God Is Not Everywhere

Bill, I hate to say this - but you judge. I assume I am the one you accuse of saying JW and Mormons are Christian - but it is they who claim it. Other than that - we agree - God is Everywhere! Is it biblical? In every breath we take, we should know it. The only reason you would not be able to "see" it is if you have turned your face from him. It's trite, perhaps, to bring up the single footprints reference - but it's true - he carries us. Whatever anyone thinks their "leader" here on earth gives them, the Lord God gives you sooooooo much more. And he will hold all misleaders accountable for his lost. Think for yourself, rely on God, and you will get thru. As DRS says, the true laborers are few but they will endure. Because they know a truth you don't-that the real God is just a breath away and wants you back.
Silk, I don't want to sound harsh but it is you that have judged falsely. I reread my post just now and I did not judge you for anything. As far as "I judge," yes mam, I do and only the fool does not. In Vietnam I was found many times judging a man and killing him or allowing him to join me and helping to preserve his and my lives.

In a manor, every human in this world must judge, it is inescapable.
I Posted: Because they know a truth you don't-that the real God is just a breath away and wants you back.

I did not mean you - Bill. I meant the rhetorical some of you. Apologies.

I will repeat myself again - I am not claiming Mormons and JW's are a Christian sect - I am saying they claim a belief in Christ. I am not here to argue their case, in any event. I'm sorry but I think both you, Major, and Bill are judging others based on theologies different from yours (and mine too, actually). The difference between the 3 of us is that I don't disrespect another's choice of faith or how they choose to see themselves. I may not agree with their theology but as far as I know they both claim Christ as their Savior and I respect that. I believe, Major, that you feel you are going on facts, but to me it sounds like judgement.
No mam, what Major and I have done here is to point out truth and right now you are standing on a very slippery slope and a good study of the four Gospels will demonstrate that Jesus did just the opposite of what you have just advocated here. In fact Jesus, immediately, pointed out to the Samaritan Woman that her worship was in vain, He did not just walk away and leave her to go her merry way and end up in Hell.

So, let's take this all the way. Over the years I have had Mormon friends and one of my nephews, a baptist now, was a Mormon. They do not in any form or fashion worship Jesus. The Jesus they know was not God but after His death, Him being the brother of Satan, He became "a" god but H is not the God.

Now, the JWs! I have been taught by my former JW aunt and several JW friends that Jesus was never and will never be God but that he was the result of God cohabiting with Mary.

In summary... the Mormon strives to become a god that has eternal sex and populates the far reaching galaxies and the Witnesses have no hope of Heaven at all because the 144,000 chosen Witnesses have already ascended and there is no room left in Heaven. Is it safe to say that there are zero saved persons in these two Cults? No, because Salvation is eternal and some were saved before they wandered into the realm they are found in right now. Is it safe to say the rest of these two cults are going to Hell? Yes mam, it is. Can I ignore the Great Commission and rejoice as they wander off into Hell? God forbid! That would call for me to do a Spiritual Inventory to see, just, where I'm standing.

Call me Judgmental and I'll need to agree because I do just as Jesus instructed in Matt. 7:1-6 and judge just as I want to be judged... Righteously.

God bless and praying you check me out as per the scriptures.
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Silk, I don't want to sound harsh but it is you that have judged falsely. I reread my post just now and I did not judge you for anything. As far as "I judge," yes mam, I do and only the fool does not. In Vietnam I was found many times judging a man and killing him or allowing him to join me and helping to preserve his and my lives.

Actually Bill, I didn't think you were judging me and if that's what you saw in the post - then apologies. I thought you were judging others not for yourself and what's good for you and your path to God but for what you feel is wrong about others. I understand what you think is wrong in these "theologies" and I agree (I think?) but scriptually, you are asked not to judge another's path because you don't know the all of everything. If someone has a gun pointed at me, I don't care what his theology is, only that I do what I can to survive. If he kills me with said gun, then I might care about his theology because God does. For myself, I'd be going home. But we were talking about saving souls not physical temples, right?

In a manor, every human in this world must judge, it is inescapable.
No mam, what Major and I have done here is to point out truth and right now you are standing on a very slippery slope and a good study of the four Gospels will demonstrate that Jesus did just the opposite of what you have just advocated here. In fact Jesus, immediately, pointed out to the Samaritan Woman that her worship was in vain, He did not just walk away and leave her to go her merry way and end up in Hell.

