am Asian, probably Filipino. Maybe Heinz 52, My Dad thinks that my birth parents were Ifugao headhunters, which is a tribe that sometimes adorns the cover of National Geographic. Rather by accident I found a book about them in a used book store. The book is pre-World War Two, so maybe things are different now, but they had a cowabunga, holy moly Red Rider violent society. They were so violent that even the Spanish had not been able to deal with them.

Genesis 4 mentions how Lamech killed someone for revenge. Later in Genesis the sons of Jacob killed all the men in a town for revenge.

On a slightly different subject, I remember being with my great grandmother at a Protestant Bible study. Somebody said that the word, sin, is sometimes translated demon.

Headhunters, huh? That's very interesting. My great grandfather from old Yugoslavia was rumored to be so mean that they nicknamed him "snake killer" b/c they said if he ever bit the most feared, deadly snake in the region, the snake would die.

I believe that the facts that the devil sinned in heaven ("sin is the transgression of the Law" - 1 John 3:4), that Cain did not plead ignorance but protested his sentence, that the Israelites refused to obey His laws by gathering manna in Exodus 16, that Abraham obeyed God's commandments, statutes, and laws all strongly indicate that their has always been a known law of God in place, just not yet codified until Sinai.
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Have you ever considered that the sacrificial law was in fact in place and then confirmed in Exodus??????

If not, what did the Lord Jesus Christ kill animals and shed their blood so as to cloth Adam and Eve.

Also, is it wasn't, why did Cain and Abel bring any sacrifice at all????

Sin is disobeying God but demons are fallen angels who disobeyed God..

As I learn about your and my own version of Christianity, I'll try to find answers for your question.

I understand that sin and demons are not the same thing. I should have said that in the quote, "... sin lies at the door ..." that the word that is translated as "sin" could be translated as "demon," but only in this example. I was eight years old, and I had not learned English, so I might be misremembering.

I'm going to watch Matrix over the weekend at a pajama party. I'm surprised that so many of my friends want to watch it. I think that maybe it is not a chick flick, but somehow I fell in with a bunch of Trekkies, who have read Asimov, Baum, Bradburry, Burroughs, Clarke, Heinlein, Herbert, Simmon, Stephenson, Verne, and Wells. Some of them like the Lord of the Rings movies because some of the girls get to act like boys. Maybe it is just one girl, the elf princess.
Headhunters, huh? That's very interesting. My great grandfather from old Yugoslavia was rumored to be so mean that they nicknamed him "snake killer" b/c they said if he ever bit the most feared, deadly snake in the region, the snake would die.

I believe that the facts that the devil sinned in heaven ("sin is the transgression of the Law" - 1 John 3:4), that Cain did not plead ignorance but protested his sentence, that the Israelites refused to obey His laws by gathering manna in Exodus 16, that Abraham obeyed God's commandments, statutes, and laws all strongly indicate that their has always been a known law of God in place, just not yet codified until Sinai.

I suspect that what you have said is an answer to Mr Major's question. I think that the Catholic view is that Cain was punished for envy, but I suppose second degree murder could have been a second charge. Either way, to me, it looks like a page from Ifugao culture, and it is an example of the need for government.
I wondered if the large numbers in Genesis 5 might be an example of base seven counting. That seems not likely because base seven numbers normally don’t use the symbol, 9; but if 930 is base 7, it represents 462 base 10.

My father’s father, the world’s expert on things alcoholic, suggests that Adam’s age, 930 in Genesis 5, represents pints like in pints of Horse White Whiskey, so the ratios between the digits are 4:2:1 instead of 100:10:1.

Adam's age, 930

9 gallons or 36 pints
3 quarts or 6 pints
total 42 pints

Enoch’s age, 365

3 gallons or 12 pints
6 quarts or 12 pints
5 pints
total 29 pints

By similar calculation Enos, not to be confused with Enoch, was 9 years old when he fathered children.

With the exception of one time when my oldest brother enlisted me into a tasting contest, I’m not into whiskey, I drink ginger ale with grenadine, shaken not stirred.

Genesis 7 suggests ratios of 7:2:1 in which case Enos would have been 12 when he fathered children, and Adam would have been 69 when he died.
The interesting part of the story of Noah and his box (Genesis 6-9) says, “... every living substance was destroyed ...”

