
Wow, Mr Silk and Mr Bzone, you guys have some cowabunga cool ideas, like you’re total Gandolphs with some major overhead. OMG, this could become total choka or even gnarly. I might get down and boogie, but I’ll need to take them one wave at a time.

When I said that that normal people reading Genesis would not know about salvation I was thinking two things, Genesis 3:15 and the begats of Genesis 5.

Scholars interpret Genesis 3:15 as a prediction of the coming of Jesus or Mary, but I think that a normal reader would not know that.

Also the list of names in the begats in Genesi 5 might be written

Adam seth enosh kenan. Mahalal! El yaradh enoch mathuselah lamech nacham.

Even though it makes no sense, it sounds kinda cool, when read with a Yiddish accent. The translation is:

Man causes mortality and sorrow. Ha ..lle … luuuu …… jah! God comes teaching. His death ... (pregnant pause) ... brings the poor comfort.

I think that Iron Age scribes would have seen these these begats as a prediction of salvation, but normal modern readers won’t know that.

Unless Genesis has more that suggests salvation, I don’t see how Genesis can be said to predict salvation.

If "normal(?) modern readers wont know that" its because it is not preached much if at all .For the gospel has been reduced to being BORNagain and the only things peached in the main are what Paul lists in Hebrews and calls the milk of the Word. Other than that it is the sensational stuff like the mark of the beast and the antichrist and the rapture .
and we have bundles of Christians all defending their 'school' of theology rather than contending for THE faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints and was first 'preached' or manifested or we have a record of ;was that of Abel.
Who while still under the dispensation of animal sacrifice according to the pattern laid down by God in the garden. Knew full well that the blood of animals could not put away sin but only covered it and that it was his faith in the promises fulfilment that would.

in Christ
Why is it that if a person 'answers ' an objection that they then do not continue from that?
For you ignore the fact of my argument .That in the main most people were not educated and deliberately kept so. Both about Biblical truth and all other matters.
That the Bible and much else of learning was held in the hands of the priests and hidden away in monasteries . One reason why it was called the dark ages.
Ignorance both spiritual and natural..
Both of which was removed at the reformation . First by the spiritual then the natural.
For God always brings light before he does any work.

in Christ

I agree with you Gerald.

It seems to me that when the Bible was placed into the hands of the "common" (uneducated) man the doors to truth were opened and the common man was able to grow spiritually which allowed him to grow also in knowledge and morality.

The Romans of the dark ages liked uneducated men as they were very easy to control.
In soap operas there are no lasting consequences. People murder lie cheat commit adultery and all the rest and its like water off a ducks back. The soap just goes on and all in it . More or less unless some one has to leave the programme.
If there is a family it is that of mankind.
And the consequences of Adams disobedience and doing loving Eve more than God and Eve doing that which was good in her own eyes . Was not only death for them but also for the whole family made subject to it .
We are still living with the consequences of it as the Jews are with their bad decision. 2000 years ago.
Life is not a soap opera .
Grace and BORNagain are two very different things . Though one led to the other and the other cannot be obtained without it .
To use terms like trashy novel neither helps you or anybody else that would accept that idea of the accounts in the Bible. I would not use stories as that may seem not unlike a novel to some(?)
They were not in a soap .They were real people making good and bad decisions .Recorded in the mercy of God that we may see the consequences of both decisions and avoid the the one and do the other .
A soap is a mesmerising voyistic programme that has people making another sort of decision .To waste their time and life watching such programes that are full of the worlds ways and nothing of Gods.

If the salvation of God is hidden "to most" I would suggest it is because these things are no longer preached . Indeed one gets the impression that half(?) the church does not believe God in these things anyway. Why that should be is another matter .Perhaps they are listening to the wrong message.
The result or consequences of that are all around us . if the church does not believe God what hope the world ?

in Christ

Good insights Gerald. I agree with you yet again.

Without grace man can not be born again and without being born again a man can not enter the Kingdom of God.

John 3:2-3
"There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

It seems to me that in our western culture, churches and preachers have decided that it is more important to preach sermons that make people feel good instead of those that bring the conviction of sin that will lead to repentance.
Now Nimrod, grandson of Ham, is believed to be behind & the king behind the Babel Tower ( ) and because the language became many. He had many names. Gilgamesh is one.