So, let's take this all the way. Over the years I have had Mormon friends and one of my nephews, a baptist now, was a Mormon. They do not in any form or fashion worship Jesus. The Jesus they know was not God but after His death, Him being the brother of Satan, He became "a" god but H is not the God.

Now, the JWs! I have been taught by my former JW aunt and several JW friends that Jesus was never and will never be God but that he was the result of God cohabiting with Mary.

In summary... the Mormon strives to become a god that has eternal sex and populates the far reaching galaxies and the Witnesses have no hope of Heaven at all because the 144,000 chosen Witnesses have already ascended and there is no room left in Heaven. Is it safe to say that there are zero saved persons in these two Cults? No, because Salvation is eternal and some were saved before they wandered into the realm they are found in right now. Is it safe to say the rest of these two cults are going to Hell? Yes mam, it is. Can I ignore the Great Commission and rejoice as they wander off into Hell? God forbid! That would call for me to do a Spiritual Inventory to see, just, where I'm standing.

Call me Judgmental and I'll need to agree because I do just as Jesus instructed in Matt. 7:1-6 and judge just as I want to be judged... Righteously.

God bless and praying you check me out as per the scriptures.

You say it is Christ like to judge others, Bill? Christ IS in charge of all judgement. I am thankful, no offense, that you aren't. I already understood what you are saying but for what benefit? If there were any JW's or Mormons reading your post, all I'm sure of is they would be offended, not convinced to change their theology. Everyone else reading may already agree to some respects of your "truth" Bill because they have chosen the same path. If you truly feel that your judgements will change people and help save them, so be it. Simply, I don't see it that way.
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I'm going to upset you now, without wanting to. You are, repeatedly giving me your opinion and i have and will continue to stand, only, on the Word of God. Also, you speak of "their path to Glory" but they have no path to Heaven because they are on the direct path to Hell. Silk, that is not Bill Taylor saying that, it is God that says this. Jesus, in the Gospels told us that He was the Way and there is no other path. If you are going to scold me, please ground the scolding in scripture.

We are the Ambassadors of God and in so being we have a mission that you are and you are demanding that I join you in ignoring. (Matt. 28:18-20) To uphold this COMMAND from Jesus, the Christ we ust be proactive servants. I'll use a popular American Christian Parable to illustrate my point. If I have just found the bridge moving from side to side, as it did a few years ago during the flood, and I return to Tomball, circle around and drive home the long way without blocking the highway approach to the bridge and a family of 5 drives over the bridge, just as I'm driving away and they die, children and all, I am responsible for their deaths!

No, I'm not a policeman and no, I am not paid by any form of the government but I am a man of whom God has called. In like manor, and away from the parable, if I had gone to my my Mormon nephew's home for a visit, we had coffee, a meal and afterwards I had left without explaining the truth of the Gospel to him and he died in a prison riot while he was on duty, his blood, as per scripture, would have been on my hands. Is the Gospel offensive to the lost man? Yes mam, you betcha. Before I was called by God I "KNEW" that all the Christians in the world were stupid and their presence offended me.

I have engaged hundreds of the Witnesses and the Mormons in the same manor you condemn and yet some have been saved. A lot? No! Most of the world, perhaps 99.8 or 9 percent are going into the Eternal Hell, including the Mormons and the Witnesses. I and you, like it or not, are called to live as Jesus lived and we are called to understand all of the verses of the scriptures... in their context. You will have or you should have noticed that I did not hit you with an area of scripture you were not dealing with but, rather, I went directly to Matt. 7:1 (Judge not lest you be judged) and I included the next five verses, all of that paragraph, and tried to get you to understand that Jesus told us to judge righteously. Surely, you know that we, human Christians, will judge the Angels, so where does the false understanding come from? I can assure you, it is of Satan.

Satan misquoted scripture to Eve, he misquoted scripture to Jesus after the forty days in the Wilderness and he is guilty here also. Matt. 7:1 is not a stand alone verse, none of the scripture stands alone. The single, most important, rule of Hermeneutics is that no scripture nor any group of scriptures can ever be, fully, understood without the Light of all scripture shinning on it.