Modern biology does not normally think of living substances. To be called alive a thing must be a collection of substances in cells, but anyone might speculate about how substances might cooperate, like lichens on a rock, in a manner that simulates living chemistry.

Here is a book that mentions crouching demons.

The Text of Genesis 1-11
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Excellent!! LOL!

This has been a noisy chick weekend. We had a sleep over and among other things we watched The Matrix. On Sunday we ran in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. Now the house is so quite, I can here our dog, Goldfish, scratching like Thumper in the move, Bambi.

The movie, The Matrix, set off a discussion of red lipstick, red eyeliner, and whether or not we should use them as a tribal indentification.

I don't think that The Matrix compares to anything in Genesis. Maybe it would be more like Daniel or Revelations.

My feminist girlfriends like how the chicks in The Matrix get to participate. In the movie the girls fight like the guys something like Keira Knightley when she plays Geneveve in the movie, King Arthur. Guenevere in the musical, Camelot, has the opposite role. She sits around looking pretty.

Artificial Intelligence forms the major point of interest in the movie. The idea of AI must have been coined by Alan Turing, who lead the mostly successful effort to break the German Naval code during World War. Alan and his fellow nerds are a real life analogue to Morpheus and his group.

The Matrix holds a place in a series of books about all knowing entities. The major religions, Communism, Christianity, and Islam look for the all knowing savior, calif, or leader. The twentieth century has a list of all knowing leaders, some more benevolent that others..

In the autobiography, Andersonville by John McElroy, the prisoners rather than a single savior rise up against the thugs in the prison.

In the novel, War and Peace, the Russians fight against the all knowing Napoleon. However, the novel has no savior. The Russian people or maybe the Russian winter destroy Napoleon. The novel even has a sort of time traveling character, Natasha, who appears to me to be a time traveling character from from a Daniel Steele novel.

In the novel, The Octopus by Frank Norris, the farmers fight against globalization a sort of Matrix, which appears to have been a topic for talking heads since the invention of locomotives and the electric telegraph. I would put the Wizard of Oz on the list.

As far as I remember none of Isaac Azimov's robots are all knowing. In Dune by Frank Herbert, the Duke drinks the worm juice, which expands his knowledge. He becomes extra knowing. In Hyperion, by Dan Simmons, the computers make war on the humans. The Matrix could be a Hyperion.

The Matrix also reminds me of Hemingway's, For Whom the Bell Tolls. Both plots have a sort of objective and strategem. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, a boy love a girl, and they destroy a bridge. In The Matrix, a boy loves a girl, and they destroy the computer. Maybe the plot switches to The Wizard of Oz where Dorothy destroys the evil witch, or JP Morgan.

Some of us wondered about the symbolism of the phone booth and the dial telephone, two things from back in the dark ages. Somebody suggested that they symbolize the idea that time does not exist in the Matrix world. Saint Augustine said, "Before the creation, there was no time and there was not space." I learned that in dinner table conversation, so I have no footnote

I tried to explain the nature of Gnosticism to the other girls. I don't think I did a good job because none of them bought the idea that the movie promotes Gnosticism, the major objection being that Gnosticism sees the world as a battle between good and evil. In The Matrix the two sides are two imperfect worlds.

My Thai girlfriend noticed some of the Buddhist references. Life is suffering, but the monk did not wear an orange robe. Do Buddhist monks wear orange robes? Maybe she was making a joke.

By majority vote we decided to fast forward through the Bruce Lee battle scenes. .

The Matrix's plot pits a small group of people against a large enemy, something like The Flying Tigers on the Burma Road or the Texans at the Alamo. Sometimes David does beat Goliath.

Can one man save the world? If Atlas Shrugged would the world really stop? I immediately think of Alan Turning who broke the German naval code, so that the convoys could destroy the uboats.I might consider TE Lawrence in Arabia.
I want to say one more thing about Genesis 1. It says: … God made the beast of the earth after his kind …

Seems to me that this suggests that organisms are biogenic, which means that cows birth cows, rabbits birth rabbits, etc

I’ve been told that Aristotle thought some organisms, like the eels, birthed by spontaneous generation, which means that some animals such as eels birthed from rocks or some other inorganic source.

