
Do you think Paul had "soap operas" in mind when he said in 1 Timothy 3:6........
"6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions"???
TV creeping in? and why not . For it does seem to take over everything .

and those who say the violence and all the rest that is spewing out of it does not effect or cause what follows in peoples behaviour .
Should then ask themselves why advertising companies and companies spend billions of pounds and dollars trying to get people to buy their products ?
"Bad company corrupts good morals"

in Christ
My thinking is based on scripture. It does not say children of Cain - it says "ben elohim". I can't do better than Abdicates articulation. What has no male or female in heaven have to do with here - where there clearly is male/female? Adam only carried the death of the flesh because he had corrupted it - we don't hear that he or Eve sinned again. If you think Satan stopped working on humans - you missed Cain slaying Abel, the Book of Job, and most of the bible. As for "men of reknown" and giants? God's commandment has always/shockingly said - kill them all, including their animals. Think. Would a loving God say that except they can't be saved? You want verses? Read the bible. It's in there.

Unless we are getting our wires crossed.
Your contention is that the devil and other (fallen 'angels ' ) had carnal knowledge or fornicated with daughters of Adam.
As Jesus said angles are neither male or female .They therefore can neither fornicate or have carnal knowledge of women .
Thus those "sons of God " we have mentioned cannot be angels.
May I suggest that for a better understanding of the matter we can go to the account of Baalam who for money taught the children of Israels enemies to take their daughters (who were pagan and idol worshippers) and go and get them to marry the sons of Israel .Then they could draw them away to worship idols and God being "......a jealous God" would then judge the children of Israel and by so doing their enemies could overcome them .
I would also suggest that this is what happened in the garden of Eden . For Satan had the power of death. and if he did so it could only be from God .For all power is in Gods hands (thankfully) but he could not touch them. Unless they sinned and if eh could get them to sin then by God own laws and Word he would have dominion over all creation and men .
By so deceiving Eve who in turn led Adam to sin then Gods word "ye shall surely die" would immediately come into effect .
I never said he stopped working .I simply said that the root of them sinning was that they believed the word of the serpent rather than the Word of God and by so doing rejected the Word of God and the truth and believed a lie .
Once you believe a lie you become blind to the truth .
Thus it was as to her PERCEPTIONS she "SAW the tree was good to eat " Which in Gods eyes was evil to eat . and her reasoning was no darkened for she reasoned thus "it would make her wise " Gods reasoning was it would bring them death. and as you rightly pointed out from that moment on ;from the putting on of the fig leaves and through the book of Kings and chronicles (in particular ) men did that whicvh was right in their own eyes but with awful regularity "did evil in the sight of the Lord "
Gods judgement comes when the cup of His wrath is full .
If children are under the same judgement as the adults we must assume they were as guilty as them.
It should be noted that when God sent Jonah to Ninevah with a message of judgement in 40 days.They repented in sackcloth and ashes and fastings even down to the cattle .and God for the childrens sake relented of that judgment for a generation or so . Children? Those "who knew not thier left from their right "
But in the end the judgment foretold came to pass and justly so.
It should be a warning of the perilous times we are living in .For in the UK we now have 10 year olds murdering 2 year olds and 12w year olds raping 8 year olds and its increasing by the decade.

in Christ
TV creeping in? and why not . For it does seem to take over everything .

and those who say the violence and all the rest that is spewing out of it does not effect or cause what follows in peoples behaviour .
Should then ask themselves why advertising companies and companies spend billions of pounds and dollars trying to get people to buy their products ?
"Bad company corrupts good morals"