This has grown into a good Bible lesson... God bless.
I'm going to upset you now, without wanting to. You are, repeatedly giving me your opinion and i have and will continue to stand, only, on the Word of God. Also, you speak of "their path to Glory" but they have no path to Heaven because they are on the direct path to Hell. Silk, that is not Bill Taylor saying that, it is God that says this. Jesus, in the Gospels told us that He was the Way and there is no other path. If you are going to scold me, please ground the scolding in scripture.

We are the Ambassadors of God and in so being we have a mission that you are and you are demanding that I join you in ignoring. (Matt. 28:18-20) To uphold this COMMAND from Jesus, the Christ we ust be proactive servants. I'll use a popular American Christian Parable to illustrate my point. If I have just found the bridge moving from side to side, as it did a few years ago during the flood, and I return to Tomball, circle around and drive home the long way without blocking the highway approach to the bridge and a family of 5 drives over the bridge, just as I'm driving away and they die, children and all, I am responsible for their deaths!

No, I'm not a policeman and no, I am not paid by any form of the government but I am a man of whom God has called. In like manor, and away from the parable, if I had gone to my my Mormon nephew's home for a visit, we had coffee, a meal and afterwards I had left without explaining the truth of the Gospel to him and he died in a prison riot while he was on duty, his blood, as per scripture, would have been on my hands. Is the Gospel offensive to the lost man? Yes mam, you betcha. Before I was called by God I "KNEW" that all the Christians in the world were stupid and their presence offended me.

I have engaged hundreds of the Witnesses and the Mormons in the same manor you condemn and yet some have been saved. A lot? No! Most of the world, perhaps 99.8 or 9 percent are going into the Eternal Hell, including the Mormons and the Witnesses. I and you, like it or not, are called to live as Jesus lived and we are called to understand all of the verses of the scriptures... in their context. You will have or you should have noticed that I did not hit you with an area of scripture you were not dealing with but, rather, I went directly to Matt. 7:1 (Judge not lest you be judged) and I included the next five verses, all of that paragraph, and tried to get you to understand that Jesus told us to judge righteously. Surely, you know that we, human Christians, will judge the Angels, so where does the false understanding come from? I can assure you, it is of Satan.

Satan misquoted scripture to Eve, he misquoted scripture to Jesus after the forty days in the Wilderness and he is guilty here also. Matt. 7:1 is not a stand alone verse, none of the scripture stands alone. The single, most important, rule of Hermeneutics is that no scripture nor any group of scriptures can ever be, fully, understood without the Light of all scripture shinning on it.

This has grown into a good Bible lesson... God bless.

And what lesson did you learn, Bill - unless it was the one I was supposed to learn? I never said that any Christian should "ignore" truth - what I was saying and am still saying is that it is not your place to judge other's faith. I have never looked at other Christians as "stupid" nor other groups who claim faith in God. OK - once in awhile I think "blockhead", but it passes. And I, like you, will engage with people in talk about religion, where I think I'm right and why. My way may not be full of scripture quotes but it will always have some that illustrate my point. I have found yelling loudest and longest, nor telling someone that they are wrong and not saved does not ever win the day for my truth. But perhaps your experience is different. I get what you are saying, Bill but I'm pretty sure you don't get what I am saying - and I'm pretty sure you and I agree on alot of the truth - just not this one part. God does expect his best warriors to "show" where his love leads - not bang them over the head with self righteousness - not fear which is Satan's best weapon that they are not saved. We were raised different Bill - my Mother converted many, many to her truth without trying because she showed them. Not as a pastor or reverend but just as a Christian woman, living her life with love of God - not fear. And she wasn't a saint. My one fear is like yours - that many aren't saved. We just have different ways of trying to resolve that.
Silk, I don't want to sound harsh but it is you that have judged falsely. I reread my post just now and I did not judge you for anything. As far as "I judge," yes mam, I do and only the fool does not. In Vietnam I was found many times judging a man and killing him or allowing him to join me and helping to preserve his and my lives.

In a manor, every human in this world must judge, it is inescapable.

Absolutly Bill. We all judge the actions of others.

"Look" at that short dress.
Did you see that guys spicked hair?
Why do women were dresses that let their boobs hang out like that?
I can not believe that Sally is dating that man.
The preacher was off his game today, his sermon was really dry.

And the list goes on and on and on............
I think people think anything is "judgement" nowadays. What we have to be cautious of is 'condemning' others. Did not the Lord call us to 'rebuke, reprove, correct, edify' one another in the Word? That means we are supposed to point out the errors of our fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ (believers) and guide them to the right path does it not? What are we doing here on this forum? Condemnation is reserved for the Lord....

