I'm not a whiz when it comes to math and I didn't look at his web site...so. If I remember correctly, Big Bang theorists have a specific origin point where a singularity (God) caused the universe/cosmos to begin. They used the speed of light as a constant going outward to determine the age of the uinverse. If they give Schroeder a nobel prize for the universe slowing up, will they take back the one they just gave out a few years ago for the guy who has mathmatically proved that the universe is actually speeding up? (forgot his name and too lazy to google at the moment). What I got from the clip I posted was that Schroeder had shown there was a time difference from the source perspective to that perceived on earth. And the math showed that to be 6 days. When you start talking about time in spiritual terms, I get brain cramps. The latest research suggests that the speed of light may not always be constant and throw in quantum concepts it reaches migraine proportions. None the less, it makes logical sense to me that time perception from A to B would be different from each other. Coincidently that math adds up to 6 days - something that have oral tradition biblically for thousands of years.
The so called big.....................................BANG! theory is simply science forced ,compelled , driven and led by the logic of its own reasoning to arrive at the conclusion that every thing started from one point.
But a big ...............................................BANG! is nothing but a balloon pricked with a needle and at best a childs explanation of an explosion which is what they are really describing . But science cannot call it a gigantic explosion because every one with any understanding knows that and explosion is a destructive force not a creative one . Thus it would not nor could be 'accepted ' by calling it what they describe.
The Big Bang theory is but another immaculate conception .That dazzles the imagination but blinds the mind to the truth .
That it was God who in the beginning created the heaven and the earth .
So called (and modern)Science has a universe Godless and man centred .
as religionists had the sun going around the earth and a man centred world .
People should not only read the Bible but believe it . For those religionists would have found that "God sitteth on the circumference of the earth"
and science has a very long way to catch up with God both as to the past and the present and indeed the future.
For the earth is going to stagger like a drunken man . and a third of the stars will fall form the sky and a meteor called Wormwood will fall and pollute a 1/3 of the sea . The moon will become blood red .Which implies something happens to the sun and much more besides.
Science has neither the answer to mans woes nor his own nature . He ahs from the beginning as of Caine lived by his wits and cunning and 'wisdom'
But even as there has been a line descendent from Caine .There is also a righteous line that lived by the revelation and understanding of God .
The generation that perished in the flood believed the wrong message and so did not believe God.
Up to that point it had never rained . The earth being watered by the early morning mist .
It was outside their experience so they dismissed the warning of the preaching of righteousness by Noah for 125 years as too the warning of the Ark that by its size and build showed the 'size' if you will of the coming judgement .
The Cross is the power of God unto them that believe .
But it is foolishness to them that are perishing .
The messengers that brought light and deliverance to Lot brought blindness and destruction to every body else .
The book of Genesis is neither figuerative or a metaphor . If you do not believe Him who inspired them to so write it .How will you ever come to "know Him who is from the beginning"? The time is coming when we need to have our roots as deep as they can go . and to know Him who is form the beginning I do not fully understand .But clearly it must mean the creator . Little children do not know HIm who is from the beginning . Though they indeed know the father and their sins are forgiven.
But we need to be anchored in Him who is from the beginning .
I would suggest that if you do not believe Him who in the beginning created the heaven and the earth and man in his own image . You cant .
in Christ