Silk.......IMO all of the false religions, and teachings that we see today spring from the wellhead of the Babylonian Empire of Nimrod in Genesis 10.

I would recommend to all believers to do a goggle search or go to a local library and study the wife of Nimrod whose name was Simeramis.

You will be amazed at what she did, what she instituted and how those things are still with us today. It will change your understanding and your outlook on how things are the way they are and why.
An interesting point .Not thought of before . Thanks.

You might try reading 'The Two Babylons' for other interesting facts on similar matters .

in Christ

Nimrod was also the head of the 1st "Un-holy" Trinity.
1.) Nimrod---2). Semeramis (Wife)---3) Tamuz (Child).
In soap operas there are no lasting consequences. People murder lie cheat commit adultery and all the rest and its like water off a ducks back. The soap just goes on and all in it . More or less unless some one has to leave the programme.
If there is a family it is that of mankind.
And the consequences of Adams disobedience and doing loving Eve more than God and Eve doing that which was good in her own eyes . Was not only death for them but also for the whole family made subject to it .
We are still living with the consequences of it as the Jews are with their bad decision. 2000 years ago.
Life is not a soap opera .
Grace and BORNagain are two very different things . Though one led to the other and the other cannot be obtained without it .
To use terms like trashy novel neither helps you or anybody else that would accept that idea of the accounts in the Bible. I would not use stories as that may seem not unlike a novel to some(?)
They were not in a soap .They were real people making good and bad decisions .Recorded in the mercy of God that we may see the consequences of both decisions and avoid the the one and do the other .
A soap is a mesmerising voyistic programme that has people making another sort of decision .To waste their time and life watching such programes that are full of the worlds ways and nothing of Gods.

If the salvation of God is hidden "to most" I would suggest it is because these things are no longer preached . Indeed one gets the impression that half(?) the church does not believe God in these things anyway. Why that should be is another matter .Perhaps they are listening to the wrong message.
The result or consequences of that are all around us . if the church does not believe God what hope the world ?

in Christ

Do you think Paul had "soap operas" in mind when he said in 1 Timothy 3:6........
"6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions"???
Silk.......IMO all of the false religions, and teachings that we see today spring from the wellhead of the Babylonian Empire of Nimrod in Genesis 10.

I would recommend to all believers to do a goggle search or go to a local library and study the wife of Nimrod whose name was Simeramis.

You will be amazed at what she did, what she instituted and how those things are still with us today. It will change your understanding and your outlook on how things are the way they are and why.

It goes further back than that .

For the root of all false religions are found in Caine and its seed is "the seed of the serpent"

in Christ

Oh and I'm a woman

I'm really sorry. I should have known that. I live in a world where all the girls want to be men.

And I won't be able to participate in the conversation wtih you and Mr Major and Mr Bzone. It's too confusing. I'm sorry about that too.
I'm really sorry. I should have known that. I live in a world where all the girls want to be men.

And I won't be able to participate in the conversation wtih you and Mr Major and Mr Bzone. It's too confusing. I'm sorry about that too.

Now I am offended. I do not want to be a man.

Sorry you are confused.
Yeah...I know it's too long and he does hand distraction..still