Now as for 'idle' chatter; maybe that's what is meant about us 'bridling' our tongue? 'Let your communication be yes for yes and no for no'; 'say what you mean and mean what you say'; the power of the spoken word is a two edged sword-somebodies feelings will always get hurt no matter what you say.

Father; forgive my mouth, teach me Lord to speak more like you....

'Be quick to listen-slow to speak.' Ruminate.....
(Matthew 6:9) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

If God is everywhere will he gonna say he’s not in heaven.?

If God is everywhere Christ could just pray anywhere but he looked in heaven

(John 17:1) These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:
You wrote Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

You emphasized in “every place” but didn’t you read the word before it? I’ll rewrite it in red

3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

It is His eyes. Didn’t you read what the writer wrote?

The Bible says that the eyes of God are everywhere.
(Proverbs 15:3) “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”

If God is everywhere, as other religions claim, the Bible should not have said that the eyes of the Lord are in every place. It will contradict the law of logic. Does it mean that the eyes of God, His very eyes, are everywhere? Of course, not! His eyes are in His being; but can see even beyond the material universe we know.

Then you will say I’m misled. How sure are you? Who has been misled. You react hastily and seem you did not read the article by your posts. It is well explained. It is already written.
And if your problem is this, when you said: No one alive today has seen the original manuscripts

You can look for a bible that was translated without vested interest from translators.
We have oxyrhnchus papyrus that was written in our 3rd century of era,
We have dead sea scrolls,
latin vulgate which was in the late 4th century.
Also Codex sinaiticus http://codexsinaiticus.com/en/
Codex Vaticanus.

They are old. If you doubt what is written in the scriptures, in different version today. You can do away with those. Go with those.
And if your problem is this, when you said: No one alive today has seen the original manuscripts

You can look for a bible that was translated without vested interest from translators.
We have oxyrhnchus papyrus that was written in our 3rd century of era,
We have dead sea scrolls,
latin vulgate which was in the late 4th century.
Also Codex sinaiticus http://codexsinaiticus.com/en/
Codex Vaticanus.

They are old. If you doubt what is written in the scriptures, in different version today. You can do away with those. Go with those.
You wrote Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

You emphasized in “every place” but didn’t you read the word before it? I’ll rewrite it in red

3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

It is His eyes. Didn’t you read what the writer wrote?

Then you will say I’m misled. How sure are you? Who has been misled. You react hastily and seem you did not read the article by your posts. It is well explained. It is already written.

Yes I will say exactly that. I said it before and repeat it again.......you are very mislead and are being taught heresy.

As an example, you once again misunderatnd Proverbs 15:3. The people who are teaching you are purposfully telling you false meanings of the Bible so as to meet their teavhing NOT God's.

Prov. 15:3 is Solomon expounding Wisdom's instruction on the cheerful heart and the proper path to walk.

In verse #3, clearly he is saying that the wise man does not just believe in God: he believes in the God who is always there.
In every moment, in every situation, God is beholding all He says and does. Not one word or deed escapes His knowing "EYES". He beholds the evil man and weighs every action until his iniquity is full (Gen. 15:16).

God compassionately watches the good man and is ever ready to come to his aid (Psalms 25:16-17).
You wrote Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

You emphasized in “every place” but didn’t you read the word before it? I’ll rewrite it in red

3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.

It is His eyes. Didn’t you read what the writer wrote?

Then you will say I’m misled. How sure are you? Who has been misled. You react hastily and seem you did not read the article by your posts. It is well explained. It is already written.

Reanne, have your eyes ever been to a place where you were not?
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And if your problem is this, when you said: No one alive today has seen the original manuscripts

You can look for a bible that was translated without vested interest from translators.
We have oxyrhnchus papyrus that was written in our 3rd century of era,
We have dead sea scrolls,
latin vulgate which was in the late 4th century.
Also Codex sinaiticus http://codexsinaiticus.com/en/
Codex Vaticanus.

They are old. If you doubt what is written in the scriptures, in different version today. You can do away with those. Go with those.

