When you read this theory, think about how it does agree with the bible to get what I'm saying, and then tell me if it doesn't in some way:
Perhaps forgivenWretch is right. Perhaps evil is not a thing at all. All that REALLY exists is of God, so then evil is the lack of God - the lack of existence. Picture it as empty space among matter - if you will.
Man was given the choice to make himself full of this emptiness and he went for it. This non-existence appears in this world as something, but really it's truly empty - truly NOTHING. And in heaven this will be apparent. God and all that is of Him (Us included) is unaffected by evil since evil is simply emptiness. The only way it affects us it because our twisted minds cause us to want this emptiness.
Maybe evil doesn't actually exist, it's the lack of existence, the lack of God, an illusion to us. That would mean hell would have to be our souls sentenced to eternal "illusion". Separate from heaven, where the souls are just given an "illusion" of suffering eternally. Eternal darkness. Eternal lack of God. True lack of existence would remove feeling required to suffer, so for hell to be what the bible says it is, evil doesn't actually have to be created, God just has to put the souls outside of Himself, where they'll perceive only the darkness. The pain - that is actually non-existence - Darkness - Nothing. It's not real, it's being SHUT OUT completely from what is real, where darkness - which we perceive as evil and pain - is all that is perceived. You perceive even the lack of existence as something, because we're given not just a will to choose each way, but perception to see each way. To see it, you have to perceive it as something.
Wouldn't this agree with the bible?
Just my thoughts ATM.