It's a deal, I'll give 5.00 per kneecap.
Well,there are some things you post that you know your going to get lots of beat down for...... I mean YOU SHOULD KNOW WELL IN ADVANCE anyway.
There are Two Gods, not one.
Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland are just awesome!!!
God is not the one that made you sick or gave permission to the devil to get Job.
Faith Matters, you do have what you say.
We are little gods, Just like are Daddy Father God.
I pray to Mary.... Go Mary!!!! blessed mother of all the something, something and Earth.
The Sabbath is on Saturday, not Sunday and you better keep the Sabbath!!!
God picks who goes to hell.
God does not pick who goes to hell.
There is no God, I am here to help all you stupid Christians get it right!!! just ask me, and my Wisdom will stun you.
I mean, You should just know your beating is coming if you post certain things.
YOU nailed it King! Our friend has posted some of the most shall I say, disturbing comments that I have seen come from a Christian who goes out of the way to tell us he believes and follows the Scripture.