in Christ

Agreed. The violence and sex that comes out of TV's is ruining the generation coming up today!
You will notice - all angel manifestations on earth - in scripture - are male? I am with R.Skiba that the corruption between fallen angels and women only happened pre-flood and it occurred with the line of Cain. Both male and female children of this corruption carried this thus the flood. And a terrible judgement was made on the fallen angels. If the recessive gene was carried over by the wives of Noah's 3 sons, it would account for such as giants and men of renown after the flood, coming from the line of Ham. Otherwise, I quite agree that human beings have to agree and allow evil to continue to come through. And now it is flooding us, again.
* edit - if one listens to the guy with the hands - he seems clearly ADD to me - makes excellent points, altho you don't always see it because he goes wide but ultimately ties all his points.
You will notice - all angel manifestations on earth - in scripture - are male? I am with R.Skiba that the corruption between fallen angels and women only happened pre-flood and it occurred with the line of Cain. Both male and female children of this corruption carried this thus the flood. And a terrible judgement was made on the fallen angels. If the recessive gene was carried over by the wives of Noah's 3 sons, it would account for such as giants and men of renown after the flood, coming from the line of Ham. Otherwise, I quite agree that human beings have to agree and allow evil to continue to come through. And now it is flooding us, again.
* edit - if one listens to the guy with the hands - he seems clearly ADD to me - makes excellent points, altho you don't always see it because he goes wide but ultimately ties all his points.

They may LOOK like men but they cannot 'ACT' if you will like men . This is not about genes . Its bout the nature of men ,the nature of angeles and the nature of God .
You talk as if the sin before the flood was somehow different than to days sin. It is not .
For "as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the day of the Son of man"
A woman before the flood is a woman after the flood .
The only difference between them and women or indeed men now is the length of life.
For when God created man he created him with so much life it took over 800 years for that death that had been wrought in him to manifest itself .
Now it takes but 70 years . For the body is still subject to the law of sin and death.
Even as in like manner when a person is BORN again and Christ is reigns in the heart of a person it takes a while for that life to manifest itself in the flesh .
Even as the victory over the devil and his ruin that was accomplished by the Lords death and his descent into hell and taking the keys of death and hell from the devil is a sure and certain thing . Yet unseen by the world .The nature of that being called Lucifer who became Satan was such that it has taken 2000 years for that mortal defeat that "casting down of the prince of this world" to slowly and inexorably manifest itself and will do completely when he will be forced to bow the knee and confess Jesus Christ is Lord .

The man who teaches with his fingers as that man does ,no man should give their ears to . For what the scriptures say of such men is indeed true .

in Christ
Both Angels and man are spiritual beings. Scripture tells us when angels come to this earth they are male and you would not always know if you entertain them. Implied is that they have all their working parts. Women do not carry the seed - men do. Or perhaps I should say that men have the "active" seed. Women have 2 X's and men have an X and a Y. One might say the X's were deceived but the Y made a knowing choice. Christ was made by "spirit" and carried by a female virgin.

Mostly, I don't think we disagree. I think our difference in understanding is important to point out because, as in the beginning is seen the end. The days of Noah were after the evil built up from the time of Enoch's father, 6th in line. Six which is often the number of man, tripled to become the antichrist. Given I now believe in a pretrib rapture, we will not be subject. We can tease each other in the clouds with you or me saying, "I told you so." And laughing.
Both Angels and man are spiritual beings. Scripture tells us when angels come to this earth they are male and you would not always know if you entertain them. Implied is that they have all their working parts. Women do not carry the seed - men do. Or perhaps I should say that men have the "active" seed. Women have 2 X's and men have an X and a Y. One might say the X's were deceived but the Y made a knowing choice. Christ was made by "spirit" and carried by a female virgin.

Mostly, I don't think we disagree. I think our difference in understanding is important to point out because, as in the beginning is seen the end. The days of Noah were after the evil built up from the time of Enoch's father, 6th in line. Six which is often the number of man, tripled to become the antichrist. Given I now believe in a pretrib rapture, we will not be subject. We can tease each other in the clouds with you or me saying, "I told you so." And laughing.