You, not I, were casting doubt on the word of God when you suggested that some of the things found in the Bible now were not in the original manuscripts. I am a Bible college graduate. I am aware of all these manuscripts you cite. They are old, but they are not the original manuscripts. The oldest of them were written two centuries after the original copies. You cannot prove that the originals do not say the same thing that my Bible says today, until you can produce the autographs actually written by the Apostles themselves.
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And what lesson did you learn, Bill - unless it was the one I was supposed to learn? I never said that any Christian should "ignore" truth - what I was saying and am still saying is that it is not your place to judge other's faith. I have never looked at other Christians as "stupid" nor other groups who claim faith in God. OK - once in awhile I think "blockhead", but it passes. And I, like you, will engage with people in talk about religion, where I think I'm right and why. My way may not be full of scripture quotes but it will always have some that illustrate my point. I have found yelling loudest and longest, nor telling someone that they are wrong and not saved does not ever win the day for my truth. But perhaps your experience is different. I get what you are saying, Bill but I'm pretty sure you don't get what I am saying - and I'm pretty sure you and I agree on alot of the truth - just not this one part. God does expect his best warriors to "show" where his love leads - not bang them over the head with self righteousness - not fear which is Satan's best weapon that they are not saved. We were raised different Bill - my Mother converted many, many to her truth without trying because she showed them. Not as a pastor or reverend but just as a Christian woman, living her life with love of God - not fear. And she wasn't a saint. My one fear is like yours - that many aren't saved. We just have different ways of trying to resolve that.
I may not be understood by you on this but I have highlighted the root of the problem in this matter. "My Truth" and your truth is a popular concept today but it is not true. (That's about as gentle as I could think of.) There is only "THE" truth and all else is false. In this light, please, I'm pleading with you, consider the parable of the bridge I gave to you. Am I arguing with you that I do not offend the Witnesses and the Mormons... no mam, because, just as Jesus pointed out, the Gospel, a.k.a. The Truth, is an offence to the Lost Man.

How a man or a woman is raised has nothing to do with the truth, period. I was raised a womanising Atheist but all the "truths" I learned from my mother and my dad were lies and I, like the Witnesses and Mormons was Hell bound. I have asked you to use the scriptures and you are refusing... leading me to think that you do not read and possibly do not have a good walk with God and that worries me a lot. I have tried to explain that my opinions are no more valuable to me than yours are but you are not listening. I'm sure you are teaching what you believe to be the truth here but it is not scriptural. The god worshipped by the Witnesses and the Mormons is not God and I have shown you why but you ignored the truth.

I believe this is a logical spot to conclude this conversation. May God bless the reading and the teaching of His Word.
Judge not, and in no way be judged. Do not condemn, and in no way you will be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Judge not, and in no way be judged. Do not condemn, and in no way you will be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Alright, now we are getting somewhere. Please read the context of the verse you referenced;

34 And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? even sinners lend to sinners, to receive again as much. 35 But love your enemies, and do them good, and lend, [1] never despairing; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be sons of the Most High: for he is kind toward the unthankful and evil. * 36 Be ye merciful, even as your Father is merciful.
37 And judge not, and ye shall not be judged: and condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: release, and ye shall be released: 38 give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again. 39 And he spake also a parable unto them, Can the blind guide the blind? shall they not both fall into a pit? 40 The disciple is not above his teacher: but every one when he is perfected shall be as his teacher.

Are the Witnesses and the Mormons the enemies of the Christian? The verse I gave you earlier, Matt. 28:18-20, says they are because we are to teach the truth and they are doing their very best to destroy our basis to witness. Do I love my enemy enough to desire taking him or her to Heaven with me? Absolutely!

Do the words you have taken issue with open opportunities to study the Truth of God's Word? It has here and it has over and over, these past 23+ years with the Witnesses and the Mormons. Am I correct or are you? In the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy we see that Jesus is giving the Jewish Believer the responsibility to teach the Pagans but as we read on we see the progression away from that, assigned, duty. In the foru Gospels we see, the Perfect Example, we are to live by going to those Pagans and we find that after He had taught for forty days, after His resurrection, or there abouts, He gives te Christian World the "duty" of teaching those same pagans and even the Jew the truth.

On further note; I'm not scolding here but I will point out that I can prove anything, even that the JWs are correct by taking scripture out of context, they and the Mormons have done that for me over and over. That's called "proof texting" and proof texting is what you have attempted to do for me. Once more I point out te most important rule for reading the Bible that I know, no scripture nor any group of scripture can be fully understood without the light of all other scripture shinning on it.

God bless.