A man "who teaches with his fingers" Not one to listen to. Proverbs 6 12:15

The sons of God are NOT angels . They are the righteous line .Mixing with the ungodly line .
Jesus taught that there is no marriage in heaven and there is no male or female. Then angels have no sex either and are neither male or female.
They cannot then procreate children.
Though even as Lucifer was once an angel of light and can project himself as an angle of light . So we hear of the seed of the serpent .
If the seed of the Woman is the Jesus Christ who was the Word made flesh.
Then the seed of the serpent is the word of the devil .
and as Jesus was then the truth and God the father who begat Him.
Then the seed of the serpent is the lie and the devil the father of all lies also.
The devil always seeks to duplicate the truth as closely as possible so as to deceive .
Thus it was "while men SLEPT that his enemy came and sowed tares" Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God .
It is not unreasonable to suppose that Adam was asleep in one way or the other .Either physically or spiritually or both while the serpent was sowing doubt .,confusion and lies in the mind of Eve .
All I n the midst of a religious 'debate' . Many a called Christian forum has such 'debates' where the initial poster appears to be a seeker after light with a question that is of the same nature as the first one ever asked "Yea hath God said............." and in the midst of those debates sows the same seed .
You do then have two seeds though . The wheat and the tares.
and according to the law of the seed which is each seed will bring forth after its own kind "
In the parables of the kingdom we have it sown as a kingdom. One the kingdom of God and the other the kingdom of the devil.
The one producing children of God the other producing children of the devil.
If we understand this parable said Jesus we will understand all parables .
The seed is the Word. The field is the world.
What was sown in Genesis has its fruit or fulfilment in Revelation. Understand the first book and by the same measure you will or can understand in the same measure the last .
Thus we have to root of understanding to the doctrine of predestination.
Not that any are born to one end or the other as some do so wrongly teach and preach.
For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God .Who then is excluded form the judgement>? and if as Paul says in Ephesians to those who say they are saved ;were we not as all men born or by nature "children of disobedience"?
Who then is excluded from the condemnation?
For what difference is one lump of clay from another taken from the field? There is no difference at all .
It is the potter that makes the difference .Not the clay. If then it is the potter who chooses the lump of clay .In what then does the clay boast in ?
Is it not written the God is a "Husbandman"? Does not a farmer or a good gardener know the difference between one seed or another? and know what the harvest will be of each? if it is sown.
How much the more then does God know the end from the beginning . and is it not written "God is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap ?"
If then every seed is predestined to brign forth fruit after its own kind .Then man who was CREATED in the image of God but "BORN in the image of Adam " Gen 5:3.
Then we are born of a seed that is subject to sin and death and corrupted . Thus we are "born in sin and shapen iniquity ."
The consequences is that we are therefore predestined to bring forth corruption unto death. For the wages of sin is death.
Who then is excluded? None .
Thus the imperative "ye MUST be BORN again . "Not of corruptible seed but of the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God "
Now if a corruptable seed is predestined to bring forth corruption unto death . So then by the same law an incorruptible seed is predestined to bring forth righteousness unto life.
For did not Jesus say speaking of himself "unless acorn of wheat fall into the ground and die ,it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit " John 12 :24.
Thus those who are truly BORNagain are not only translated from one kingdom to another but they have also been translated from one predestined end to another as well.
Even as one seed brings forth works or fruit so does the other bring forth another "SORT" and by their fruits shall ye know them.
When my first born son was born ,I looked at him and saw my image in him. He bore my image because I was his father and he came from me .
If I had not been his father he would not have born my image but the image of his true father . But with great joy and thanksgiving to God I picked him up embraced him and blessed him.
When men stand before God He will look for His image in them. That is to say have they received Jesus Christ who as it is written is the express image of the of the invisible God " Colossians 1:15. Or of Hebrew 1:3.
For "he that recieveth me receiveth Him that sent me "
The logic of scripture is that they who reject Him are rejected ..
For if a man finds himself in hell , it is not so much that they have sinned ;for all have sinned .But because they have not believed on HIm who God has sent and if you reject the mercy and the love of God .Then there is only judgement left .
The generation of Noah had no excuse . For Adam was still alive nigh on to the days of Noah and Noah preached righteousness for the 125 years it took to build the ark and by inference if nothing else also a coming judgement that going by the size of it would cover the earth .
But their own wisdom and experience told them ,Noah was a fool for up up to that point it had never rained .
Let alone their own hearts the imagination of which "was towards evil continually " That predisposed them to not believe God in the first place .For it was already too "full of their own ways"
Thus it is written that Noah condemned the world" Hebrews 11:7
For like the message that came to Lot brought him light and deliverance .At the same time it brought blindness and destruction to them that believed not.
Unbelief in God is not just not believing God .It is also believing another and the wrong message .
As it was in the beginning ,so it is now and shall be ,until " the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea"

in Christ
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A man "who teaches with his fingers" Not one to listen to. Proverbs 6 12:15