Modern biology has abandoned spontaneous generation in favor of biogenesis with the possible exceptions of the first organisms.

About Genesis 14, as near as I can tell, the kings in Genesis 14 are not historical in the sense that they exist in more than one source. Archaeologists have identified Elam, but as far as I can tell, none of the others. However, there is interesting speculation.

I think I read somewhere that Hammurabi was an Amorite.

Genesis 16 says:

In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates …

I first heard about this in a book, Terror in the Name of God, by Jessica Stern. She interviewed a Jewish terrorist (of if you like freedom fighter), who thought the above quote as the boundaries of Irsael.
Sometimes I wonder why Darwin gets blamed for Lamarck’s idea.

I really felt like I had finished with Genesis 1, but yesterday I was trying to make sense of Eliezer of Damascus in Genesis 16 when I found this website,

Among other things it says “... the proposal of Darwin shook the faith of many.”

Superficially that is true, but it is not really the correct story. The idea that species descend from earlier species is Lamarck’s idea.

Early in the nineteenth century Lamarck found evidence for the descent of species. I know about this because I read a book about Lyell’s Principles of Geology. Lyell read Lamarck’s ideas about descent, and he realized that they would not be in line with the English Church’s view of Genesis. Even though he believed that Lamarck might be correct, he didn’t say so in Principles of Geology.

The English did not know about Lamarck. He wrote in French. The English, surprise … surprise, spoke English. I don’t know why the French church did not object to Lamarck.

Darwin used Lamarck’s idea about descent of species. He did not use Lamarck’s idea about the reason for descent. Lamarck believed that the environment caused the modification. Darwin never discovered the cause of modification, but he believed that the environment selected the modifications.

Modern biology accepts Lamarck’s idea about descent and Darwin’s idea about the reason for descent. All of the controversy is about Lamarck’s idea that species descend for previous species. Nobody, expect biologists, care out Darwin’s idea about the reason for descent, but he gets all the blame. It’s bizarre.
Genesis tells some of its stories more than once. The creation, Adam´s begats, and Abram/Ahraham to name three.

They have a sort of time traveling quality, something like a science fiction movie in which event repeat. Or the message might be that the creative process is non-linear.
Time isn't necessarily linear, more circular with different players. Time and sin are a continuum. Think of continuum like this: H2O, very hot, steam; not so hot, liquid, or water; below freezing, ice. All are variations of the same three atoms, but they're all still H2O.
Time isn't necessarily linear, more circular with different players. Time and sin are a continuum. Think of continuum like this: H2O, very hot, steam; not so hot, liquid, or water; below freezing, ice. All are variations of the same three atoms, but they're all still H2O.

I can see how time could be a cycle like the water cycle. Water becomes vapor, which becomes clouds, which becomes rain. Of course if time follows a spiral patern it would still have a beginning and an end, but I can see how time could repeat. One creation story would happen at the top of the spiral. The next creation story would happen at the bottom of the spiral. The other stories would follow the same pattern.

Is sin like the water cycle? Water collects impurities, salt, dirt etc, like people when we sin. Vapor must be almost completely pure, like people after forgiveness. Clouds are impure in that the cloud drops form around impurities in air. Rain falls to Earth and again is impure. I don't know if any of that makes any sense, and I'm not sure that my description of the water cycle is correct.
I can see how time could be a cycle like the water cycle. Water becomes vapor, which becomes clouds, which becomes rain. Of course if time follows a spiral patern it would still have a beginning and an end, but I can see how time could repeat. One creation story would happen at the top of the spiral. The next creation story would happen at the bottom of the spiral. The other stories would follow the same pattern.

Is sin like the water cycle? Water collects impurities, salt, dirt etc, like people when we sin. Vapor must be almost completely pure, like people after forgiveness. Clouds are impure in that the cloud drops form around impurities in air. Rain falls to Earth and again is impure. I don't know if any of that makes any sense, and I'm not sure that my description of the water cycle is correct.
We can't explain sin, for to explain it would be to defend it. It's called the "Mystery of Iniquity" - the creature desiring to take the place of his Creator - and is completely opposite to the "Mystery of Godliness" - the Creator Who took His place among His creatures.
We can't explain sin, for to explain it would be to defend it. It's called the "Mystery of Iniquity" - the creature desiring to take the place of his Creator - and is completely opposite to the "Mystery of Godliness" - the Creator Who took His place among His creatures.

