1. Agreed. We must 'do it'. We must obey if we love Him. As for tithing, I disagree with ''we cannot afford not to''. But lets leave that discussion for a tithing thread.
2. Jim, pretend you are saying the underlined to your wife. Do you think you will escape a slap? God has feelings and emotions too
What exactly must be as normal as breathing? Are we about to have another discussion of building our faith that we are talking to God? Talking to God must be normal? If so, I agree. But as said many times before, a Christian gets a revelation that Jesus is God. So to every Christian, Jesus and ''God's existence should be normal very quickly. What I think you are proposing is that we learn how to talk to God? We make it a habit to choose the correct words and have unwavering faith when talking to Him? Imagine I said to my wife, honey I am developing a habit of speaking to you a certain way and I believe without doubt that when I ask you to wash the kitchen, you will. Or when I ask you / demand you to give me a plaster, you will. Jim, you need to just '''''be'''''' a Christian. You are in a relationship with God. Stop all the acting, practicing, habits, self effort and just love and trust God. You are trying to be someone special when you are
already special to Him.