The sons of God are NOT angels . They are the righteous line .Mixing with the ungodly line .
Jesus taught that there is no marriage in heaven and there is no male or female. Then angels have no sex either and are neither male or female.
They cannot then procreate children.
Though even as Lucifer was once an angel of light and can project himself as an angle of light . So we hear of the seed of the serpent .
If the seed of the Woman is the Jesus Christ who was the Word made flesh.
Then the seed of the serpent is the word of the devil .
and as Jesus was then the truth and God the father who begat Him.
Then the seed of the serpent is the lie and the devil the father of all lies also.
The devil always seeks to duplicate the truth as closely as possible so as to deceive .
Thus it was "while men SLEPT that his enemy came and sowed tares" Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God .
It is not unreasonable to suppose that Adam was asleep in one way or the other .Either physically or spiritually or both while the serpent was sowing doubt .,confusion and lies in the mind of Eve .
All I n the midst of a religious 'debate' . Many a called Christian forum has such 'debates' where the initial poster appears to be a seeker after light with a question that is of the same nature as the first one ever asked "Yea hath God said............." and in the midst of those debates sows the same seed .
You do then have two seeds though . The wheat and the tares.
and according to the law of the seed which is each seed will bring forth after its own kind "
In the parables of the kingdom we have it sown as a kingdom. One the kingdom of God and the other the kingdom of the devil.
The one producing children of God the other producing children of the devil.
If we understand this parable said Jesus we will understand all parables .
The seed is the Word. The field is the world.
What was sown in Genesis has its fruit or fulfilment in Revelation. Understand the first book and by the same measure you will or can understand in the same measure the last .
Thus we have to root of understanding to the doctrine of predestination.
Not that any are born to one end or the other as some do so wrongly teach and preach.
For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God .Who then is excluded form the judgement>? and if as Paul says in Ephesians to those who say they are saved ;were we not as all men born or by nature "children of disobedience"?
Who then is excluded from the condemnation?
For what difference is one lump of clay from another taken from the field? There is no difference at all .
It is the potter that makes the difference .Not the clay. If then it is the potter who chooses the lump of clay .In what then does the clay boast in ?
Is it not written the God is a "Husbandman"? Does not a farmer or a good gardener know the difference between one seed or another? and know what the harvest will be of each? if it is sown.
How much the more then does God know the end from the beginning . and is it not written "God is not mocked whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap ?"
If then every seed is predestined to brign forth fruit after its own kind .Then man who was CREATED in the image of God but "BORN in the image of Adam " Gen 5:3.
Then we are born of a seed that is subject to sin and death and corrupted . Thus we are "born in sin and shapen iniquity ."
The consequences is that we are therefore predestined to bring forth corruption unto death. For the wages of sin is death.
Who then is excluded? None .
Thus the imperative "ye MUST be BORN again . "Not of corruptible seed but of the incorruptible seed which is the Word of God "
Now if a corruptable seed is predestined to bring forth corruption unto death . So then by the same law an incorruptible seed is predestined to bring forth righteousness unto life.
For did not Jesus say speaking of himself "unless acorn of wheat fall into the ground and die ,it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit " John 12 :24.
Thus those who are truly BORNagain are not only translated from one kingdom to another but they have also been translated from one predestined end to another as well.
Even as one seed brings forth works or fruit so does the other bring forth another "SORT" and by their fruits shall ye know them.
When my first born son was born ,I looked at him and saw my image in him. He bore my image because I was his father and he came from me .
If I had not been his father he would not have born my image but the image of his true father . But with great joy and thanksgiving to God I picked him up embraced him and blessed him.
When men stand before God He will look for His image in them. That is to say have they received Jesus Christ who as it is written is the express image of the of the invisible God " Colossians 1:15. Or of Hebrew 1:3.
For "he that recieveth me receiveth Him that sent me "
The logic of scripture is that they who reject Him are rejected ..
For if a man finds himself in hell , it is not so much that they have sinned ;for all have sinned .But because they have not believed on HIm who God has sent and if you reject the mercy and the love of God .Then there is only judgement left .
The generation of Noah had no excuse . For Adam was still alive nigh on to the days of Noah and Noah preached righteousness for the 125 years it took to build the ark and by inference if nothing else also a coming judgement that going by the size of it would cover the earth .
But their own wisdom and experience told them ,Noah was a fool for up up to that point it had never rained .
Let alone their own hearts the imagination of which "was towards evil continually " That predisposed them to not believe God in the first place .For it was already too "full of their own ways"
Thus it is written that Noah condemned the world" Hebrews 11:7
For like the message that came to Lot brought him light and deliverance .At the same time it brought blindness and destruction to them that believed not.
Unbelief in God is not just not believing God .It is also believing another and the wrong message .
As it was in the beginning ,so it is now and shall be ,until " the knowledge of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea"