Once upon a when,
A where, and a how, a what
Found a who on first.

What kind of explanation is inexplicable? When do people sin? Where do they sin? How do they sin? What is a sin? Who sins, or why do they sin?
Continuing on:

Genesis 16 has the first mention of angels, but I just read that cherubim and demons are angels. I have heard Mormon women refer to Hagar’s story as a reason to avoid polygamy.

I wonder if “the Lord judge between me and thee” could be the equivalent of me saying, “cowabunga, holy moly red rider?”

Genesis 20 sounds like one hand clapping or the arrow hitting and missing the target or having a cake and eating it.

God healed Abimelech, and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children. For the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech,

Genesis 25 mentions base 20 numbers. Adam’s age of 930 would be 6,2,10 in base 20. Maybe Isaac was a Mayan. Likely that is useless information.

And considering Genesis 22:

And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.

Maybe Abraham was an Aztec.

Maybe in Genesis 26, I don’t want to know about ... "sporting his wife."
Once upon a when,
A where, and a how, a what
Found a who on first.

What kind of explanation is inexplicable? When do people sin? Where do they sin? How do they sin? What is a sin? Who sins, or why do they sin?

Did I ask the wrong question? Maybe I should have asked, “What about sin is inexplicable?” Maybe I should try to ask my own question?

When do we sin? Any time we want to.

Where do we sin? Anywhere we want to.

How do we sin? The standard answer here must be, "By not loving God and my neighbor." Or is this the inexplicable part because it might be an effort to know the nature of sin? Is sin a body, or is it in a body? Is sin my actions and thoughts or is it the demon crouching by the door?

What is a sin? The Bible has lists of actions and thoughts which are sins. This part could be inexplicable if I ask about the nature of sin?

Who sins? Everybody.

Why do we sin? Because we want to sin?

Anyway, I think, actually I'm not sure, that speculating about the spiral of my sins or comparing my sins to the water cycle is not about the nature of sin. It is about when I sin.

Also, I live on the bottom floor. Maybe I need to call up to the top floor for this.
I can see how time could be a cycle like the water cycle. Water becomes vapor, which becomes clouds, which becomes rain. Of course if time follows a spiral patern it would still have a beginning and an end, but I can see how time could repeat. One creation story would happen at the top of the spiral. The next creation story would happen at the bottom of the spiral. The other stories would follow the same pattern.

Is sin like the water cycle? Water collects impurities, salt, dirt etc, like people when we sin. Vapor must be almost completely pure, like people after forgiveness. Clouds are impure in that the cloud drops form around impurities in air. Rain falls to Earth and again is impure. I don't know if any of that makes any sense, and I'm not sure that my description of the water cycle is correct.
Works for me :) I'm doing a study on the "shmita" (Sabbath) year and I am utterly shocked at the number of things that happen in the shmita year. It is a year of rest for the land for a blessing, but if it is not observed, a year of cursings. Here's a small taste of my study still in progress:

Going backwards just to the beginning of the 20th Century:
  • The day before the shmita begins, Obama attacks ISIS in Syria
  • 4 Blood Moons Tetrad bookending the shmita with two solar eclipses on the end of the Civic and Biblical Jewish calendar (Gen 1:14). The next set will not happen for 568 years.
  • Comet Holmes
  • Aug 01, 2008: Total eclipse of the sun – First of three 1 Av eclipses: July 22, 2009 (1st of Av), July 11, 2010 (1st of Av)
  • Last day of the shmita, the DOW loses 777 points, the most ever, when the House votes down a $700 billion bank bailout plan. The Stock market crash around the world - sub-prime collapse
  • 9/11 (major life changes for the world) - exactly one cycle (7 years) and one week.
  • Sharon visits the Temple Mount - Second Intifada begins
  • USS Cole attacked
  • Bush vs. Gore debacle
  • In the Netherlands, the Act on the Opening up of Marriage goes into effect. The Act allows same-sex couples to marry legally for the first time in the world since the reign of Nero
  • Savings and Loan crisis
  • Israel established diplomatic relations with the Vatican
  • Oslo Accords
  • Arafat and Rabin sing a peace accord
  • Shoemaker -Levy 9 hits one hour after the start of 9 Av having 21 impacts
  • Israel and Jordan Peace Treaty ending the 1948 war
  • Black Monday (market crashes 508 points) one week after the end of the shmita
  • First Intifada begins in Gaza and West Bank
  • First day of shmita, Israel and South Africa test their first atomic weapon - called the South Atlantic Flash
  • Iran hostage crisis begins
  • Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations
  • Mt. St. Helen explodes
  • Tim Berners-Lee begins work on ENQUIRE, the system that eventually leads to the creation of the WWW in 1990.
  • 4 Days before the shmita, the Munich massacre. 11 Israeli athletes a murdered in 1972 Summer Olympics
  • Recombinant DNA technology announced changing biology as we know it by opening the door to GMO's
  • Last human on the moon
  • Stock Market crash kicking off the 1973 Oil Crisis
  • Roe v. Wade - America legalizes abortions
  • America loses it's first war signing a peace treaty with N. Vietnam
  • Watergate Scandal
  • Jun 30, 1973: Very long solar eclipse occurs - only 7 in 2000 years exceeds 7 min in totality
  • Immediately after the end of the shmita the Yom Kippur War begins and later Egypt and Israel sign a cease-fire accord
  • Time magazine's cover in Apr was "Is God Dead?"
  • "Church" of Satan is formed in San Francisco
  • The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded in Washington, D.C.
  • Groundbreaking takes place for the World Trade Center (destroyed 35 year, 1 month, and 6 days later – 5 Shmitas later)
  • Lunar Orbiter 1, the first U.S. spacecraft to orbit the moon, is launched
  • After this shmita, the last Tetrad Blood Moon event occurred (1967/68) and Israel took back Jerusalem
1958/59 - quiet, although Castro arrives in Havana

  • Before this one, Israel became a nation in 1948, and the Blood Moon Tetrad occurred in 1949/50
  • World's first nuclear power plant open in Idaho
  • Discovery of DNA made with a paper published in 1953 on the discovery
  • Hitler dies (8 shmitas and 10 days from his birth in 1889, also a shmita)
  • Trinity Test - first atomic bomb test - 2 days before 9 Av
  • Week later, Truman approves the atomic bombs be used against Japan
  • UN Charter ratified
  • Zionist World Congress approaches the British gov to discuss honoring the 1917 Balfour Declaration (also a shmita year)
  • WWII ends
  • Ho Chi Minh establishes Viet Nam
  • The very day after the end of the shmita, American troops occupy south Korea while the Russian move into the north
  • Because of FDR's New Deal, the great recession begins
  • 450-metric-ton meteorite explodes 12 miles above Chicora, PA, USA
  • Evian Conference on Refugees is convened in France - no one wants the Jews
  • One week after the end of the shmita, German troops march into the Sudetenland. The next month Kirstallnacht occures beginning the holocaust and ending "Day Two" of Hosea 6
  • The Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, goes bankrupt, beginning the banking collapse in Central Europe that causes a worldwide financial meltdown
  • Nazi's come into power, winning 107 seats int eh German Parliament
  • Turkey becomes a republic ending the Ottoman Empire for 1400 years. The last Caliphate.
  • Hyperinflation hits Weimar Republic (4.2 trillion papiermark to 1 USD)
  • Stalin comes to power and begins his "purge"
  • USA ends the Renegade and Apache Wars after 302 years of fighting the "natives"
  • Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic in the USA - forerunner of Planned Parenthood
  • WWI: USA declares war on Germany
  • The very day after the end of shmita General Allenby fulfills Isa 31:4-5 by taking Jerusalem, taking it by the air without a single shot fired. One Jubilee later it is united to the State of Israel.
  • First aviation meeting in Los Angeles which leads to the Wright Brothers to sell planes to France and England because the USA didn't want them, allowing Allenby to be used to take Jerusalem in one of their inventions!
  • Slavery in China is outlawed for the first time since 1600 BC
  • Halley's Comet becomes visible
  • Just before this shmita the stock market panic of 1901
  • Dec after the end of the shmita Orville Wright flies at Kitty Hawk, NC, USA
Interesting... I'm working in the 1500's now. We'll see where it goes.
Works for me :) I'm doing a study on the "shmita" (Sabbath) year and I am utterly shocked at the number of things that happen in the shmita year. It is a year of rest for the land for a blessing, but if it is not observed, a year of cursings. Here's a small taste of my study still in progress:

Going backwards just to the beginning of the 20th Century:
  • The day before the shmita begins, Obama attacks ISIS in Syria
  • 4 Blood Moons Tetrad bookending the shmita with two solar eclipses on the end of the Civic and Biblical Jewish calendar (Gen 1:14). The next set will not happen for 568 years.
  • Comet Holmes
  • Aug 01, 2008: Total eclipse of the sun – First of three 1 Av eclipses: July 22, 2009 (1st of Av), July 11, 2010 (1st of Av)
  • Last day of the shmita, the DOW loses 777 points, the most ever, when the House votes down a $700 billion bank bailout plan. The Stock market crash around the world - sub-prime collapse
  • 9/11 (major life changes for the world) - exactly one cycle (7 years) and one week.
  • Sharon visits the Temple Mount - Second Intifada begins
  • USS Cole attacked
  • Bush vs. Gore debacle
  • In the Netherlands, the Act on the Opening up of Marriage goes into effect. The Act allows same-sex couples to marry legally for the first time in the world since the reign of Nero
  • Savings and Loan crisis
  • Israel established diplomatic relations with the Vatican
  • Oslo Accords
  • Arafat and Rabin sing a peace accord
  • Shoemaker -Levy 9 hits one hour after the start of 9 Av having 21 impacts
  • Israel and Jordan Peace Treaty ending the 1948 war
  • Black Monday (market crashes 508 points) one week after the end of the shmita
  • First Intifada begins in Gaza and West Bank
  • First day of shmita, Israel and South Africa test their first atomic weapon - called the South Atlantic Flash
  • Iran hostage crisis begins
  • Israel and Egypt establish diplomatic relations
  • Mt. St. Helen explodes
  • Tim Berners-Lee begins work on ENQUIRE, the system that eventually leads to the creation of the WWW in 1990.
  • 4 Days before the shmita, the Munich massacre. 11 Israeli athletes a murdered in 1972 Summer Olympics
  • Recombinant DNA technology announced changing biology as we know it by opening the door to GMO's
  • Last human on the moon
  • Stock Market crash kicking off the 1973 Oil Crisis
  • Roe v. Wade - America legalizes abortions
  • America loses it's first war signing a peace treaty with N. Vietnam
  • Watergate Scandal
  • Jun 30, 1973: Very long solar eclipse occurs - only 7 in 2000 years exceeds 7 min in totality
  • Immediately after the end of the shmita the Yom Kippur War begins and later Egypt and Israel sign a cease-fire accord
  • Time magazine's cover in Apr was "Is God Dead?"
  • "Church" of Satan is formed in San Francisco
  • The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded in Washington, D.C.
  • Groundbreaking takes place for the World Trade Center (destroyed 35 year, 1 month, and 6 days later – 5 Shmitas later)
  • Lunar Orbiter 1, the first U.S. spacecraft to orbit the moon, is launched
  • After this shmita, the last Tetrad Blood Moon event occurred (1967/68) and Israel took back Jerusalem
1958/59 - quiet, although Castro arrives in Havana