To say both angels and man are spiritual beings is stretching the truth beyond its limits .
Firstly man is made from the dust of the earth ." a little lower than the angels" However angels were created they are not created from the dust of the earth but in that HEAVEN of gen 1:1 .
Man was made a "living soul" I know man is made up of body soul and spirit . But you cannot with all reasonable ness equate man as a spiritual being as an angel of God as a spiritual being . For if we are created a little lower than the angels we are clearly not of the same KIND or sort.
I have said my peace about it . I don't think I can say more
I think you are quite wrong and have not really considered at all the teaching of Jesus about angels already mentioned.
I do therefore quite fundamentally disagree with you in this matter .
My concern is that an error is not confined to itself . But in such matters leads to more errors that flow or grow from it.
Or to put it another way an error in ones thinking is and can become "a stronghold in high places " which can blind you to other truths .
So I have gone as far as I can in the matter and there is no profit to continue from my end .Unless some new factor comes up.
It is man that carries the seed ,Hence we are mankind.
The woman the egg .
Which is why it is written "the seed of the woman " God signifying it was NOT going to be of Adams seed.
In truth I do not want to give air time to that man in the video or his teaching . For it is false and the results or fruits will be as scripture says of it .

in Christ
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I did not say humans and angels were the same - I said we are both created by God and spiritual. Man was made in God's image so if the Angels are not - who is lower? Scripture tells us that 1/3 of the angels fell. You have to listen first to decide what should be cast away.
I have been wrong before and I suppose I will be again but I seek truth through all of context scripture and continually check to discern. I have no problem with being corrected and in fact prefer to be corrected in the here and now as I do not wish to meet Christ and have Him say "I don't know you." While I may have some picayune disagrees with Trey Smith, I don't see where anything he says is against scripture and he uses it in context throughout. Major - for instance - disagrees with me about sons of man as well - we are still friends.
I don't know how to divide light from darkness, but I do think that words need to have consistent definitions. But I also know that words have different meanings in different situations
I do. light a candle in complete darkness. That little bit of light cuts through ALL of the darkness. That little tiny light guides us to the full light of Jesus :)
I do. light a candle in complete darkness. That little bit of light cuts through ALL of the darkness. That little tiny light guides us to the full light of Jesus :)

The English language is such that you can use any English word in any situation as long as the original meaning of the word does not change .
What is suggested is that the truth changes depending on the situation?
What is so difficult about God "seperati8ng the light from the darkness AND calling the light good"?
Do you not know that what God does in the beginning he also does in the end?
and He will separate those who love darkness more than the light from those who love the light.
The children of God from the children of the devil and he will separate the one form the other .
are we not if His translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Gods dear Son?
How does he do it?
By Jesus Christ .
For the separation will be that which is of God and that which is not.
"God is light and in Him there is no darkness nor shadow of turning "
It is noteworthy that God called the light good and every thing else .But of the darkness he said nothing .

in Christ
I do. light a candle in complete darkness. That little bit of light cuts through ALL of the darkness. That little tiny light guides us to the full light of Jesus :)
I like that vitamin commercial what says we can see a candle's light 10 miles away - if true.

I do. light a candle in complete darkness. That little bit of light cuts through ALL of the darkness. That little tiny light guides us to the full light of Jesus :)

The first time I read Genesis 1, I thought of light like a light bulb, a candle, a planet, or a star, but I can see how it might be like charity or love or using a talent or a career.
Sure. What part of the Genesis Creation account tells us specifically how Yahweh Created ? I'm not sure which part is precise.

HOW God does it who can tell.
But there are other scriptures in the Bible that God speaks of it .

In Christ
I'm not sure we need to insist the separation of light and darkness is a creative event ie. that it implies some kind of light existed aside from the Sun/stars and that Yahweh performed some action that caused separation. The separation could be poetic language that designates day from night eg.

Gen 1:4-5 KJV And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (5) And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

How's this ? Yahweh distinguished the difference between light and dark by naming them day and night.

I dont understand why people reduce everything to 'poetic licence'.

"God is light and in Him there is no darkness nor shadow of turning "
That light is an uncreated light.