in Christ

I was tempted not to read you in full because of your first statements. But I agree with most all of what you have said here. I used to not have a horse in the race of the son's of God were not angels. Now I have been firmly convinced that they were "angels". Satan has ever had knowledge of our creation and has always stepped up to try and corrupt that seed, however he can. Before the flood, I think those were the times that Jesus spoke of. If you "follow the seed", one can see clearly of Satan's numerous attempts to corrupt. But it is not my desire to rage the debate over Genesis 6 as much as I would see the truth as I see it said. He succeeded in some places. And you are right - no one seems to listen.
I was tempted not to read you in full because of your first statements. But I agree with most all of what you have said here. I used to not have a horse in the race of the son's of God were not angels. Now I have been firmly convinced that they were "angels". Satan has ever had knowledge of our creation and has always stepped up to try and corrupt that seed, however he can. Before the flood, I think those were the times that Jesus spoke of. If you "follow the seed", one can see clearly of Satan's numerous attempts to corrupt. But it is not my desire to rage the debate over Genesis 6 as much as I would see the truth as I see it said. He succeeded in some places. And you are right - no one seems to listen.

The teaching with the fingers perfectly describes the man on the video.

You say they are now angels
But I find it strange that you think that the sons of God are angels. On what grounds then? For only God has sons he can call His own .
Angels are not sons either by creation of begotten of God .
If then you wish to propagate that error it is no use saying you will not debate it. I am not here to 'debate' it either . But I do endeavour to substantiate what I say by a biblical argument .

In Christ
Think - the proverb says nothing of the content only that no one listens.

I don't say - ben elohim is used to describe angels in other parts of the bible. I think that the fallen angels did mate with human women. I think they created the "demi-gods" and it corrupted our seed. Before the flood. I think the 3 wives on the ark carried the genes of the mating that had God so upset in the first place. I think that's why Ham's line was cursed - not Ham. I think that the demonic is forcing the seeds together today because they need the physical. I would say don't take any dna upgrades as this is the mark of the beast. But hey - the church will be raptured before that time - so none of the elect will be subject.
Think - the proverb says nothing of the content only that no one listens.

I don't say - ben elohim is used to describe angels in other parts of the bible. I think that the fallen angels did mate with human women. I think they created the "demi-gods" and it corrupted our seed. Before the flood. I think the 3 wives on the ark carried the genes of the mating that had God so upset in the first place. I think that's why Ham's line was cursed - not Ham. I think that the demonic is forcing the seeds together today because they need the physical. I would say don't take any dna upgrades as this is the mark of the beast. But hey - the church will be raptured before that time - so none of the elect will be subject.
I'm right there with you @Silk! "בְנֵי הָֽאֱלֹהִים" "sons of God" is found only in these verses:

Genesis 6:2 (KJV)
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis 6:4 (KJV)
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.