  • Before this one, Israel became a nation in 1948, and the Blood Moon Tetrad occurred in 1949/50
  • World's first nuclear power plant open in Idaho
  • Discovery of DNA made with a paper published in 1953 on the discovery
  • Hitler dies (8 shmitas and 10 days from his birth in 1889, also a shmita)
  • Trinity Test - first atomic bomb test - 2 days before 9 Av
  • Week later, Truman approves the atomic bombs be used against Japan
  • UN Charter ratified
  • Zionist World Congress approaches the British gov to discuss honoring the 1917 Balfour Declaration (also a shmita year)
  • WWII ends
  • Ho Chi Minh establishes Viet Nam
  • The very day after the end of the shmita, American troops occupy south Korea while the Russian move into the north
  • Because of FDR's New Deal, the great recession begins
  • 450-metric-ton meteorite explodes 12 miles above Chicora, PA, USA
  • Evian Conference on Refugees is convened in France - no one wants the Jews
  • One week after the end of the shmita, German troops march into the Sudetenland. The next month Kirstallnacht occures beginning the holocaust and ending "Day Two" of Hosea 6
  • The Creditanstalt, Austria's largest bank, goes bankrupt, beginning the banking collapse in Central Europe that causes a worldwide financial meltdown
  • Nazi's come into power, winning 107 seats int eh German Parliament
  • Turkey becomes a republic ending the Ottoman Empire for 1400 years. The last Caliphate.
  • Hyperinflation hits Weimar Republic (4.2 trillion papiermark to 1 USD)
  • Stalin comes to power and begins his "purge"
  • USA ends the Renegade and Apache Wars after 302 years of fighting the "natives"
  • Margaret Sanger opens the first birth control clinic in the USA - forerunner of Planned Parenthood
  • WWI: USA declares war on Germany
  • The very day after the end of shmita General Allenby fulfills Isa 31:4-5 by taking Jerusalem, taking it by the air without a single shot fired. One Jubilee later it is united to the State of Israel.
  • First aviation meeting in Los Angeles which leads to the Wright Brothers to sell planes to France and England because the USA didn't want them, allowing Allenby to be used to take Jerusalem in one of their inventions!
  • Slavery in China is outlawed for the first time since 1600 BC
  • Halley's Comet becomes visible
  • Just before this shmita the stock market panic of 1901
  • Dec after the end of the shmita Orville Wright flies at Kitty Hawk, NC, USA
Interesting... I'm working in the 1500's now. We'll see where it goes.

Well, that is interesting. If you can pick winners at Santa Anita, my Dad's father will take notice. :)

To know if Shimta has any effect on events, you should pick the events and judge the events in a double blind way.

Some events, like the invention of the printing press (very likely the most important invention of all time) didn't happen in a day or a year, but over decades. History books will say it happened in a year, but it was a continuing process. It included paper, which was invented hundreds of years earlier. Gutenberg experimented with different inks and metals. He sued people for patent violations. He likely spent more time in court than in the press room. I don't know for sure about Gutenberg's processes, but I know that Alexander Graham Bell and Wilber Wright mostly lived in court rooms.

In the case of the airplane, which date is the important date, the invention of interchangeable parts, the incorporation of Pratt Whitney, the first use of rubber tires on a bicycle, the commercial production of Aluminum or gasoline, the flight of Alberto Santos-Dumont around the Eiffel Tower, the Wright's first flight, the date when the court decided that the Wrights invented ailerons, the date that most of Wright became Curtis Wright, or it became TWA, or North American Aviation, or Rockedyne (not to be confused with Rockettes. Being a Rockette would be so cool.) , or Rockwell, or Boeing.

Before I forget, I bet you can find a list of events for the nineteenth century in:

1795-1895: 100 Years of American Progress by Chauncey Depew

It has a timeline with six or eight events for each year. Of course it has a nineteenth century bias. For example it lists the United States declaring war on the Dey of Algiers. That was in the history books when my great grandmother was in school. Now the books don't mention it.
Continuing on:

Genesis 31:53 -- The God of Abraham, and the God of Nachor, the God of their father, judge between us. And Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac.

Nachor was a relative or ancestor of Abraham, God of Abraham and God of Nachor is on god, not two?

Genesis 34 - This is an example of the need for government. Two families have a disagreement. The absence of courts leads to bloodshed.

My Jewish boyfriend says it explains why Jesus is descended from Judah and not his oldest brother.

Of course, as a silly teen ager, I notice how Dinah is like Natasha in War and Peace, so Danielle Steel Must have written Chapter 34, which is the story is Pyramus and Thisby or Romeo and Juliet.

To become a Danielle Steel screenplay it would need two more women, like maybe Dinah’s sister, and Shechem’s mother. Maybe the sister would be jealous of Dinah’s relationship with Shechem. For example, she could be the one who ratted on them. Shechem’s mother could be disatisfied with her relationship with Schechem’s father. Maybe she would conspire with the “sons of Jacob,” like maybe she could open the city gate, when they “come boldly” to kill all the men.

Genesis 35

quote “So they gave him all the strange gods they had, and the earrings which were in their ears: and he buried them under the turpentine tree,

One wonders if Jacob made turpentine, and I hope earrings are not strange gods.