That the earth was in darkness and without form and void is in the light of other scripture notably in Jerimiah .But also in Issiah That suggest that the 'darkness ' was no ordinary darkness . For when the light came "it comprehended it not " said John .
When you also consider Pauls remark that as God commanded the light to shine in the darkness so also he "commanded the light to shine in our hearts "
then it shines a light on the matter .
The entrance of thy Word giveth light ".
It was not HEAVEN that was in darkness but the EARTH .
and it was not God who was in darkness but man .
"For they that sat in darkness have seen a great light "
I would suggest then that it was the EARTH that needed the light of HEAVEN . and God always brings light before He does a work.

in Christ
I'm right there with you @Silk! "בְנֵי הָֽאֱלֹהִים" "sons of God" is found only in these verses:

Genesis 6:2 (KJV)
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis 6:4 (KJV)
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.

Job 1:6 (KJV)
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

Job 2:1 (KJV)
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

Job 38:6-7 (KJV)
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Man (day 6) wasn't present at the foundation of the earth (day 3)... also men cannot go to God's throne to present themselves (until after Jesus did, Heb 4:16, James 1:18), so it defines the rest clearly as angels, fallen or otherwise. 4 out of 5 verses describe "angels" so why wouldn't the first mention also be angels. I don't understand the issue with this subject really. Don't reply about "marriage" as that's an institution that man doesn't keep, so why would fallen angels not attempt to swap DNA? DNA is everywhere and affects everything. Angels eat, Psa 78:25, so they have DNA. Their food sustained Israel for 40 years. So we have something in common genetically. We just don't have enough information to go beyond this simple fact, except by the word of God which clearly says what happens to their offspring with human DNA, Gen 6:4, and what happens to the angels afterwards, 2 Peter 2:4. Furthermore, the spiritual world can give birth to the physical - look at Mary and the Holy Spirit --> Jesus. The fallen angels have been trying to figure out a way to do this since before the flood. Why? Gen 3:15. Not only to pollute the "image" of God (mankind) but to corrupt all flesh, just like in the days of Noah. Which is why only 8 were saved out of 10 billion! (Current birth rates applied to those days from Adam to Noah). Even the Septuagint of Gen 3:15 says Satan has sperm σπερματος! Cut-n-paste into Google Translate! The fallen angels (Nephilim) wanted to control mankind, being limited in the spirit realm, via the physical realm. While possessions do occur, they're still in someone else's body. This attempt didn't end when the giants died off (failed attempts), but it was common place in Sodom as seen in Jude 4-8. Whereas the angels were looking for flesh, in Sodom men were looking for angels. The Greek says "strange flesh - hetero" not "same sex - homo"! Look at what's going on today! Everywhere is GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), glow-in-the-dark pigs, spider-goat, 3-parent children. These are the signs Jesus said would come again. According to one study, everyone has ingested GMO worldwide thanks to Monsanto, which the US government outlawed any lawsuits against them! Why!? If you believe the word of God, you know why. The word of God has all the answers and leaves very little mysteries for those that believe it. If Congress passed a law today saying you have to take a tatoo in order to buy food, there would be war to say the least. But, if the Antichrist comes with promise of enhancing human beings, no more glasses, hearing aids, diseases, even death (even if sought after, Rev 9:6), the world would jump at the chance without hesitation! Anyhow, just my 2 cents.
I found this article today and thought I'd share it:
Thankyou so much for sharing this Abdicate.
I trust that the staff have approved the fact that the site pointed to asks for donations?

Blum’s linguistically-inspired explanation of the flood is also found in scholarly literature. In his 1906 book “Legends of the Jews”, Professor Louis Ginzberg wrote that the Bnei Elohim, another Biblical name for the Nephilim, caused all of humanity to fall – hence their name.

As for myself, I like the Holy Spirit inspired explanation of the Flood.
I also believe the fall of mankind came about through the rebellion of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden thanks to the deception caused by the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan..........never knew it was nephilim that caused all of humanity to fall....well there ya go we can't know it all can we.
I'll just continue to believe the inspired word of God, but thank you anyway.