Job 1:6 (KJV)
Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

Job 2:1 (KJV)
Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

Job 38:6-7 (KJV)
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Man (day 6) wasn't present at the foundation of the earth (day 3)... also men cannot go to God's throne to present themselves (until after Jesus did, Heb 4:16, James 1:18), so it defines the rest clearly as angels, fallen or otherwise. 4 out of 5 verses describe "angels" so why wouldn't the first mention also be angels. I don't understand the issue with this subject really. Don't reply about "marriage" as that's an institution that man doesn't keep, so why would fallen angels not attempt to swap DNA? DNA is everywhere and affects everything. Angels eat, Psa 78:25, so they have DNA. Their food sustained Israel for 40 years. So we have something in common genetically. We just don't have enough information to go beyond this simple fact, except by the word of God which clearly says what happens to their offspring with human DNA, Gen 6:4, and what happens to the angels afterwards, 2 Peter 2:4. Furthermore, the spiritual world can give birth to the physical - look at Mary and the Holy Spirit --> Jesus. The fallen angels have been trying to figure out a way to do this since before the flood. Why? Gen 3:15. Not only to pollute the "image" of God (mankind) but to corrupt all flesh, just like in the days of Noah. Which is why only 8 were saved out of 10 billion! (Current birth rates applied to those days from Adam to Noah). Even the Septuagint of Gen 3:15 says Satan has sperm σπερματος! Cut-n-paste into Google Translate! The fallen angels (Nephilim) wanted to control mankind, being limited in the spirit realm, via the physical realm. While possessions do occur, they're still in someone else's body. This attempt didn't end when the giants died off (failed attempts), but it was common place in Sodom as seen in Jude 4-8. Whereas the angels were looking for flesh, in Sodom men were looking for angels. The Greek says "strange flesh - hetero" not "same sex - homo"! Look at what's going on today! Everywhere is GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), glow-in-the-dark pigs, spider-goat, 3-parent children. These are the signs Jesus said would come again. According to one study, everyone has ingested GMO worldwide thanks to Monsanto, which the US government outlawed any lawsuits against them! Why!? If you believe the word of God, you know why. The word of God has all the answers and leaves very little mysteries for those that believe it. If Congress passed a law today saying you have to take a tatoo in order to buy food, there would be war to say the least. But, if the Antichrist comes with promise of enhancing human beings, no more glasses, hearing aids, diseases, even death (even if sought after, Rev 9:6), the world would jump at the chance without hesitation! Anyhow, just my 2 cents.
Think - the proverb says nothing of the content only that no one listens.

I don't say - ben elohim is used to describe angels in other parts of the bible. I think that the fallen angels did mate with human women. I think they created the "demi-gods" and it corrupted our seed. Before the flood. I think the 3 wives on the ark carried the genes of the mating that had God so upset in the first place. I think that's why Ham's line was cursed - not Ham. I think that the demonic is forcing the seeds together today because they need the physical. I would say don't take any dna upgrades as this is the mark of the beast. But hey - the church will be raptured before that time - so none of the elect will be subject.

That is based upon ?
Given the teaching of Jesus already mentioned. That there is no male or female in heaven.
Nor have you 'answered ' the matter of the "sons of God" angels fallen or otherwise are not nor ever were sons of God .
What was carried through was the righteous and the unrighteous line . Those who believed and those who did not.
The seed was already corrupted when Adam feel . He being the father of this generation.
If "Levi was in the loins of Abraham when he gave tithes to Malchesidech" The all were in the loins of Adam when he sinned and corrupted himself and became subject to sin and death.
To uphold your argument you need to resolve all the different strands .
Sons of God . Both in the scripture mentioned and as the rest of scriptures speaks of them.
No male or female
When and how the fall took place .

in Christ

My thinking is based on scripture. It does not say children of Cain - it says "ben elohim". I can't do better than Abdicates articulation. What has no male or female in heaven have to do with here - where there clearly is male/female? Adam only carried the death of the flesh because he had corrupted it - we don't hear that he or Eve sinned again. If you think Satan stopped working on humans - you missed Cain slaying Abel, the Book of Job, and most of the bible. As for "men of reknown" and giants? God's commandment has always/shockingly said - kill them all, including their animals. Think. Would a loving God say that except they can't be saved? You want verses? Read the bible. It's in there.
At mass today, the priest took his text from Proverbs 31, which says, among other things, that a good wife “makes coverings for her bed; … is clothed in fine linen … makes linen garments and sells them, … and supplies the merchants with sashes.”

Of course this reminds me of Lise, Andre’s wife in the world’s most famous soap opera. I immediately thought of Lise because of her expertise at needlework. Unfortunately, she dies in childbirth, and Andre marries the slut, Natasha, who would have disappeared from the soap opera, except that she was stopped from running away with her lover. Luckily for Natasha, Andre dies of battle wounds, and she marries Pierre, who has recently become available due to the death of his immoral wife, Elena.

Natasha’s unpunished sin reminds me of Dinah or Tamar in Genesis.